Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98144 total results. Showing results 51561 to 51580 «257525762577257825792580258125822583Next ›Last » Police and prosecutors must focus on actions of alleged rapists not victims, new guidance says Investigators told to look at whether claims victims consented to sex are ‘reasonable’ after prosecutions hit record low The Independent 21/5/2021 News Gender quotas and an emasculated police force AUSTRALIA: When appearing on ABC’s Lateline program in 2016, former Victoria Police chief commissioner Christine Nixon was insistent there was no reason why women could not comprise 50 per cent or more of Australian police forces. The Australian 20/5/2021 Feature, Opinion Labor stumps up $210m to clear legal backlog, funds new police stations AUSTRALIA: The Victorian government has boosted funding for the state’s justice system as it works to clear a case backlog that has crippled the state’s courts because of Melbourne’s coronavirus lockdowns. Brisbane Times (Australia) 20/5/2021 News Queensland police undergo training to improve handling of sexual, domestic violence allegations AUSTRALIA: A sexual violence prevention centre in Queensland is training police on how to better respond to allegations of sexual and domestic violence. ABC News (Australia) 20/5/2021 News How much do police officers mirror the communities they serve? ABC News looked at the data USA: Police diversity correlates to arrests among people of color, an analysis found abc news (USA) 20/5/2021 Analysis, Feature National Police Federation advocates for keeping RCMP in Alberta CANADA: Alberta should stay the course with policing by the RCMP in rural areas and smaller municipalities rather than forming its own provincial police force. That was the message Morinville Town Council heard at its Committee of the Whole Meeting Tuesday. The message was presented by Kevin Halwa and Jeff McGowan, directors of the National Police Federation, which represents RCMP members as a collective bargaining agent and advocacy group. Morinville Online 20/5/2021 News SNP MP slams ‘fascistic’ UK Government over plans to boost police powers Anne McLaughlin claimed the controversial Police Bill for England and Wales could impact Scots who travel south of the Border to join protests. Daily Record 20/5/2021 News Use of Tasers by West Midlands Police nearly doubles inside three years The number of West Midlands Police officers using Tasers has almost doubled in three years, according to figures released under the Freedom of Information Act. Express & Star 20/5/2021 News French court blocks police filming ban in Macron security law FRANCE: France's top constitutional authority said on Thursday it had rejected a key article of a new security law that could see prosecutions of people who publish footage of police officers in action. France 24 20/5/2021 News ‘You can’t block the M5’: police prepare for mass protests at Cornwall G7 summit Local force says it has identified more than 30 groups planning some kind of action during event The Guardian 20/5/2021 News Accessing Justice: the Impact of Discretion, ‘Deservedness’ and Distributive Justice on the Equitable Allocation of Policing Resources The police are faced with a uniquely important role in the initiation of a process of justice. Through a framework of distributive justice, which examines both processes and outcomes of police encounters and the concrete and symbolic resources at their disposal, this paper seeks to analyse data from three policing projects over a 16-year period. The findings indicate a remarkably consistent story of barriers to justice which preclude the opportunity to access justice or of a satisfactory outcome or indeed any outcome at all. The lack of allocated concrete or symbolic resources was evident in complainants receiving limited time, investigation and voice. This paper argues that there is evidence of an unfair and inequitable distribution of resources to victims and potential victims of crime which is enabled by police discretion, justified by focusing on deservedness and personal choice and encouraged by the cultural language of stigmatisation of people and place. Criminology and Criminal Justice 20/5/2021 Research article New concerns over probation officer numbers after reunification Work with offenders interrogates the latest workforce figures. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/5/2021 News Vaccine centre did ‘sharp u-turn’ on giving officers left over doses Officers were turned away from entering Scotland's biggest vaccination centre in Glasgow which was initially giving left over doses, Police Oracle understands. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/5/2021 News PC accused of murder said he was ‘terrified’ of Dalian Atkinson Officer told interviewers he couldn't remember taking his finger off the taser trigger. