Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98144 total results. Showing results 51221 to 51240 «255825592560256125622563256425652566Next ›Last » ‘The weight of the uniform’ as a black police officer and why representation is key There's still a "reluctance" in black communities to join the police but improved diversity could stop stereotyping on both sides. Sky News 4/6/2021 Feature Officers working at the G7 summit will be able to claim an overnight allowance Police officers working at the G7 summit will be able to claim an overnight allowance of £50 a night. Police Professional 4/6/2021 News Ethnocultural Empathy and Racial Colorblindness Among White Police Recruits: Do Cross-Racial Friendships Matter? We investigated how ethnocultural empathy and colorblind racial beliefs were associated through the racial composition of close friendship groups in police recruits. In a sample of White police recruits in a midwestern training academy (N = 192), mediation analyses revealed a significant association between ethnocultural empathy and colorblind racial beliefs through Black friendships. Specifically, findings from path analyses indicated an indirect effect between earlier empathy for Black, Indigenous, People of Color and later reduced denial of institutional racism. Although both ethnocultural empathy and racial beliefs were associated with Asian American and Latinx friends, these close cross-racial friendships were not significant mediators. Limitations, directions for future research, and implications for training and intervention in police samples are discussed. Race and Justice - Registration at source 4/6/2021 Research article Understanding the Bounds of Legitimacy: Weber’s Facets of Legitimacy and the Police Empowerment Hypothesis Despite considerable evidence that police legitimacy results in beneficial outcomes like compliance, cooperation, and empowerment, scholars have yet to agree on how to define and operationalize legitimacy. Drawing on Max Weber’s facets of legitimacy, we developed and tested a measure of “traditional authority,” reflecting the possibility that some people legitimate the police more so based on tradition than normative concerns regarding fairness. Confirmatory factor analysis of survey data from a national sample of 701 US adults revealed that our traditional authority items loaded separately from items commonly used to capture feelings of trust, obligation to obey, and moral alignment. Furthermore, although perceived legitimacy appears to flow from perceptions of procedural and distributive fairness regardless of how it is measured, traditional authority is more strongly associated with empowerment of the police. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings and urge researchers to replicate and extend our work. Justice Quarterly - Registration at source 4/6/2021 Research article Officers use of Taser was justified, report finds The actions of two police officers who discharged their Tasers against a man during a violent incident were “necessary, proportionate and justified”, an independent investigation has found. Police Professional 4/6/2021 News Safer streets: funding allocation announced as third round opens 28 PCCs and 12 local authorities share £18.3 million as the last round of bidding opens for the Home Office Safer Streets fund. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/6/2021 News Call for Hillsborough Law to mandate ‘duty of candour’ by public bodies A firm of solicitors representing Hillsborough disaster families have called for a new law, which would include a duty of candour for public officials such as police officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/6/2021 News Use of force police trainer tells trial ‘no tactic can be ruled out’ Expert witness says officers have to justify that they acted reasonably and 'within the law' Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/6/2021 News Fourth-biggest UK force out together for G7 summit One of the biggest mutual aid logistics operations mounted by a police force is set to begin as Cornwall hosts the G7 summit next week. Officers staying away from home can claim overnight and a hardship allowance if their accomodation isn't up to scratch. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/6/2021 News Point and Shoot: Police Media Labor and Technologies of Surveillance in End of Watch This article analyzes the 2012 found-footage buddy-cop film End of Watch. The author analyzes the film’s production, plot, para-textual materials, audience reviews, and audience-generated media to examine the film’s rhetorical strategies and cultural impact. The author shows how police media work inspired the film’s creation, influenced the film’s production, and shaped the film’s messages. End of Watch is a crucial test case for understanding how police collaborate with the entertainment industry to respond to public crises of police visuality. Police media labor shaped the creation, production, and performances of the film, helping create a media product branded simultaneously as a realistic look at police life and a positive correction to negative media representations of police officers. End of Watch breathes cinematic life into commonplace hegemonic tropes of police backlash rhetoric. This article argues that End of Watch uses surveillant narration to humanize police and dehumanize the subjects of police violence. It also demonstrates how End of Watch served as a source of rhetorical invention for pro-police publics who drew on images and tropes from the film to defend police in the face of the crises of police visibility that emerged in the years following the film’s release. Crime Media Culture: An International Journal - Registration at source 4/6/2021 Research article Hillsborough: Police forces agree cover-up compensation for victims Two police forces are to pay damages to more than 600 people over a cover-up which followed the Hillsborough disaster, lawyers have said. BBC 4/6/2021 News Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 1: Security for the Arena The Chairman of the Manchester Arena Inquiry has published Volume One of his report detailing his findings and recommendations on security. Manchester Arena Inquiry 4/6/2021 Report INTERPOL unveils new global database to identify missing persons through family DNA Using cutting-edge technology, I-Familia can help police close cold cases and families to rebuild their lives INTERPOL 4/6/2021 News Supportive reporting: Encouraging marginalised groups to report crime Levels of violent crime across America saw an unprecedented increase in 2020, and remain worryingly high in 2021; in this latest essay from the Violence Reduction Project, Dr Laura Huey, Professor of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario, argues that programs for ‘supportive reporting’ have the potential to reduce often unrecorded violence through increased reporting, not something easily dismissed. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/6/2021 Feature, Opinion Corrupt PC jailed after passing information to crime gang A police officer who sold sensitive information from police systems to a member of an organised crime gang has been jailed for 28 months. Police Professional 4/6/2021 News £18m in funding to help make streets safer The Government has awarded more than £18 million in funding to 40 areas in England and Wales to tackle neighbourhood crime. Police Professional 4/6/2021 News ‘No coherent overall strategy’ from police to tackle hate crime, says HMICS The nature and scale of hate crime in Scotland and its impact on diverse communities is not fully understood by Police Scotland, according to a report published today (June 3). Police Professional 4/6/2021 News Our commitment to the Welsh language How the College plans to deliver some of its services to police officers and staff in Wales College of Policing 4/6/2021 Feature Assaults on officers ‘a stain on society’ says Chair The National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales has responded to new crime figures which show a 26 per cent rise in assaults against emergency workers. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 4/6/2021 News All-star names headline PFEW’s virtual Annual Conference Broadcaster and Barrister Rob Rinder will join many of policing’s best-known names for the Police Federation of England and Wales’ (PFEW) first ever virtual Annual Conference. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 4/6/2021 News «255825592560256125622563256425652566Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events