Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98273 total results. Showing results 50261 to 50280 «251025112512251325142515251625172518Next ›Last » Police Commissioner backs promotions for detectives involved in botched Josh Warneke murder case AUSTRALIA: Western Australia's Police Commissioner has stood by the decision to promote two officers involved in the botched investigation into the murder of Broome man Josh Warneke. ABC News (Australia) 14/7/2021 News Police should use BWV cameras to record witness statements, urges report Witness accounts given to police should be recorded by body-worn video (BWV) cameras rather than summarised in written statements, according to a new report by criminal law experts at University College London (UCL) and the University of Melbourne Police Professional 14/7/2021 News NSW Police hand out 200 fines overnight and respond to massive testing queues in Fairfield AUSTRALIA: New South Wales Police issued an alarming 200 fines overnight to people breaking lockdown restrictions, while officers have also acted to ease massive queues at testing centres in Fairfield. Sky News 14/7/2021 News Police Scotland launches awareness campaign amid ‘upward trend’ in vehicle theft Police Scotland has witnessed a serious upward trend in vehicles crime as coronavirus restrictions are eased. Police Professional 14/7/2021 News Chair joins Home Secretary at first Police Covenant Board meeting The National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) joined Home Secretary Priti Patel and other senior policing figures today at the first Police Covenant Board meeting to oversee the implementation of a new Police Covenant (Wednesday 14 July). Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 14/7/2021 News Mongrel Mob wants police support for Wairoa youth programme to combat conflict NEW ZEALAND: Wairoa police have admitted they can only do so much to stop gangs recruiting young prospects in their town. TVNZ 1 News (New Zealand) 14/7/2021 News The story behind Police Tractors NEW ZEALAND: The tractors are New Holland T5.120, with a four-cylinder diesel engine putting out 117hp. With hydraulic steering, air conditioned closed cabs, and 16 gears, the model was designed for general agricultural use. SunLive (New Zealand) 14/7/2021 News UK’s DVLA and Home Office launches new tech for police roadside checks The UK’s Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and the Home Office have developed a new technology for police officers to instantly check drivers’ identities at the roadside. Government Computing 14/7/2021 News Police trial new plug-in hybrid patrol cars – much sooner than expected NEW ZEALAND: After robust criticism for ordering 3000 new Škoda petrol cars to replace an ageing Holden fleet, the police will begin testing the European manufacturer's new hybrid station wagons this month. newsroom (New Zealand) 14/7/2021 News Euro 2020: Met denies Wembley police operation failed The Met Police has denied its policing operation at the Euro 2020 final failed, claiming it had warned Wembley that many ticketless fans were on the way. BBC 14/7/2021 News Met’s Cressida Dick accepts honour as she defends handling of Wembley chaos The Commissioner said she was "very proud" of her officers after they faced accusations of failing to stop a violent mob storming the Euro 2020 final - in the latest of countless scandals to hit the force under her leadership Mirror 14/7/2021 News Peers Supporting Reintegration After Occupational Stress Injuries: A Qualitative Analysis of A Workplace Reintegration Facilitator Training Program Developed By Municipal Police For Public Safety Personnel Public safety personnel (PSP) are at increased risk of developing operational stress injuries. Peer-led reintegration programs (RPs) for PSP, evidence-based research is lacking. This study explored the experiences of PSP participating in a Reintegration Program Facilitator Training (RPFT) program. Participant (n = 57) responses were collected from surveys, satisfaction and knowledge questionnaires, and a World Cafe. Four themes emerged: (1) traits of an ideal RF; (2) holistic/complementary workplace reintegration approach; (3) necessary features of the reintegration program; and (4) culture-specific considerations. While RPs hold promise, it is essential that evidence-based research be used to guide RPFT and RP spread and sustainability. Police Journal 14/7/2021 Research article Understanding the Components and Determinants of Police Attitudes Toward Intervention in Intimate Partner Violence Against Women: A Systematic Review Police officers are society’s first interveners in intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) and are essential for victim safety. Despite IPVAW laws, police attitudes influence their real actions during IPVAW intervention. However, the fuzzy conceptualization of the construct deters the pursuit of conclusive evidence. This systematic review sought to identify the components