Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98286 total results. Showing results 49981 to 50000 «249624972498249925002501250225032504Next ›Last » Police pay negotiations break down, union considers protest action NEW ZEALAND: Police officers are considering protest action after negotiations over a new pay agreement hit a brick wall. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/7/2021 News Youth violence likely to explode over summer, UK experts fear Long-term issues overlain with stress and isolation of Covid have set scene for ‘eruption’, charities say The Guardian 23/7/2021 News Webinars will be back in September On almost a weekly basis around 100 colleagues join our Wednesday Webinars to find out how forces are using the Microsoft 365 platform to transform the way they police. We are taking a break over the next few weeks, as we know many colleagues will be taking leave (including our team) but we will be back in September (check the events section of the NEP website). National Enabling Programmes 23/7/2021 News Cleveland Police seeking seventh chief constable in nine years as Richard Lewis announces departure The chief constable of Cleveland Police, Richard Lewis, has been named as the preferred candidate to become chief constable of Dyfed-Powys Police. Police Professional - Subscription at source 23/7/2021 News Chief and PCC break ranks over 0% pay deal Senior leaders have broken ranks to outright condemn the 0% pay decision. A PCC has urged the Home Secretary to rethink. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/7/2021 News Notts records 21% fall in offending Targeting high priority offenders during lockdown has led to a major drop in crime for Nottinghamshire. Official data puts the force second to City of London. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/7/2021 News ‘The Met need to get a grip’: 160 Met Police officers accused of sexual misconduct in two years ‘These issues should be looked at systemically – not dismissed as just a few bad apples. Sexist and racist cultures in policing need to be tackled head-on,’ campaigner says The Independent 23/7/2021 News Use of Naloxone by Windsor Police rises in 2nd quarter of 2021 CANADA: The use of naloxone by police is on the rise and Windsor Police Service is sharing any information they can to help with prevention. iHeart Radio (Canada) 23/7/2021 News Gun violence trend in Edmonton concerning: police chief CANADA: Gun violence continues to be a troubling trend in the city, according to the Edmonton Police Service. Global News (Canada) 23/7/2021 News Toronto officials, police under fire for tactics used to clear homeless encampments CANADA: A day after Toronto police moved into Lamport Stadium Park to evict a homeless encampment, many are calling out the use of force and calling on the mayor to change tactics. Global News (Canada) 23/7/2021 News CSO seeks ‘end-to-end review’ of how Gardaí record crimes in wake of missed 999 calls REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: While improvements have been made in the quality of Garda crime statistics, the CSO said the data should remain 'under reservation' Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 23/7/2021 News Surviving Work From Home: Observations From Singapore Circuit Breaker measures were implemented in Singapore on 7 April 2020, and work from home arrangements were officially made compulsory for most due to COVID-19. This study assessed the effects of prolonged telecommuting within the Singapore Police. Items on productivity, satisfaction with telecommuting, work-life effectiveness, feelings of safety, stress levels, connectedness to and support by colleagues, and supervisors were included. The study found that while prolonged telecommuting did not have any impact on levels of satisfaction with telecommuting, individuals with caregiving duties were significantly less satisfied with telecommuting than non-caregivers. Implications of the findings were discussed with respect to the necessary support required by officers while telecommuting. Recommendations on how individuals can practice self-care while telecommuting for prolonged periods were also proposed. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 23/7/2021 Research article Ex-garda fighting Europe’s €14 billion drugs trade says Irish gangs are ‘top of the pyramid’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Irish Criminals are now among the biggest players in the estimated €14 billion annual business of transatlantic drug smuggling into Europe, a European law enforcement expert has said. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 23/7/2021 News International Police Peacekeeping Missions: International Police Peacekeeping Missions stand or fall with recruitment and selection of competent police officers. The present article starts with an introduction into missions from a German perspective. Specifically, Germany is providing law enforcement staff to perform a series of different tasks such as fighting crime, helping countries to develop their own police forces, and securing EU borders (Frontex). In this context, we focus on the topic of how to recruit and select qualified police officers. For this purpose, we present an overview of the personnel selection process and highlight the importance of intercultural competence. Finally, we discuss implications and research directions. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 23/7/2021 Research article Garda associations told they will have “parity of esteem” with unions REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Department of Justice promises Garda bodies role in future pay talks and urges them to sign up to new agreement The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 23/7/2021 News Mental Health‐related Police Incidents: Results of A National Census Exercise in England and Wales The level of mental state incidents dealt with by police and the police resource involved is under-researched, often giving rise to un-evidenced claims around demand, response and resources. The 2019 National Police Chiefs’ Council and College of Policing definition of such incidents provides a useful basis for more accurate calculation: ‘Any police incident thought to relate to someone’s mental health where their vulnerability is at the centre of the incident or where the police have had to do something additionally or differently because of it’. In this mixed methods study, we first analysed data from records in two mixed inner city/urban/rural forces and one large multi-local authority metropolitan force. Secondly, we made an in-depth analysis of a sample of mental state-related incidents (n = 320) in two of these forces. Thirdly, we took a 24-hour snapshot of all such incidents in England and Wales. Mental state-related incidents accounted for 5.1% of recorded police contacts from the public, rising to just 7.8% when confining attention only to contacts that generated a police response beyond taking the call and recording it. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 23/7/2021 Research article Balancing the Deontological and Utilitarian Values of Inter-Institutional Management: the Case of Urban Policing Inter-institutional management struggles to balance the deontological and utilitarian values of public services. Urban policing exemplifies this subtle balance between the different yet complementary authorities and tools entrusted to municipalities and the police to ensure personal and environmental safety, and tackle the nuisances that negatively impact residents’ quality of life. Hence, democracies adopt different approaches to managing the interplay between municipalities and the police. Integrating the public value accounting, strategic triangle, and PerformanceStat approaches, we analyse the effective inter-institutional management of the local authorities and the police using three models of urban policing that currently exist in Israel. Based on in-depth interviews, we suggest an improved strategy that balances deontological and utilitarian values, and should result in financial savings, less need to use authority and force, sensitive enforcement services, and value for local residents. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 23/7/2021 Research article NPCC defends vetting system for new recruits Police chiefs have rejected a warning by HMI that vetting procedures need to be tightened. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/7/2021 News Issues in forensics lab affect drug driving tests across 23 forces An investigation into Synlab, a forensic laboratory used by a nmber of forces, is underway after issues arose around the threshold of cannabis levels for a prosecution of drug driving. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/7/2021 News PFEW says it no longer has confidence in Home Secretary following pay freeze The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) says it no longer has confidence in Home Secretary Priti Patel, branding a pay freeze for officers as “the final straw”. Police Professional 23/7/2021 News «249624972498249925002501250225032504Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events