Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98146 total results. Showing results 51521 to 51540 «257325742575257625772578257925802581Next ›Last » Violent offenders given pep talks in police experiment AUSTRALIA: Five hundred of the state’s repeat violent offenders have been offered an experimental option aimed at encouraging them to give up their lives of crime. The operation, started in January and based on similar strategies in London and Sacramento, California, is an attempt to take advantage of a slump in some crimes as a result of Melbourne’s COVID-19 lockdowns. The Age (Australia) 23/5/2021 News ‘I bring an equilibrium’: Tim Scott steps into the spotlight as he tries to negotiate police reform for Republicans USA: WASHINGTON – The South Carolina lawmaker at the center of negotiations on an expansive policing reform bill has found himself “choking on my own fears" when officers stop him while driving or walking on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol. USA Today 23/5/2021 News What the evidence says about police body-cameras USA: The George Floyd Act would require some police to wear recording devices. It may not be enough to curb the excessive use of force The Economist - Subscription at source 23/5/2021 Feature Fewer than one in 60 rape cases lead to charge in England and Wales Fewer than one in 60 rape cases recorded by the police last year resulted in a suspect being charged, analysis of Home Office figures seen by the Guardian reveals. The Guardian 23/5/2021 News Developing Core National Indicators of Public Attitudes Towards the Police in Canada Police departments regularly conduct public opinion surveys to measure attitudes towards the police. The results of these surveys can be used to shape and evaluate policing policy and practice. Yet the extant evidence base is hampered when people use different methods and when there is no common data standard. In this paper we present a set of 13 core national indicators that can be used by police services across Canada to ensure measurement quality and draw proper comparisons between regions and over time. Having identified a set of 50 survey questions through an expert consultation process, we field those items on a quota sample of 2527 Canadians. Our analysis of the survey data has three stages. First, we use confirmatory factor analysis to assess scale properties. Second, we use substitution analysis to identify 13 single indicators that ‘best stand in’ for each scale. Policing and Society 23/5/2021 Research article Training and Experience Influence the Consequences of Anxiety During Performance. A Study of Two Groups of British Firearms Officers During Bi-Annual Testing Experience is positively related to performance, but it is less clear whether experience might also minimise the deleterious effects of anxiety and arousal in stressful situations. One hundred and twenty-seven UK firearms officers of different experience levels participated in an experiment examining the extent to which anxiety affects performance during a bi-annual qualification shoot. Performance and anxiety were compared on a low-arousal development shoot and a high-arousal qualification shoot; qualification shoot failure would result in removal from operational duties. Heart rate and responses to the State-Trait Anxiety questionnaire were examined in relation to shooting performance. Less experienced officers demonstrated significantly higher baseline corrected mean heart rates, higher anxiety levels and lower accuracy than their more experienced counterparts, who maintained accuracy, despite a significant increase in heart rate during the qualification compared to the development shoot. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 23/5/2021 Research article Rural crime: Bodycams for farmers as they fight rural crime Farmers across Wales are turning to technology to fight rural crime - including wearing bodycams. BBC 23/5/2021 News Security agencies and police beef up iPhone-cracking contracts Cellebrite helps governments spill citizens' smartphone secrets when Apple, Google and Facebook will not The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/5/2021 News More money needed to tackle inequality, says Merseyside police chief Serena Kennedy sets out plan to look at ‘the root causes of crime’ rather than ‘just locking up the bad people’ The Guardian 23/5/2021 News Police Scotland slammed for clampdown on stickers from feminist group opposed to the relaxation of gender self-ID laws Police Scotland faced anger and ridicule after a clampdown on stickers from a feminist group opposed to the relaxation of gender self-ID laws. The Scottish Sun 23/5/2021 News Operation Midland police face new inquiry Priti Patel, the home secretary, is examining plans for a fresh investigation into Scotland Yard’s disastrous VIP paedophile inquiry. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 23/5/2021 News Ithaca’s first black mayor has new vision for police USA: In 2012 in upstate New York, Svante Myrick, an ambitious 24-year-old who had spent his early childhood in a homeless shelter, became the youngest mayor of Ithaca and the first black man to hold the position. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 23/5/2021 News Long waits reported for police non-emergency line NEW ZEALAND: Some people ringing the police non-emergency number have encountered wait times of more than an hour in the past month. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 22/5/2021 News Rural crime: Bodycams for farmers as they fight rural crime Farmers across Wales are turning to technology to fight rural crime - including wearing bodycams. BBC 22/5/2021 News You wouldn’t let an officer go to a violent job without a stab proof vest Officers are being sent from incident to incident without the required tools to process the scenes they often witness. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/5/2021 Feature Months of protest have helped G7 preparations, force reveals The rise in protests has helped frontline officers prepare for the G7 summit next month, the force leading the operation has revealed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/5/2021 News Kent trial video response to low-risk domestic abuse incidents Kent Police are trialling a scheme where domestic abuse victims have the option to commuicate with an officer via video link. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/5/2021 News Chiefs need more support says PCCs Inproving support for Chief Constables msut be a priorty for Police and Crime Commissioners, one of the newly elected elads has warned. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/5/2021 News Drugs gang caught after police cracked encrypted phones Two members of a crime gang were caught after police cracked encrypted phones during a major drugs and firearms investigation. BBC 22/5/2021 News Kazakhstan aims for ‘highest international standards’ as progress on law enforcement reforms continues As Kazakhstan prepares to celebrate 30 years of independence, Alexei Kalaychidi, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Major General of the Police, explains the efforts the country has made to transform policing through targeting corruption, building public trust and confidence, and enhancing the quality of public service delivery. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/5/2021 Feature, Opinion «257325742575257625772578257925802581Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events