Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98233 total results. Showing results 50501 to 50520 «252225232524252525262527252825292530Next ›Last » Garda Commissioner believes organised crime would worsen with decriminalisation REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has voiced his concern over the potential effect that decriminalisation of certain drugs would have on organised crime in Ireland. Buzz (Republic of Ireland) 5/7/2021 News Subduing Covid, smart policing and reform: A three-pronged strategy for reducing violent crime Levels of violent crime across America saw an unprecedented increase in 2020, and remain worryingly high in 2021; in this latest essay from the Violence Reduction Project, Professors Richard Rosenfeld and David Klinger of the University of Missouri, St. Louis outline how tackling three key issues – subduing the pandemic, redoubling smart policing tactics and implementing police reform – could provide a three-pronged strategy for reducing violent crime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 5/7/2021 Analysis, Feature Drunk off-duty police officers ‘brawled on cruise ship at the G7 summit’ Off-duty police officers had a drink-fuelled brawl on a cruise ship at the G7 summit, while another jumped off the side into the sea, it has been reported. Mail Online 5/7/2021 News Budget variance for the period ending May 31, 2021 CANADA: This report provides information and updates to the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC) on the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) current financial position for the period ending 31 May, 2021. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 5/7/2021 Report Six children victim of sexual abuse removed from harm as a result of Europol’s Victim Identification Taskforce Six victims of child abuse have been identified and removed from harm as a result of the 9th Victim Identification Taskforce organised by Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3). Europol 5/7/2021 News Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain says she will act ‘independently’ after being sworn in Scotland's new lord advocate has said she will act "independently" after she was sworn in as the country's most senior law officer at the Court of Session in Edinburgh. Holyrood Magazine 5/7/2021 News Genocide transformed police inquiries A forensic technician has revealed how lessons learnt while identifying victims of the Bosnian genocide transformed police investigations in Scotland. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 5/7/2021 News Police say they never asked for crackdown on ‘noisy’ protests in government’s policing bill Senior police officers have undermined the government's justification for controversial new laws to crack down on “noisy” protests, saying they did not ask for the powers. The Independent 5/7/2021 News Prisoner numbers to hit record high with 99,000 behind bars by 2026 Tougher jail sentences and 20,000 extra police officers on the beat are said to be fueling the rise The Telegraph - Subscription at source 5/7/2021 News Policing bill ‘is harmful to democracy’ Priti Patel’s plans to curb protest have “dangerous and harmful implications” for democracy, former senior police officers have said. The Times - Subscription at source 5/7/2021 News Early kick-offs linked to more alcohol abuse and violence in the home Study finds that football matches starting at midday fuel all-day drinking that ends in domestic abuse The Guardian 5/7/2021 News Get on board to help snare the train perverts, passengers told The transport police chief is urging travellers to report predators who use the railways to harass women The Times - Subscription at source 4/7/2021 News Our traditions, way of life and culture are under threat, Gypsy leader warns Patel Letter says Appleby horse fair will be criminalised under terms of new police bill The Guardian 4/7/2021 News Police clash with boisterous England fans as nine arrested in London after historic win England fans clashed with police in London with supporters wrestled to the ground in wild scenes as celebrations after victory over Ukraine got out of control. Mirror 4/7/2021 News Crime commissioner urges Priti Patel to scrap plans for graduate-only police recruits and says ex-soldiers will be better than university leavers with ‘expressive dance’ degrees A police and crime commissioner has today urged Priti Patel to scrap plans for an all-graduate policy for police recruiting. Mail Online 4/7/2021 News MPs should vote down ‘dystopian’ policing bill Fears new legislation will further entrench discriminatory policing practices Amnesty International 4/7/2021 News Ultraviolence review – essential documentary on deaths in UK police custody Ken Fero’s film about bereaved families’ struggle for justice is hard but vital viewing The Guardian 4/7/2021 Feature Protests, pet thefts and sex crimes: MPs want changes to the policing bill A controversial crime bill - which makes significant changes across the UK's policing and justice system and led to protests across the country - is due to be debated in Parliament on Monday but MPs are looking to make changes. So what is in the bill and how could it be changed? BBC 4/7/2021 News When we’re afraid to speak, democracy is threatened NEW ZEALAND: As an outspoken Black, Muslim and refugee Kiwi, online and offline hate is nothing new to me. Stuff (New Zealand) 4/7/2021 Feature, Opinion CSO seeking clarification on integrity of garda data REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Central Statistics Office (CSO) is awaiting “clarification” from An Garda Síochána amid concerns it will suspend publication of crime statistics for a third time since 2014 over the integrity of Garda data. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 4/7/2021 News «252225232524252525262527252825292530Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events