Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98180 total results. Showing results 50881 to 50900 «254125422543254425452546254725482549Next ›Last » Understanding the Role of Race and Procedural Justice on the Support For Police Body-Worn Cameras and Reporting Crime Body-worn cameras (BWCs) among police officers have garnered mixed support among community members. On the one hand, proponents of BWCs contend that there are benefits of BWCs such as reduction of complaints, increase legitimacy, decrease unlawful shootings, and increase transparency. On the other, certain community members maintain less support for BWCs, citing that while police officers wear BWCs, it violates police–citizen interaction privacy. Although there is mixed support for BWCs among community members, little is known as to whether race plays a role in support for BWCs and whether confidence in the police relates to reporting crime/procedural justice, leading to support for BWCs. The current study used two mediation moderation analyses to examine whether race moderated the relationship between confidence in the police and reporting crime/procedural justice, leading to support for BWCs while controlling for police legitimacy and effectiveness. Criminal Justice Review - Registration at source 18/6/2021 Research article Exploring the Contribution and Relationship to Policing and Community Safety of Volunteer Street Patrols The pluralized policing landscape now widely involves volunteers and the voluntary sector. Volunteer street patrols (VSPs) are individuals who walk the streets of cities and towns at night. Their actions include helping those in need through acts of care, compassion, and prevention. Numerous implications exist for the volunteers who participate in this form of voluntary action, including the level to which volunteers contribute and intervene, the functions they perform within contemporary policing, and the challenges of developing and maintaining relationships with the police and other emergency services. This article argues that VSPs offer a unique and welcomed source of support to the police, providing functions the police are unable to perform. The relationship provides validity, accountability, and opportunity for the volunteers. Over reliance, increased responsibilization and challenges for volunteers delivering policing services highlight tensions in the relationship, which in turn create opportunities to develop meaningful partnerships. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 18/6/2021 Research article Tougher penalties proposed for importing illegal firearms Criminals convicted of importing illegal firearms into the UK face being jailed for up to 28 years under new draft sentencing guidelines published this week. Police Professional 18/6/2021 News Police Scotland to ‘strengthen relationships’ with black communities Police Scotland has partnered with community interest company Black Professionals Scotland (BPS) to bring greater focus to how it “reflects, represents and serves communities”. Police Professional 18/6/2021 News Live facial recognition technology ‘open to excessive and reckless use’ The Information Commissioner has expressed deep concern about the potential misuse of live facial recognition (LFR) in public places, warning that “supercharged CCTV” could be used “inappropriately, excessively or even recklessly”. Police Professional 18/6/2021 News Sadiq Khan announces ‘surge policing’ amid worst year of teenage killings in London Sadiq Khan has announced Londoners will see a greater police presence across the capital this summer in a bid to tackle violent crime. Express 18/6/2021 News Improving support for victims of road traffic collisions: The Policing Friendship Tour arrives in Warwick On the latest leg of his Policing Friendship Tour, Policing Insight Publisher Bernard Rix caught up with Chris Lewis, Policy and Research Officer for Warwickshire OPCC, to talk about efforts to improve support for the victims of crime – and especially those injured or killed in road traffic collisions – as well as his work with the National Association of Retired Police Officers. Policing Insight - Registration at source 18/6/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Four Characteristics of Policing As A Practice The purpose of this article is three-fold: (1) to provide an analysis of autoethnography as a method in policing research; (2) to distinguish between policing as a practice and policing as an institution; and (3) to outline the characteristics of policing as a practice. I deploy an autoethnographic method to identify the characteristics of the practice of city policing in democracies. These characteristics—heroic struggle, edgework, absolute sacrifice, and worldmaking—draw attention to a crucial mismatch between policing as a practice and policing as an institution. I conclude by suggesting ways in which the characteristics of the practice can provide a firm foundation for further research into the contemporary problems of policing as an institution. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 18/6/2021 Research article City, police announce joint plan to counter racism in Edmonton CANADA: The City of Edmonton and Edmonton police have formally launched a joint work plan, which aims to make neighbourhoods safer and curb racism in the city. CBC News (Canada) 18/6/2021 News How long you can expect to wait for police in London on the rise CANADA: LONDON, ONT. -- Police response times are suffering in London as officers face increasingly complex calls for help. CTV News (Canada) 18/6/2021 News Unravelling the Homicide Drop: Disaggregating A 25-Year Homicide Trend in the Netherlands The Western homicide drop is a known fact, but the reasons behind the drop have so far mainly focused on macro explanations. In this study, we argue that to understand the homicide drop, it is necessary to first explore whether the drop is general or specific. We do this by examining the subtypes of homicide together with perpetrator and victim demographic characteristics. This study seeks to describe the nature and scope of homicidal violence in the period 1992–2016 in the Netherlands, disaggregating by subtype of homicide, and perpetrator and victim gender constellation and age. In doing so, we make use of the Dutch Homicide Monitor. Findings show that the Dutch homicide drop is significantly related to homicides resulting from disputes and robberies and intimate partner homicides. The gender constellation and age distribution in all homicide types are further explored. This study highlights the importance of disaggregating data by subtype in unravelling the homicide drop. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18/6/2021 Research article Rarely used petition law could force referendum on Surrey police transition CANADA: VANCOUVER -- Advocates wanting to keep the RCMP in Surrey are hoping a last-ditch effort will stop the city from transitioning to a municipal police force. CTV News (Canada) 18/6/2021 News Launch of Garda ‘Chatting Bench’ in Roscrea REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda ‘Chatting Bench’ was launched in Roscrea town recently. The purpose of the bench is so people can have a chat with a Garda, get to know each other better, and to hopefully put a few smiles on faces. The Nenagh Guardian (Republic of Ireland) 18/6/2021 News Vicky Conway: Right balance must be struck for extended Garda powers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: New Garda Síochána (Powers) Bill is an opportunity to ensure gardaí have the powers they need and that everyone in society has access to the necessary protections and safeguards Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 18/6/2021 News New minimum standards for rape and sexual assault victim support We know that when victims have good emotional and practical support from our excellent ISVA partners, and close liaison with police and prosecutors, the criminal justice process becomes more manageable for them and justice outcomes improve. Currently there is a gap on setting out what best practice looks like - this framework aims to close that gap. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 18/6/2021 News Police “committed to doing better” on rape investigations and bring more offenders to court The National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for Rape has said the police will implement any recommendations from the end-to-end review of rape that would provide a better service for victims. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 18/6/2021 News PCCs welcome the steps set out by the Government to ensure better support for rape victims Today (18 June), the Government has published an action plan following its an end-to-end review into how the criminal justice system handles rape. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 18/6/2021 News Official Statistics – recorded crime and related topics: consultation responses – summary This publication provides a summary of responses a discussion of next steps to the consultation on how information about different types of crime is grouped and presented within the recorded crime Official Statistics (and other statistical products). Scottish Government 18/6/2021 Report Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 1: Security for the Arena Publication of Volume 1 of the report of the public inquiry into the attack on the Manchester Arena. This report has been laid before Parliament [pdf]. Home Office 18/6/2021 Report Daniel Morgan Independent Panel report Publication of the Daniel Morgan Independent Panel report in Parliament [pdf]. Sky News 18/6/2021 Report «254125422543254425452546254725482549Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events