Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 49781 to 49800 «248624872488248924902491249224932494Next ›Last » Mike Veale, former police chief in Ted Heath inquiry, faces misconduct hearing The former chief constable who led the Sir Edward Heath abuse inquiry will face gross misconduct proceedings, The Times has learnt. The Times - Subscription at source 3/8/2021 News West Yorkshire Federation chair calls for fresh vote on right to strike The chair of the West Yorkshire Police Federation is calling for a fresh vote on whether the organisation should seek industrial rights – which would include the power to withdraw labour – following the Government’s “appalling treatment” of officers over the past year. Police Professional 2/8/2021 News Staffordshire Police rolls out body armour for dogs Staffordshire Police has become one of the first forces in the UK – and the first in the West Midlands region – to roll-out body armour for its police dogs. Police Professional 2/8/2021 News WMP officer found guilty of two assaults A West Midlands police officer has been found guilty of assaulting two members of the public. Police Professional 2/8/2021 News ‘GMP had lost its way’: how a new Chief Constable plans to reawaken the ‘sleeping giant’ of British policing From quadrupling arrests to overhauling an ‘inadequate’ 101 service; hiring a wave of new Chief Superintendents to booting out ‘liars’, Stephen Watson tells the M.E.N. how he intends to fix a long-troubled force Manchester Evening News 2/8/2021 News Police Dog Kaos receives GSDCA Outstanding Canine Service Award AUSTRALIA: On July 31, eight-year-old Police Dog (PD) Kaos was awarded the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia (GSDCA) Outstanding Canine Service Award at a ceremony at the Dogs Queensland Group in Durack. myPolice - Queensland Police News 2/8/2021 News Police Minister reassures migrant communities as military personnel hit the streets AUSTRALIA: Across Greater Sydney, the ADF’s soldiers, sailors and aviators have partnered up with police to enforce compliance and provide humanitarian aid. [AUDIO] 2GB (Australia) 2/8/2021 News Police trial body cameras with facial recognition technology to catch suspects Privacy fears as forces test new gear equipped with artificial intelligence to help identify possible criminals or find missing people The Telegraph - Subscription at source 2/8/2021 News Gold Coast Police to target beachgoers flouting lockdown rules AUSTRALIA: Police will step up patrols of Gold Coast beaches amid concerns too many people are ignoring lockdown rules. myGC (Australia) 2/8/2021 News ‘Multiple failures’ by police and health services lead to man’s suicide, court hears "Multiple failures" by police, paramedics and mental health services contributed to a man's suicide, a coroner has said.. The Independent 2/8/2021 News Lack of police in South Wairarapa concerning, mayor and former cops say NEW ZEALAND: The loss of three rural police officers from South Wairarapa has civic leaders and former cops worried about safety in their region. Stuff (New Zealand) 2/8/2021 News Police IT disaster recovery a ‘very high risk area’, audit reveals NEW ZEALAND: Police computer systems have been ill-prepared to cope with a disaster like a major hack. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 2/8/2021 News Linking Organizational Justice to Organizational Commitment Among Nigerian Police Officers Organizational commitment is an imperative aspect of occupational attitudes as it signals employees’ willingness to stay with their organization and effectively achieve collective goals. Although recent studies have assessed factors influencing police officers’ organizational commitment, very little is known about the antecedents of police commitment in African countries. Based on a survey of Nigerian police officers, the study assesses the linkage between organizational justice and organizational commitment directly and indirectly through organizational trust and job satisfaction. Structural equation modeling (SEM) indicates that the relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment is principally indirect through the mediating mechanisms of supervisory trustworthiness and job satisfaction. Officers who express greater organizational justice report higher trust in their management and supervisors and, subsequently, stronger job satisfaction, leading to higher organizational commitment. Implications for future research and policy are discussed. Criminal Justice and Behaviour - Registration at source 2/8/2021 Research article Predictive Properties of the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) in A Northern Canadian Prairie Sample This study examined the predictive properties of the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) in a large Canadian, predominantly Indigenous, sample from a geographic region with the highest rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the country. A random stratified sample of 300 men (92.7% Indigenous) court adjudicated for an IPV offense was drawn from six Northern Saskatchewan Royal Canadian Mounted Police detachment regions. The ODARA was rated from police records and recidivism data were obtained via official criminal records over a mean 4.7-year follow-up. ODARA scores had small to moderate predictive accuracy (AUC/C = .58–.67) for IPV and other recidivism outcomes in the aggregate sample and Indigenous subsample. E/O index analyses demonstrated that the ODARA Ontario norms overpredicted IPV recidivism at high scores but underpredicted it at lower mid-range scores. Implications for use of the ODARA to assist frontline police personnel in IPV risk assessment and management are discussed. Criminal Justice and Behaviour - Registration at source 2/8/2021 Research article Police watchdog investigating man’s fatal fall from Coquitlam balcony during RCMP call CANADA: B.C.’s civilian police watchdog, the Independent Investigations Office, has been deployed to Coquitlam, where a man died early Sunday morning. Global News (Canada) 2/8/2021 News Ontario officers have guaranteed PTSD benefits. Now the police brass wants to change that CANADA: A proposal to claw back benefits for hundreds of Ontario police officers too psychologically traumatized to work would force many of them to hide their illnesses to stay on the job — which would put officers, their colleagues and potentially the public at risk, say police unions and veteran law enforcement officers. CBC News (Canada) 2/8/2021 News Calls for Gardaí to be present on Cork-Dublin train after complaints of drug use and threats to passengers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There have been calls for a dedicated garda transport division following the revelation of details of complaints regarding open drug use and threats to passengers on the Dublin-Cork train. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 2/8/2021 News Surge in armed barricade incidents for Garda during pandemic REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Senior Garda officers believe the stress of the Covid-19 pandemic and periods of hard lockdown have driven an unprecedented spike in the number of barricade incidents to which negotiators and armed units are being called. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 2/8/2021 News New camera tech could catch drivers using mobile phones REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Drivers using mobile phones behind the wheel may in future be photographed by new roadside cameras under plans being examined by the Garda. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 2/8/2021 News Under the influence: Heavy drinking and mental health problems among UK police Hard-drinking police officers are a staple of TV and fiction - but what is the reality of alcohol use in the police and its relationship with poor mental health? Patsy Irizar of the University of Liverpool explains the findings of the first study to identify the level of heavy drinking and co-occurring mental health problems in the UK Police Service. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/8/2021 Analysis, Feature «248624872488248924902491249224932494Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events