Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98284 total results. Showing results 50021 to 50040 «249824992500250125022503250425052506Next ›Last » Why ‘inciting violence’ should not be the only threshold for defining hate speech in New Zealand Defining laws on hate speech is notoriously difficult; but as New Zealand considers new legislation to protect groups against the impact of hate speech, Dr Eddie Clark, Senior Lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington, believes that the current insistence on proving a link to inciting violence as a precondition for defining hate speech regulation is wrong, and contradicts other existing forms of speech regulation in New Zealand law. Policing Insight 22/7/2021 Feature, Opinion Lawyers call for action on excessive force by police against Blacks CANADA: Following the June arrest of two black Montreal teens, the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers (CADL) is calling for public officials to take action on Montreal police. The Suburban (Canada) 22/7/2021 News Physical Fitness and Anthropometrical Profile For the Recruits of the Elite Close Protection Unit of the Portuguese Public Security Police The initial assessment of physical fitness (PF) is associated with daily duty tasks/performance, and health-indicators (risk of injury/illnesses) of police officers. This research aimed to characterize the demographic, sports practice, PF, and metabolic profile of Elite Portuguese Public Security Police recruits. This cross-sectional study included 32 participants (age 30.1 ± 2.7 years old). The following data were collected: demographic, sports practice, PF (e.g. muscular resistance [pull/sit/push-ups], cardiorespiratory fitness [Cooper Test]), and metabolic measures (e.g. blood pressure [systolic/diastolic]). A robust PF and metabolic profile was observed: sit-ups 79.6 ± 11.6 rep.; push-ups 65.4 ± 17.3 rep.; VO2max prediction 49.6 ± 4.7 ml/kg/min; Body Mass Index 23.5 ± 2.1 kg/m2; fat mass 10.7 ± 2.3%; systolic blood pressure 134.0 ± 12.0 mm Hg, and diastolic blood pressure 74.6 ± 12.5 mm Hg. Deeper knowledge on initial PF and its impact on health may be relevant for policing policy, allowing one to define assessment guidelines and implement regular training to optimize PF throughout police officers´ lives and careers, with potentially general health benefits. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 22/7/2021 Research article Incremental Validity of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire in the Preemployment Assessment of Police Officer Candidates Guidelines for screening public safety personnel candidates, including law enforcement positions, incorporate the use of separate psychological tests for assessing normal and abnormal functioning. We evaluated the incremental validity of the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ)—a measure of normal personality traits—beyond the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF), a measure of psychopathology, using a sample of 1,687 candidates for law enforcement positions. They were clinically rated on 10 psychological suitability dimensions. For a subset of those who were subsequently hired as police officers (n = 397), we also had post-hire outcome data. Using hierarchical nonlinear regression analyses, we found that the MPQ scales incremented the MMPI-2-RF scales in the prediction of 17 of 19 variables in this study. Our results indicate that the MPQ, as a measure of normal personality, provides unique information about psychological suitability and predicts negative post-hire outcomes in police candidates. Criminal Justice and Behaviour - Registration at source 22/7/2021 Research article Calgary police crack down on impaired drivers in July CANADA: Calgary’s police chief said officers will be out watching for impaired drivers as more restrictions lift across the country and people hit the road. Global News (Canada) 22/7/2021 News Freezing budget could lead to nearly 140 layoffs, police force says CANADA: Zero per cent tax levy option would mean 'major reduction,' OPS report says CBC News (Canada) 22/7/2021 News Policing Authority publishes 15th report on policing performance by the Garda Síochána during the COVID-19 crisis REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: THE Policing Authority has today published the 15th in a series of reports on its assessment of policing performance by the Garda Síochána during the COVID-19 crisis, which was submitted to the Minister for Justice on Monday. Limerick Post (Republic of Ireland) 22/7/2021 News Hate crimes up by more than 80% in first half of 2021 – Garda figures REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Force launches new online portal for people to report hate crimes and other incidents The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 22/7/2021 News People in Leitrim encouraged to help tackle hate crime through new garda reporting facility REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: "This is a very welcome support to the victims of hate crime and the wider community." Leitrim Live (Republic of Ireland) 22/7/2021 News Can We Really Defund the Police? A Nine-Agency Study of Police Response to Calls For Service The protests following the killing of George Floyd in the summer of 2020 led to contentious discussions and debates in many cities about policing, with some calling to “defund the police.” However, this debate has generally proceeded without adequate research about either the scale or nature of issues that the police handle and the potential consequences of the proposed reform efforts. To respond to this research gap, we analyze millions of 911 calls for service across nine U.S. agencies. We report on the types of calls for service that the police handle, including how frequently different calls arise, how much time agencies spend on different categories of calls, and the outcomes of those calls. We find that the amount and types of incidents for which people call the police are voluminous, with the vast majority not obviously transferable to other organizations or government sectors without significant resource expenditures or adjustments. However, if the police retain these responsibilities, they also need to reconsider how they can more effectively address community concerns. Police Quarterly 22/7/2021 Research article Joint public health initiative to help address ‘root causes of crime’ Police Scotland is working with Public Health Scotland to drive improvements in public health, which it believes will help to address “the root causes of crime”. Police Professional 22/7/2021 News ‘Inherently unfair’ freeze on police pay confirmed Policing leaders have responded with dismay to the news that a planned pay freeze has been confirmed with the chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) calling the move “inherently unfair. Police Professional 22/7/2021 News Pay freeze for officers a hard pill to swallow “While we understand the pressures of government finances, the confirmed pay freeze for police officers is a hard pill to swallow. Police teams have done exceptional and extraordinary work in the pandemic at a personal risk to them and their families. For many it will feel unfair and that their contribution is undervalued. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 22/7/2021 News Keyless car theft warning issued by police The UK’s top police officer investigating vehicle crime is encouraging drivers to take steps to keep their car safe amid a rise in criminals exploiting keyless technology. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 22/7/2021 News NPCC response to HMICFRS State of Policing report 2020 The National Police Chiefs' Council has today (Wednesday 21 July 2021) responded to HMICFRS’ Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 22/7/2021 News As society slowly returns to normal, all services must work together to support the most vulnerable Marc Jones, Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, said: “As HMICFRS’ State of Policing report testifies, whilst lockdowns saw more traditional acquisitive crimes decrease last year, this did not equate to a reduction in overall demand on policing. Rather, demand shifted with more crime taking place online and with increases in more hidden harm offences taking place behind closed doors, such as domestic abuse. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 22/7/2021 News PCCs call for a new statutory duty requiring agencies to prevent Violence Against Women and Girls APCC Victims Leads Sophie Linden and Donna Jones said: “It is tragic that it took the murder of Sarah Everard for society to recognise that violence against women and girls is an epidemic in this country. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 22/7/2021 News Pingdemic: Police response times ‘under strain’ as forces deal with shortages Higher levels of absence” is having an effect on police response times during the Covid pandemic, according to a representative body. The Standard 22/7/2021 News The Conservatives have become the party of crime and disorder Labour would do things very differently. We would scrap Boris Johnson’s pointless vanity yacht and spend the money on tackling antisocial behaviour The Independent 22/7/2021 News Quarterly Report – Q2 of 2021 CANADA: This report has been prepared for the July 22, 2021, Edmonton Police Commission meeting. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 22/7/2021 Report «249824992500250125022503250425052506Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events