of police attitudes toward intervention in IPVAW and their determinants. A search was conducted through several databases (e.g., Web of Science). Papers were included if they (a) provided original empirical findings or were review studies, (b) were published between 1990 and 2019, (c) were written in Spanish or English, (d) alluded to police officers, and (e) focused on police attitudes toward intervention in IPVAW or their determinants. Fifty-seven papers were included. The studied components of police attitudes toward intervention in IPVAW extracted from the literature were tolerance of IPVAW, minimal police involvement, unsupportive and supportive attitudes toward the legal system and legislation against IPVAW, understanding of the complex nature of abuse, and IPVAW intervention as an important police task. Trauma Violence and Abuse - Registration at source 14/7/2021 Research article The Influence of Despotic Leadership on Counterproductive Work Behavior Among Police Personnel: Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Organizational Cynicism This article aimed to investigate the dark side of leadership behavior on counterproductive work behavior with the mediating role of emotional exhaustion and moderating effect of organizational cynicism. This study applied a PLS-SEM partial least square structural equation modeling technique to test the hypotheses on a sample of 345 police personnel of Pakistan. The results of this study indicate a positive and strong association between the despotic leadership and counterproductive work behavior. The findings show a positive and significant influence of despotic leadership on emotional exhaustion. Moreover, the results show an important and significant influence of the despotic leadership and counterproductive work behavior when the mediation role of emotional exhaustion is included. Furthermore, this study found an insignificant moderating influence of organizational cynicism in the relationship between despotic leadership and emotional exhaustion. Implications and limitations are also discussed in this article. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 14/7/2021 Research article [de]-Centering the Victim: Police Perceptions of Victims of Sexual Violence Through A Comparative Lens of Evidence Collection and Processing Police are central to the statutory response to sexual violence, shaping the direction an investigation may take. Evidence provided by victims is also key to the processing of sexual assault cases. From a 2013 comparative qualitative study involving interviews with police officers in one province in Canada (n = 11) and one region in Scotland (n = 10) who investigate such cases, we discovered striking unanticipated differences between the two groups in terms of how they perceived victims and the evidence they provide. This paper presents a thematic analysis of these data and considers possible implications and explanations. Feminist Criminology 14/7/2021 Research article Operation Trojan Shield: Tackling encrypted communications of transnational crime groups Last month the FBI and Australian Federal Police, working with the US Drug Enforcement Administration, Europol and police forces in 15 other countries, carried out a series of raids causing major disruption to criminal networks worldwide, thanks to information secured through a police-developed phone encryption app that had become a favourite with criminals; Policing Insight’s Andy Staniforth looks at the incredible success of Operation Trojan Shield. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 14/7/2021 Analysis, Feature Ontario police chiefs call for more power to fire or suspend officers without pay CANADA: Ontario’s police chiefs are calling for an overhaul of the province’s “archaic” officer discipline system, a move that would give police services greater ability to fire or suspend officers without pay. Toronto Star (Canada) 14/7/2021 News Surrey man bit 17 times by police dog during arrest awarded $65K CANADA: A Surrey man who was bitten multiple times by a police service dog when Surrey Mounties arrested him on a warrant has been awarded $63,750 in damages by a B.C. Supreme Court judge in Vancouver. Saanich News (Canada) 14/7/2021 News €34m worth of cocaine disguised as coal seized by gardaí REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí believe they have seized up to half a tonne of cocaine, which was disguised as coal and concealed in a shipment of bags of coal to Ireland. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 14/7/2021 News Garda checkpoints Ireland: Social welfare checks carried out at spot check on Irish road REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Officers from the Department of Social Protection joined gardai at a checkpoint in Waterford in recent days. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 14/7/2021 News «251025112512251325142515251625172518Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events