Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98144 total results. Showing results 51601 to 51620 «257725782579258025812582258325842585Next ›Last » Chief constable calls for Priti Patel to ‘stand back’ from policing A chief constable has called on Priti Patel and the Home Office to “stand back” from the policing agenda and allow officers to assert their independence. Police Professional 19/5/2021 News IOPC gives evidence to Home Affairs Committee inquiry into police conduct and complaints The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) today (19 May 2021) gave evidence to the Home Affairs Committee as part of their inquiry into police conduct and complaints. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 19/5/2021 News Federation to have role in IOPC training The Federation is, for the first time, to have a role in the training of new Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) investigators. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 19/5/2021 News Police chief admits he would rather loved-ones drove on roads with hard shoulders than smart motorways Ministers under increasing pressure to scrap or radically overhaul smart motorways after a number of driver deaths The Telegraph - Subscription at source 19/5/2021 News Ministers reappoint members of the Police and National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Bodies Ministers have approved reappointments to the Police Remuneration Review Body and National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body. Home Office 19/5/2021 News Nigeria has a new police chief: Here’s an agenda for him The appointment of a new Inspector General of Police in Nigeria has brought about some closure to calls for reform of the country’s security architecture; but as Dr Lanre Ikuteyijo of Obafemi Awolowo University explains, the new incumbent will face a long ‘to do’ list – from rebuilding community relations and improving the police image to rooting out corruption and improving the morale and welfare of officers. Policing Insight 19/5/2021 Feature, Opinion ‘There’s Always Got to Be A Villain’: The Police As ‘Dirty’ Key Workers and the Effects on Occupational Prestige The COVID-19 pandemic has afforded the opportunity for key workers in some traditionally ‘dirty’ occupations to experience elevated levels of prestige. Although public perceptions of certain key workers have evolved in this way not all occupations have benefitted from comparable narratives. Using data from 18 police officer interviews, we theorise that the police are constructed as the ‘villains’ of the pandemic, tasked with the ‘dirtier’ responsibilities of enforcing rules that transgress societal order (as opposed to ‘heroes’ performing the more prestigious functions such as saving lives). For this reason, they have not benefitted from the same esteem markers awarded to other key workers, which in turn has had a detrimental effect on their morale. Gratitude, especially experienced via public markers of esteem symbolic of the pandemic, was salient in participants negotiating their ‘dirt’ and occupational prestige. Policing and Society - Registration at source 19/5/2021 Research article Understanding What Works in the Police Management of Child Sex Offenders in the Community Police are becoming increasingly responsible for monitoring convicted child sex offenders in the community. A Rapid Evidence Assessment was undertaken to capture ‘what works’ and what ‘shows promise’ in existing and emerging, innovative policing practices. A total of 920 searches were performed across five databases, spanning the last 5 years. After removal of duplicates and those that did not meet inclusion criteria, 61 articles were analysed. Two key strategies, with sub-strategies, emerged: (1) formalised, targeted management and (2) technology-assisted management. An adapted ‘EMMIE’ framework presents the ‘effects’, the overarching ‘mechanisms’ and ‘moderators’ of success, and ‘implementation’ considerations for effective practice. Police Journal - Registration at source 19/5/2021 Research article ‘Stay Home You Murder!’: Populist Policing of Covid-19 in Italy Italy was the first European country to experience the impact of COVID-19. In order to deal with the health emergency, in early March 2020, the Italian government enforced strict lockdown measures. The different Italian police forces, the Polizia di Stato, Carabinieri and city police forces (Polizia Municipale), patrolled the streets, ensuring that people stayed at home and non-essential shops remained closed. These police forces received unprecedented support from the public in enforcing lockdown. People were active in their neighbourhoods, taking pictures of alleged violators and reporting them to the police, as well as posting pictures of those violating the rules on social networks. Local administrators encouraged citizens to report lockdown violations and in the case of Rome, introduced an online reporting system. This article focuses on the policing of lockdown in Italy. International Journal of Police Science & Management 19/5/2021 Research article South Yorkshire appoints temporary chief constable Deputy Chief Constable Lauren Poultney has been appointed as temporary chief constable of South Yorkshire police. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/5/2021 News Gold commander does not recollect meeting injured Arena bomb officer Officer left the explosion to report to HQ but tells public enquiry 'she was left outside'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 19/5/2021 News Europol helps Spanish authorities break up a €26.5 million VAT fraud scheme An international law enforcement operation involving 5 countries with the support of Europol and Eurojust has resulted in the arrest of 22 suspects belonging to an organised crime group which has caused over €26.5 million in tax loss to the Spanish state budget. Europol 19/5/2021 News Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2019-20 OFFICIAL STATISTICS; Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2019-20 Scottish Government 19/5/2021 Report Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2019-20 A National Statistics Publication for Scotland. Scottish Government 19/5/2021 News Domestic Abuse Bill 2020: factsheets POLICY PAPER; These factsheets provide more information about each of the provisions in the act. Home Office 19/5/2021 Report Safer citizens: Protecting public spaces from CBRN attack As the Novichok poisoning in Salisbury three years ago and other chemical agent attacks have highlighted, the CBRN threat can have a real, traumatic and long-lasting impact; Policing Insight’s Andy Staniforth reports on a new joint European initiative to protect shopping malls – potentially a soft target for terrorists and state-sponsored actors – from CBRN attack. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/5/2021 Analysis, Feature Manchester Arena Inquiry: Police chief ‘not the right man for the job’ The highest ranking police officer in the emergency response to the Manchester Arena bombing has agreed a tactical commander was "not competent". BBC 19/5/2021 News Under deadly attack French police demand better protection Police officers gathered outside France's National Assembly make for a powerful image: the proximity of security and politics, made real on the banks of the Seine. BBC 19/5/2021 News Police officer who attacked woman banned from ever rejoining any force A police officer has been barred from ever returning to the force after admitting drunkenly assaulting a mother as she walked home. LBC 19/5/2021 News Former UK police officer convicted of assault barred from rejoining Oliver Banfield is found guilty of gross misconduct by West Midlands police after attack on Emma Homer The Guardian 19/5/2021 News «257725782579258025812582258325842585Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events