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/5/2021 News Proposed measures over Traveller communities could leave officers in a ‘very difficult position’ Tougher laws to crack down on unauthorised Traveller encampments will leave police officers in a “very difficult position”, the Joint Committee on Human Rights has been told. Police Professional 20/5/2021 News A Survey of Police Officers Encounters With Sober, Alcohol- and Drug-Intoxicated Suspects in Sweden Alcohol-related crimes are very common globally, including in Scandinavia. Despite this, no survey to date has examined the prevalence of alcohol- and drug-intoxicated suspects in Sweden specifically, or which procedures police use when interacting with this suspect group. Given the current lack of (inter)national policy guidelines on how to interrogate intoxicated persons, it is important to examine law enforcement’s contact with this potentially vulnerable group in different contexts. This was the aim of the present study. Data were collected via an online survey sent out to Swedish police investigators and 133 officers responded in total. A large majority (87%) of responses indicated that it was common or very common to encounter intoxicated suspects, but findings also suggest that police departments differ in their procedures for when and how to conduct investigations and interviews involving drunk suspects. Our findings support the need for (inter)national guidelines on how to interview intoxicated suspects and the need for more scientific studies on how alcohol affects suspect’s memory and decision making. Psychology Crime and Law 20/5/2021 Research article Understanding Emotion As A Strategy in Policing This article reviews neuroscience and cognitive psychology literature to understand how trauma and emotion impact policing and why some strategies are counterproductive by threatening police legitimacy. This review further illuminates the pernicious effect of stress in the policing environment, in both officer and citizen. Therefore, the article makes the point that the current focus on tactical training and the ‘warrior ethos’ diminishes community policing values, destroys trust, undermines respect and discourages cooperation while fostering resentment and hostility thus making everyday policing more hazardous. It argues that community policing strategies offer the only path for successful consensus policing in a democracy. Police Journal 20/5/2021 Research article The Postcode Lottery of Safety: Covid-19 Guidance and Shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) For UK Police Officers The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes to police working practices involving the enhanced wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE), and ways of working inside and outside of police stations. The safety guidance released by the various government agencies has been conflicting, confusing and unhelpfully flexible, and there are significant discrepancies between some of the 43 forces of England and Wales. This article draws on primary interview data with 18 police officers from 11 UK police forces to explore the problems that officers faced in accessing appropriate PPE and the difficulties in obtaining and understanding accurate coronavirus health and safety information. Police Journal 20/5/2021 Research article The Good Life: Exploring the Effects Job Stress, Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment on the Life Satisfaction of Police Officers Life satisfaction is an important concept for both police and other law enforcement organizations. Past research on the spillover theory has found that higher life satisfaction results in better physical health, being more open-minded, improved effort, and longer life expectancy. The spillover theory holds what happens at work does not stay at work but spills over and affects a person’s overall life. Workplace variables, particularly job stress, job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment do not just affect people at work, but also affect people’s satisfaction with their overall lives. The current study examined how job stress, job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment were associated with life satisfaction among a sample of 827 police officers from the state of Haryana in India. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 20/5/2021 Research article Recruit Conservation Warden Field Training: A Qualitative Analysis of the San Jose Police Department Field Training Model Applied to Natural Resource Law Enforcement This article reviews the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing (hereafter President’s Task Force) findings on law enforcement field training. The President’s Task Force was critical of the San Jose Police Department Field Training Model (hereafter the San Jose Model), the most common model used by law enforcement agencies within the United States. These criticisms were the impetus for an assessment of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) Law Enforcement Field Training Program which was based on the San Jose Model. The WDNR employs conservation wardens who primarily enforce wildlife, environmental, and recreational vehicle laws. This study evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the WDNR field training program through surveys of the perceptions and experiences of the field training officers, recruit conservation wardens, and warden supervisors. These findings also permit analysis regarding the criticisms identified by the President’s Task Force. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 20/5/2021 Research article «257525762577257825792580258125822583Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events