Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98185 total results. Showing results 50781 to 50800 «253625372538253925402541254225432544Next ›Last » Police officer guilty of manslaughter in soccer star’s death A British police officer has been convicted of manslaughter in the death of Dalian Atkinson, a former professional soccer player who died after being Tasered and kicked in the head The Independent 23/6/2021 News St. Thomas police deploy new wireless signalling system for body cameras and stun guns CANADA: After a four-month pilot project, St. Thomas police in Ontario officially began utilizing new technology to go along with their body-worn cameras (BWCs) and stun guns. Blue Line (Canada) 23/6/2021 News Towards Justice: Law Enforcement and Reconciliation – key messages from the Cumberland Lodge Conference This month’s Cumberland Lodge Policing Conference explored the complex topic of law enforcement and reconciliation, including building trust with victims and survivors, improving openness and transparency, and the need to balance current policing demands with addressing historical injustices; PhD Researcher Peter Hersee highlights the key discussions, debates and messages from the Conference. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/6/2021 Analysis, Feature Mont-Tremblant police force no more; merges with the provincial police CANADA: MONTREAL -- The controversial integration of the Mont-Tremblant police department into the provincial police service will take place Tuesday. CTV News (Canada) 23/6/2021 News Hamilton police pointed firearms 45% more often in 2020 than in 2019 CANADA: A new report says there was a 170% rise in suspects carrying a gun or replica gun in 2020 over 2019 CBC News (Canada) 23/6/2021 News Government Minister, solicitor and GRA raise questions around garda use of discretion REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A MINISTER OF STATE, the Garda Representative Association, and a solicitor have raised questions about the use of discretion by gardaí and the inconsistent way it is treated within the force. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 23/6/2021 News Concern that Covid measures viewed as Garda not health regulations, AGSI says REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda members were “really concerned” that pandemic measures “became viewed as Garda regulations and not health regulations,”the general secretary of the Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors has said. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 23/6/2021 News Garda Ombudsman makes ‘plea for help’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A letter from the Garda Ombudsman to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) describing inadequate resources to cover caseloads has been described as a “plea for help”. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 23/6/2021 News Nine out of ten officers volunteered or raised money during the pandemic Almost nine in ten police officers have undertaken volunteer work or raised money to help others during the pandemic, a survey released on Public Service Day has revealed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2021 News Forces applauded for domestic violence work during COVID-19 Forces have improved their response to domestic abuse, according to HMICFRS. But there are concerns over court backlogs and the drop in charge rates. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/6/2021 News Use of force by police on man who later died ‘justified’, inquest jury finds The use of force by officers involved in a violent struggle in a police station with a man who later died in hospital was “justified, necessary and proportionate”, an inquest jury has found. Police Professional 23/6/2021 News Forces asked to explain why three in four domestic abuse cases fail Police forces across England and Wales are being asked to immediately review why three out of every four domestic abuse cases are being closed without the perpetrator being charged. Police Professional 23/6/2021 News Public-spirited police officers praised for voluntary work during pandemic A new survey found almost nine out of 10 police officers have done additional voluntary work or fundraised during the pandemic on top of their duties. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 23/6/2021 News Police responded proactively to domestic abuse during pandemic The police responded proactively to prevent domestic abuse and protect victims during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 23/6/2021 Report Victims of domestic abuse supported in “innovative new ways” during pandemic The independent inspectorate of policing has praised forces for how they "responded proactively" and "made good use of technology and innovated" to support victims of domestic abuse during the Covid-19 pandemic. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 23/6/2021 News Recognition regardless of role: Celebrating Public Service Day 2021 Today is the international UN Public Service Day, when the efforts and achievements of frontline public service employees should be recognised and applauded; and after the struggles of an incredibly tough pandemic year, it’s important that the work of the police, NHS and others are equally celebrated, says Dr Sarah Jane Fox of Staffordshire University’s Institute of Policing. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/6/2021 Feature, Opinion Domestic abuse Statistics cover first year of Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act. Scottish Government 23/6/2021 Report Modern slavery victims: referral GUIDANCE: Guidance on referring potential victims of modern slavery/human trafficking to the national referral mechanism. Home Office 23/6/2021 Report Three in four domestic abuse cases end without charge in England and Wales Data comes to light as part of review into police response to abuse during coronavirus pandemic The Guardian 23/6/2021 News Andrew Hall inquest: Police used ‘justified’ force on man who died Police officers used "justified, necessary and proportionate" force to restrain a man who later died, an inquest jury has found. BBC 23/6/2021 News «253625372538253925402541254225432544Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events