Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98191 total results. Showing results 50701 to 50720 «253225332534253525362537253825392540Next ›Last » George Floyd murder: Derek Chauvin sentenced to over 22 years The US white ex-police officer convicted of murdering African-American man George Floyd in Minneapolis in May 2020 has been sentenced to 22 years and six months in jail. BBC 25/6/2021 News Australia’s cops need reminding that chasing criminals isn’t society’s only need AUSTRALIA: 'It's not illegal so I'll keep doing it' isn't good enough. During a pandemic, law enforcement agencies need to kick their data addiction and politicians need the spine to intervene. ZDNet 25/6/2021 News Targeted assassinations’ becoming more prevalent in gang scene NEW ZEALAND: Drive-by shootings and “targeted assassinations” are becoming more prevalent in the criminal underworld, with the influence of Australian deportees likely to blame, an internal police report says. Stuff (New Zealand) 25/6/2021 News Police say investigation into Lake Alice was under-resourced NEW ZEALAND: Police investigations into a notorious psychiatric institution were under resourced and not a failure, despite losing almost half of the victim statements and failing to interview survivors, an inquiry has heard. Stuff (New Zealand) 25/6/2021 News New interview tool will provide key insights into human behaviour An innovative interview tool which can provide police officers with an insight into the minds of suspects, enabling a greater understanding of human behaviour, has been developed by a lecturer from the University of Sunderland. Police Professional 25/6/2021 News Twelve arrests as MPS cracks down on planned protests Twelve people have been arrested as part of a police crackdown on demonstrators ahead of a number of protests expected to take place in London over the coming weekend. Police Professional 25/6/2021 News Justice secretary to challenge release of Colin Pitchfork The justice secretary, Robert Buckland, is to write to the Parole Board to challenge the decision to release Colin Pitchfork. Police Professional 25/6/2021 News Family of man who died after being Tasered by police in 2019 sue police, alleging excessive force CANADA: Lawsuit claims police knew man had mental illness, was unarmed CBC News (Canada) 25/6/2021 News Reappointment of Chief Inspector of Probation during ‘crucial period of reform’ Justin Russell has been reappointed as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Probation for a further two years. Police Professional 25/6/2021 News Home Secretary to curb chiefs’ ability to comment on government policy New plans are being drawn up by the Home Secretary to curb the ability of senior police officers to comment on government policy. Police Professional 25/6/2021 News Crisis centre to assist Toronto police for some mental health calls in pilot project CANADA: Toronto police say Gerstein Crisis Centre will assist officers in responding to people calling 911 with mental health needs that are considered non-emergency, in a pilot project scheduled to begin late summer. Global News (Canada) 25/6/2021 News SharePoint Lists and Apps – Join our next webinar SharePoint lists are one of the most powerful ways of managing information across the Microsoft 365 environment. In fact many of the more familiar applications are based on them - think of planner for example. National Enabling Programmes 25/6/2021 News Calgary police seize more than $1M worth of drugs CANADA: Calgary police say an investigation has resulted in the seizure of more than $1 million worth of drugs. CBC News (Canada) 25/6/2021 News Gsoc receives 3,000 allegations about gardaí REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: More than 3,000 allegations were made to the body overseeing An Garda Síochána last year, resulting in the opening of 572 criminal investigations. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 25/6/2021 News Thousands more cancelled 999 calls being checked by Gardaí REPUBLIC OF iRELAND: Gardaí investigating cancelled domestic violence 999 calls are also examining more than 19,000 other cancelled emergency calls related to “priority one” crimes such as sexual offences, assaults and burglaries. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 25/6/2021 News Limerick Garda group seeks clarity over use of discretion over “real fear of internal discipline, criminal investigation, and imprisonment” REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: THE Limerick branch of the Garda Representative Association (GRA) has said it has sought clarity from garda management on the use of discretion due to fears that gardai will be disciplined or potentially jailed should they exercise discretion when dealing with members of the public. Limerick Post (Republic of Ireland) 25/6/2021 News The Power and Politics of Reforming Leadership Practices This article contradicts ‘resistance to change’ by investigating power and politics in change contexts. Our aim is to ascertain how studies of power structure and political activities add to the change management literature and the police reform literature. We studied the Norwegian police reform using inductive, qualitative studies that took the form of shadowing 27 police leaders, 6 months of field studies, 63 formal interviews, and a substantial number of informal conversations with police leaders and peers. Police reforms cannot be controlled by top-management. Instead, power and politics needs to be acknowledged and addressed as part of change initiatives being challenge, discussed, transparent, communicated, and made sense in creating the balance between exploration and exploitation of competencies how to change and why. Police leaders, as change intermediaries, are expected to exercise different forms of powers and engage in sensegiving and sensemaking activities to ensure implementation of the police reform. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 25/6/2021 Research article Watchdog wants independent review into cancelled 999 calls The Policing Authority is to ask the government to appoint an independent consultancy firm to examine the cancellation of thousands of 999 calls made to gardai. The Times - Subscription at source 25/6/2021 News Out of court disposals: Diverting children away from violence Guidance on the forthcoming Serious Violence Duty highlights the opportunities for policing in partnership with other agencies to divert children away from the criminal justice system at an early age; Mark Cooper, Director of Greymalkin Consulting, looks at how out of court disposals work, how the new duty can improve their use, and why multi-agency collaboration is crucial to improving outcomes for all. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/6/2021 Analysis, Feature Keeping Kids in School Through Prearrest Diversion: School Disciplinary Outcomes of the Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program. Objectives: Developed to keep youth in school and out of court, the Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program allows youth to avoid arrest for specified school-based summary and misdemeanor offenses. This study examined whether diverted youth were also less likely to experience exclusionary discipline, both in response to the referring incident and in the following calendar year. Hypotheses: We predicted that diverted youth—compared to youth arrested in schools the year before program implementation—would have been less likely to receive a suspension for their school-based incident, receive a suspension in the year following the incident, and be referred for permanent school removal in the year following the incident. Method: Using a quasi-experimental design, we examined data from 1,281 diverted youth and 531 comparable youth arrested in Philadelphia schools in the year before program implementation. These 1,812 students (67% male, 75% Black) ranged from 10 to 22 years of age. After using propensity score matching techniques, we conducted mixed-effects logistic regression analyses to compare the matched groups on 3 outcomes: incident-related suspension, postincident suspension, and postincident referral for permanent school removal. Results: No statistically significant group differences in likelihood of incident-related suspension emerged; however, age and gender moderated the relationship between diverted/arrested status and incident-related suspension. Diverted youth were less likely than matched arrested youth to experience both postincident suspension and postincident permanent school removal referral. Conclusions: The Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program shows promise in reducing the likelihood that youth will experience future exclusionary discipline following a school-based incident. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved) Law and Human Behavior - Registration at source 25/6/2021 Research article «253225332534253525362537253825392540Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events