Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98288 total results. Showing results 49901 to 49920 «249224932494249524962497249824992500Next ›Last » Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/7/2021 News Mapping Demands: How to Prepare Police Officers to Cope With Pandemic-Specific Stressors Frequent and varied training of police officers is crucial to optimally prepare them for the challenges they face in their police work and allow them to cope with these demands effectively. The Horizon 2020 project “SHOTPROS” aims to develop a training program in Virtual Reality (VR) to train appropriate decision-making and acting capabilities of police officers in high-stress situations. The current COVID-19 pandemic can be considered a prime example of such a high stress situation. Therefore, the aim of the present article is to re-analyse data from a longitudinal survey among 2567 police officers across Europe, to identify pandemic-related demands experienced by the participating officers during the first COVID-19 lockdown that can be integrated and trained in (VR) scenario-based training, to better prepare police officers for the current and potentially future pandemic outbreaks. Following the constraints-led approach to training, pandemic-related demands are categorized as task, environmental, and individual constraints to provide police trainers with a toolkit how to change and manipulate training scenarios according to the trainees’ needs. Offering high control over training procedures, VR might be an effective tool to incorporate pandemic-related stressors into current training practices. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Registration at source 27/7/2021 Research article Policing Under Scrutiny: Leadership, Legitimacy and the Role of Evidence The 2021 Australia and New Zealand Society of Evidence Base Policing (ANZSEBP) Conference is taking place online on 17th August with the theme of "Policing Under Scrutiny: Leadership, Legitimacy and the Role of Evidence". ANZSEBP Vice President and Deputy Chief Executive: Insights and Deployment at New Zealand Police, Mark Evans invites delegates from around the world to attend. Policing Insight 27/7/2021 Advertisement, Feature Police Federation accuses Government of ‘contempt’ for officers The chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is to deliver a letter to Downing Street setting out officers’ anger over a pay freeze and objections to the Government’s Beating Crime Plan. Police Professional 27/7/2021 News Police should feel ‘valued and supported’ despite lack of pay rise The Policing Minister has said there are “other things” than pay which the Government can do to make police officers feel supported. Police Professional 27/7/2021 News Marketisation and forensic science provision: The impact on strategy, analysis and contextual information The transition of forensic science provision in England and Wales from the public to private sector has led to fears over the ability of commercial markets to influence – and even distort – forensic analysis and interpretation, according to a new study; in the first of two articles, Dr Karen Richmond of the University of Copenhagen explains the background to the research, and highlights some of the key concerns of scientists including the loss of contextual information, case fragmentation, and the diminishing role of forensic practitioners. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/7/2021 Analysis, Feature Demands on 999 hitting New Year’s Eve levels every day The country’s emergency services are urging people to only use the 999 system in a genuine emergency as demand on the number continues to be high. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 27/7/2021 News Government launches new Beating Crime Plan Marc Jones, Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and PCC for Lincolnshire said: “Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) welcome the Government’s new plan, published today, to reduce crime, protect victims and keep our communities safe. These priorities are at the heart of everything that PCCs do. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 27/7/2021 News Boris Johnson pledges to target drug abuse in anti-crime push Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised to cut crime by tackling drug misuse and using electronic tagging on more burglars after release. BBC 27/7/2021 News Police Scotland exports its ‘human rights’ approach Scotland's national police force is training law enforcement officers from Colombia on violence prevention. BBC 27/7/2021 News Audiovisual link technologies in Australian criminal courts: Practical and legal considerations AUSTRALIA: Audiovisual link (AVL) technologies have had considerable impact on criminal court processes in Australia and overseas, particularly following the need for social distancing created by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 27/7/2021 Report Police to expand drug tests for suspects and ankle tags for released prisoners under Boris Johnson crime plan The Prime Minister is under attack over a rise in violent crime over recent years and police revolt against the Home Secretary i News 27/7/2021 News Police stop and search powers to be boosted under crackdown The Prime Minister will use his first day after leaving self-isolation to detail his new Beating Crime Plan. The Standard 27/7/2021 News MPs and campaigners alarmed at UK’s ‘discriminatory’ crime reduction plans Government’s proposals include more frequent stop and search and making community service street cleaners ‘more visible’ The Guardian 27/7/2021 News Rise in teen homicide in London ‘fuelled by social media feuds, gangs and drugs’ Social media rows and violent rivalries over the drugs trade are fuelling a rise in teen homicides in London, according to Metropolitan Police Commander Alex Murray. LBC 27/7/2021 News Chief Constable rages: police are nation’s ‘punch bag’ Frontline police are treated like Britain's "punch bag" whilst preserving law and order, says a deeply concerned Chief Constable. John Robins said officers "are punched, kicked, pushed and spat at every day". Express 27/7/2021 News Focus on collaboration Kevin Clark examines how the four forces of the Yorkshire and Humber region overcame the challenges of combining different systems to regionalise imaging for forensic support. Police Professional - Subscription at source 26/7/2021 Feature Jailing of nearly 500 children under 13 a ‘failure’ by Australia’s top legal officers, advocates say AUSTRALIA: Justice and health groups say at least 65% of the children jailed in 2020 are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander The Guardian 26/7/2021 News NSW Police warn ‘anarchists’ against second Sydney anti-lockdown protest AUSTRALIA: Anyone organising or planning to attend a second COVID lockdown protest in Sydney has been warned "you will be arrested". [VIDEO] ABC News (Australia) 26/7/2021 News Islamic State supporter Suhayra Aden faces a terrorism investigation, but charges are unlikely NEW ZEALAND: Suhayra Aden was 6 years old when she left New Zealand. Two decades later, having survived the collapse of the Islamic State, she will be welcomed back with a terrorism investigation. [VIDEO] Stuff (New Zealand) 26/7/2021 News «249224932494249524962497249824992500Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events