Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98184 total results. Showing results 50821 to 50840 «253825392540254125422543254425452546Next ›Last » Daniel Morgan’s ex-business partner denies Met Police corruption hindered murder probe A private detective who was a prime suspect during inquiries into the murder of his former business partner Daniel Morgan has denied allegations that Metropolitan Police corruption hindered its inquiries. Mail Online 22/6/2021 News Urgent action needed to deter fly-tipping, says NFU The NFU (National Farmers’ Union) is calling for urgent action to tackle fly-tipping as new figures from the Environment Agency show farmers as the group most affected by large-scale amounts of rubbish being illegally dumped. Police Professional 22/6/2021 News Hampshire sign up to Single Justice Procedure digital plea scheme Motoring offences such a driving without insurance can be settled digitally for the first time thanks to a new system. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/6/2021 News HMICS Scrutiny Plan 2021-22 The Scrutiny Plan for 2021-22 sets out how HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) will meet its statutory obligation to inquire into the state, efficiency and effectiveness of both the Police Service of Scotland (Police Scotland) and the Scottish Police Authority (SPA). It is published in terms of Section 75 of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 and sets out HMICS’ inspection priorities for the period April 2021 to March 2022. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 22/6/2021 Report Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act: anti-social behaviour Guidance on the powers that the police, local authorities and other local agencies can use to tackle anti-social behaviour. Home Office 22/6/2021 Report Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: MPs and peers say curbs on protests are inconsistent with human rights Critics fear the legislation could be used to curtail the rights of people to protest. Sky News 22/6/2021 News Sturgeon embarrassment! Travel ban in tatters as police admit it’s ‘impossible’ to enforce Scottish police have admitted they will have difficulty enforcing the Scottish Government's Covid-19 travel ban on parts of northwest England, which critics have branded as "discriminatory against English people". Express 22/6/2021 News Curbs on protests in policing bill breach human rights laws, MPs and peers say Peaceful demonstration in England and Wales could be criminalised as result of disproportionate provisions The Guardian 22/6/2021 News UK police crack down on reckless drone pilots with Operation Foreverwing Operation Foreverwing, a new initiative launched to tackle irresponsible or illegal drone flying in the United Kingdom, is showing results. This month, a drone pilot flying illegally over the headquarters of UK’s foreign intelligence service, MI6, in central London was slapped with a fine of £5,000 or $6,900. Drone DJ 22/6/2021 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/6/2021 News Special report on corrections AUSTRALIA: Currently more than 7000 people are held in custody in Victoria's publicly and privately managed prisons, overseen by Corrections Victoria, a business unit of the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS). Many of these prisoners struggle with complex issues including mental health conditions, drug addiction and a history of trauma. Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) - Victoria (Australia) 22/6/2021 Report Drug use monitoring in Australia: Drug use among police detainees, 2020 AUSTRALIA: The Drug Use Monitoring in Australia program involves the routine collection of survey and urinalysis data from police detainees across Australia. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 22/6/2021 Report Gardai will be told to apply discretion over outdoor drinking Gardai will be told to “apply discretion” when dealing with restaurants and bars that serve alcohol to customers in makeshift outdoor dining areas. The Times - Subscription at source 22/6/2021 News Justine Elliot slams Govt after no new police added to Tweed/Byron PD AUSTRALIA: A lack of police resources in the Tweed-Byron district has been slammed by Richmond MP, Justine Elliot. NBN News (Australia) 21/6/2021 News Thousands of NT drivers won’t have to pay for fines because of speed detector error AUSTRALIA: Thousands of speeding fines are being withdrawn because of an error in the way speed detectors were calibrated, the Northern Territory Police Commissioner says. ABC News (Australia) 21/6/2021 News The untold story of how police shot Shargin Stephens NEW ZEALAND: Five years after an officer shot and killed a young Māori man, Guyon Espiner reveals previously untold disparities between what the public knows and what the evidence reveals. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 21/6/2021 News Police contact management: The right product is key to ‘creating the loop’ for multichannel transformation With UK police preparing to handle rapidly growing volumes of digital, multichannel contact from the public, the benefits – both for citizens and forces – of installing integrated contact management and CRM platforms are increasingly obvious; Steve Norris, Police Market Director at Salesforce UK (a specified supplier under the recent framework) highlights the advantages of the latest contact technology in enabling forces to cope with demand and enhance the service to citizens. Policing Insight 21/6/2021 Advertisement, Feature, Interview, Opinion To protect (be trusted) and serve Julian Hayes and Andrew Watson examine the critical balance between human rights, privacy and the use of biometric technology by the police. Police Professional - Subscription at source 21/6/2021 Feature Safer streets funding will not tackle VAWG issues says sector Violence against women and girls (VAWG) sector have highlighted concerns about the Safer Streets Funding in joint letter to the Home Secretary. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2021 News Investigator toolkit aimed at ‘people in crisis now’ Senior officers have been warned not to ignore the welfare of investigators who are at breaking point. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/6/2021 News «253825392540254125422543254425452546Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events