Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98202 total results. Showing results 50541 to 50560 «252425252526252725282529253025312532Next ›Last » Cops cleared of using excessive force after man’s death in Matamata NEW ZEALAND: Two police officers have been cleared of any wrongdoing in relation to an incident where a man died shortly after being separated from a woman he was physically fighting with. Stuff (New Zealand) 1/7/2021 News Decolonising mindsets and fighting racism in NZ, a long term project NEW ZEALAND: Opinion - Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is set to formally apologise for the 1970's Dawn Raids on behalf of the New Zealand Government, (with a new date still to be announced due to a postponement because of Covid-19 restrictions). RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/7/2021 Opinion Panel rules former head of PSD will face gross misconduct charges The former head of Cleveland's professional standards department who was accused of meddling in investigations involving friends will still face gross miscondut charges, a hearing panel has decided. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/7/2021 News Public wants stricter policing of coronavirus restrictions The public believes the “kid gloves should be put away” when policing the pandemic, with stronger enforcement rather than engagement, according to new research. Police Professional 1/7/2021 News ACE in the pack in fight against construction and agricultural machinery theft A new specialist police unit to target organised crime groups involved in construction and agricultural machinery theft has been unveiled. Police Professional 1/7/2021 News PSNI faces ‘complex’ summer of policing parades, says chief constable The chief constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has warned that the policing of parades this summer “will be complex in ways never before experienced”. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 1/7/2021 News Police accused of breaching ‘fundamental rights’ during London vigil and Bristol protest A parliamentary inquiry has accused police of breaching “fundamental rights” during a vigil for murder victim Sarah Everard in London and the “Kill the Bill” protests in Bristol. Police Professional 1/7/2021 News May’s coronavirus review findings The findings of the CPS review for completed prosecutions in May under the Coronavirus Act and Health Protection Regulations - and a running total for all cases since March 2020 - are detailed in the table below. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 1/7/2021 News ‘Excited delirium’: term linked to police restraint in UK medical guide condemned Public health bodies and families say term carries racial bias and is used to justify lethal use of force by police The Guardian 1/7/2021 News Police recruitment: How a data-driven approach is key to recruiting the right candidates When the Swedish Police launched a recruitment drive to employ more than 6,000 additional officers by 2022, the challenges included ‘no show’ applicants, unsuitable candidates and concerns over diversity; by adopting a data-driven approach to the issues, they have been able to adopt new ways of working that have improved the application process and kept them on track for their ambitious target, as Policing Insight Contributing Editor Tina Orr Munro reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/7/2021 Analysis, Feature Fitter, Happier: Display Rules in Policing Recent experimental results suggest that when police officers smile, the public will react with enhanced perceptions of those officers. However, emotional labor theory suggests that organizationally mandated emotional displays such as smiling exact costs to the individual worker. We use data from a 2020 national survey to test effects of emotional labor—display rules, surface acting, and deep acting—on emotional exhaustion and depersonalization among law enforcement officers. We find that officers experience increased emotional exhaustion and burnout based on their strategies to comply with display rules—whether positive or negative. Emotional effort to attend to display rules exacts costs onto the individual, particularly if they are asked to suppress negative emotions and express unfelt positive ones. Implications for law enforcement and public sector organizations in general are discussed, with the broad recommendation that scholars and practitioners consider addressing public relations in ways that do not exacerbate burnout. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 1/7/2021 Research article Police-Involved Deaths and the Impact on Homicide Rates in the Post-Ferguson Era: A Study of 44 U.S. Cities This study investigated whether homicides increased after protested police-involved deaths, focusing on the period after Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson in August 2014. It also tests for effects of legal cynicism by comparing effects in homicide and aggravated assault on the assumption that reporting of the latter is discretionary and police abuses may make communities reluctant to notify police. Using FBI data from 44 U.S. cities, homicide and assault rates from 2011 to 2019 were analyzed using an interrupted time series design and combined in a meta-analysis to calculate pooled effects. A meta-regression tested effect moderators including external investigations and city/county sociodemographic characteristics. With a conservative threshold of p ≤ .01, 21 of the 44 cities experienced a significant increase and one had a significant decrease. The pooled effect was a 26.1% increase in the homicide (99% CI: 15.3% to 36.8%). Aggravated assaults increased above baseline, though the effect was 15.2 percentage points smaller (99% CI: –26.7 to –3.6) than the effect in homicides. Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Registration at source 1/7/2021 Research article The 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic and Its Corresponding Data Boon: Issues With Pandemic-Related Data From Criminal Justice Organizations Public organizations, including institutions in the U.S. criminal justice (CJ) system, have been rapidly releasing information pertaining to COVID-19. Even CJ institutions typically reticent to share information, like private prisons, have released vital COVID-19 information. The boon of available pandemic-related data, however, is not without problems. Unclear conceptualizations, stakeholders’ influence on data collection and release, and a lack of experience creating public dashboards on health data are just a few of the issues plaguing CJ institutions surrounding releasing COVID-19 data. In this article, we detail issues that institutions in each arm of the CJ system face when releasing pandemic-related data. We conclude with a set of recommendations for researchers seeking to use the abundance of publicly available data on the effects of the pandemic. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 1/7/2021 Research article Evidence-Based Policing Or Reflexive Policing: A Commentary on Koziarski and Huey This paper comments on a recent article by Koziarski and Huey in which the authors argue for the adoption of an evidence-based approach within policing. While we generally agree with the argument that police reform is an ongoing need of professional policing, we disagree that solely “evidence-based policing” is the solution within this approach. In our commentary we argue, that police reform should be underpinned and driven by reflexivity. As the key component of professional policing reflexivity accounts for the underlying assumptions of policy and practice on an individual and organisational level. Taken from a reflexive stance towards evidence-based policing, reflexive policing sheds light on its very assumptions and, by doing so, provides police officers and police organisations with alternatives for the professional management of police-citizen interactions. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice - Registration at source 1/7/2021 Research article Canada Day Brings New Powers to Alberta Sheriffs CANADA: The province is providing sheriffs patrolling Alberta highways more powers starting today (July 1.) Highriver Online (Canada) 1/7/2021 News Ottawa police see 33 per cent increase in hate crime reports so far in 2021 CANADA: OTTAWA -- Ottawa police are reporting a 33 per cent increase in reported hate crimes in Ottawa so far this year. CTV News (Canada) 1/7/2021 News Dozen charges stemming from stops by Delta police anti-gang team CANADA: DPD’s violence suppression team detained or arrested 75 people in its first four weeks on the streets Peace Arch News (Canada) 1/7/2021 News Alarm at rise in garda requests to detain people involuntarily in psychiatric care REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The country’s mental health watchdog has expressed alarm at the rise in applications last year from gardaí to detain people in psychiatric care against their will. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 1/7/2021 News Garda Source: Internal review will find Limerick Gardaí did not cancel or ignore 999 calls REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An internal Garda review of thousands of 999 domestic violence calls that were either cancelled or ignored will find that gardai in the Limerick Division responded to all such calls, but may not have updated the official records to illustrate this, an informed source has claimed. Limerick Post (Republic of Ireland) 1/7/2021 News New Warwickshire Police chief constable takes up post The new chief constable of Warwickshire Police said being the first woman to lead the force in its 164-year history was “the opportunity of a lifetime”. Police Professional 1/7/2021 News «252425252526252725282529253025312532Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events