Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98194 total results. Showing results 50621 to 50640 «252825292530253125322533253425352536Next ›Last » Making the Call: College Students’ Legal Consciousness and Hypothetical Activation of Police For Sexual Assaults Research has identified the necessity of sexual assault victims to label their experience as criminal to initiate reporting. However, barriers exist in labeling uninvited sexual contact as criminal. This study examined college students’ assessments of whether eight nonconsensual behaviors met the legal definition of sexual assault, and whether such behaviors should be reported to police. Results indicated students acknowledged the nonconsensual behaviors as criminal; however, gaps were identified between awareness that the acts were criminal and willingness to report to police. Findings demonstrate a need for continued efforts for sexual assault prevention among college students. Violence Against Women - Registration at source 29/6/2021 Research article Occupational Stress and Attitudes Toward Misconduct in Law Enforcement: the Moderating Role of Organizational Justice Occupational stress influences many aspects of policing and can contribute to unacceptable attitudes and behaviors among law enforcement officers. Specifically, officers with greater workload stressors may be more likely to hold attitudes favorable toward police misconduct. Yet, we predict that organizational justice may inhibit the effect of such stressors on attitudes toward misconduct. We used survey data from a sample of 437 police officers serving in eight California agencies to examine the role of organizational justice and workload stressor on officers’ beliefs in noble-cause corruption (e.g., an end justifies the means attitude). Officers who viewed their workload as taxing held stronger attitudes favorable toward noble-cause corruption (OR = 1.23, 95% CI [1.03, 1.46], p = .019). Furthermore, organizational justice moderated the effect of workload stressor on noble-cause corruption beliefs (OR = 0.75, 95% CI [0.57, 1.00], p = .049), such that workload had a weaker relationship with noble-cause corruption beliefs among officers who believed their command staff was organizationally fair. Police Practice and Research 29/6/2021 Research article Cyber preparedness: Digital transformation and increasing public sector vulnerabilities During the pandemic, most public and private sector organisations found technology and digital channels were critical to survival; but the large-scale public sector investment in digital transformation is not being matched by funding for cyber security measures, leaving police, the NHS and many others more vulnerable to cyber attack and data breaches, as Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 29/6/2021 Analysis, Feature The Crisis of Social Institutions and Police Homicides: the Adverse Effects of Low Institutional Control Using U.S. census data and a multi-source database on officer-involved killings, the current study extends previous research by exploring the influence of measures of weak social control in economic, educational, and familial institutions on state rates of police homicide. States with lower levels of institutional control are found to have higher overall rates of police homicides and police killings involving Black, Hispanic, and White decedents. The significant effects of institutional control on these police homicide rates are generally found to exhibit contextual invariance across different levels of various control variables (e.g., comparisons of states with low or high violent crime rates, low vs high economic inequality, low vs high levels of urbanization). These results and the limitations of this study are discussed in terms of implications for future research and public policy on police homicides and the role of social institutions in minimizing the occurrence of these incidents. Homicide Studies - Registration at source 29/6/2021 Research article Western Australia officers and staff join the thousands who have FREE access to Policing Insight! – Find out how Policing Insight welcomes officers and staff from Western Australia Police Force, who now have FREE access with the start of new organisation wide subscription. They join a community of officers and staff from many police forces from the UK and around the world with an interest in progressive policing. Read on to find out how to use your FREE subscriber access. Policing Insight 29/6/2021 Feature Three special sergeants guilty of gross misconduct Two Metropolitan officers have received a written warning and a third has been sacked after they responded too leniently to a man found with shoplifted clothes. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/6/2021 News Judge discounts PC Monk’s undisclosed cautions as ‘irrelevant’ Officer convicted of manslaughter was given final written warning for undisclosed cautions, court told. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 29/6/2021 News New campaign aims to combat online contempt of court A new public education campaign has been launched by Attorney General Michael Ellis QC MP, warning of the legal consequences of prejudicing the judicial process via social media. Police Professional 29/6/2021 News National security a priority as ‘bigger, better’ Probation Service unveiled Terrorists and “very high-risk offenders” face stricter monitoring under the new, unified Probation Service that was unveiled today (June 28) by the Justice Secretary. Police Professional 29/6/2021 News A probation system which prioritises rehabilitation leads to fewer crimes, and fewer victims The Government has launched the new, unified Probation Service - to ensure there is better and more consistent supervision of offenders and closer working with the police, NHS and local authorities. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 29/6/2021 News Code of Practice issued under Section 377A of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 GUIDANCE: Amended Code of Practice on the use of investigation powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. Home Office 29/6/2021 Report Code of Practice issued under Section 377A of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 GUIDANCE: Amended Code of Practice on the use of investigation powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. Home Office 29/6/2021 Report Proceeds of Crime Act: codes of practice, June 2021 GUIDANCE: Codes of practice are made under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 to provide guidance to the officers and other persons exercising their functions under that act. Home Office 29/6/2021 Report Independent Review of Prevent launches online engagement events The Independent Review of Prevent is reviewing the government's strategy for supporting people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. Home Office 29/6/2021 News Fake delivery scam texts soar in pandemic with 60% of Britons targeted Consumer group Which? says fraudsters are operating on ‘industrial scale’ The Guardian 29/6/2021 News Police praised for pandemic domestic abuse response – but calls for action on delays and dropped cases A new report on the UK police response to domestic abuse during the coronavirus pandemic has praised forces for their proactive and innovative approaches, but voiced fresh concerns over the delays in cases coming to court, and the long-term impact of the significant level of cases discontinued, as Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 29/6/2021 Analysis, Feature Two thirds of public concerned by plans to ‘criminalise protest’, polling shows Campaigners say there is ‘no appetite’ for controversial protest laws proposed by government The Independent 29/6/2021 News Police issuing almost 70 Covid fines a day despite lockdown easing Forces across England and Wales continuing to come down hard on those who ignore rules, figures show The Telegraph - Subscription at source 29/6/2021 News ‘Police did nothing when there was a fight in my shop’ The row had started outside his village store but carried on inside, ending in the older, taller, customer punching the teenage target of his anger. BBC 29/6/2021 News Report on Protected Disclosures made directly to the Minister for Justice by workers, or former workers, of An Garda Síochána REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Department of Justice policy in relation to dealing with Protected Disclosures is set out in its policy document "Protected Disclosures in the Workplace". [pdf] Department of Justice (Republic of Ireland) 29/6/2021 Report «252825292530253125322533253425352536Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events