Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 49581 to 49600 «247624772478247924802481248224832484Next ›Last » Police officers deployed to city’s fringe as lockdown lifts for regional Victoria AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police will deploy 200 officers to Melbourne’s fringe areas in a bid to stop city dwellers fleeing lockdown into regional Victoria. [VIDEO] The Australian 9/8/2021 News Police want your vision AUSTRALIA: MORNINGTON police have renewed calls for residents to provide details of their security cameras so they can be used to investigate crimes. MP News (Australia) 9/8/2021 News Police Federation places Pensions Scheme Advisory Board on Notice The Police Federation of England and Wales, along with six other police staff associations, have informed Government that they will not attend future Scheme Advisory Board (SAB) meetings. This is as a result of concerns around the lack of an adequate consultation process, looking into the discrimination of the 2015 CARE police pension scheme. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/8/2021 News Rail safety, the reality behind the statistics NEW ZEALAND: Senior Constable Kim Munro has a deeply personal connection to rail and road safety. [VIDEO] New Zealand Police 9/8/2021 Feature Gun amnesty: Buyback cost more to run than paid out to owners NEW ZEALAND: This year's gun buyback and amnesty cost more to run than was paid out to firearms owners. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 9/8/2021 News Predicting Rapist Type Based on Crime-Scene Violence, Interpersonal Involvement, and Criminal Sophistication in U.s. Stranger Rape Cases Stranger rape cases are one of the most difficult sexual assault crimes to solve for law enforcement. This study aimed to compare crime-scene characteristics between serial rapists and single-victim rapists in stranger rape cases and build a predictive model to predict rapist type. An archival database of released sex offenders included 385 who committed stranger rapes. Of those, 244 were single-victim rapists and 141 were serial rapists. The single-victim rapists were significantly more likely to have violently themed crime-scene characteristics than serial rapists, whereas serial rapists were significantly more likely than single-victim rapists to engage in criminally sophisticated behavior and induce participation from their victims. A logistic regression using 10 crime-scene characteristics correctly identified 75.8% of cases as perpetrated by either single-victim or serial rapists. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 9/8/2021 Research article Food for thought: How criminals exploit the supply chain from farm to fork From fake big-name brands to illegal livestock sources and sub-standard products that are a danger to public health, the illicit food and alcohol industry is big business that attracts organised crime; Policing Insight’s Chris Allen looks at the latest efforts from Europol and Interpol to tackle the problem, as well as the UK’s response. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/8/2021 Analysis, Feature Around Town: Cybercrime fighters Magnet Forensics expand to Calgary CANADA: Magnet Forensics, a Waterloo, Ont.,-based developer of digital investigation software that acquires evidence from computers, mobile phones, IoT devices and cloud services, is expanding to Calgary. Calgary Herald (Canada) 9/8/2021 News Kenney says rural Alta. would welcome provincial police, promises no extra cost to municipalities CANADA: EDMONTON -- Premier Jason Kenney said an Alberta provincial police force would be welcome in rural Alberta and that it would not cost more to municipalities than RCMP service. CTV News (Canada) 9/8/2021 News Gardai highlight long term consequences of money muling as parents urged to educate themselves REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An Garda SÃochána has issued an appeal to young people and parents to be wary of the dangers and consequences of money muling, as new figures show over 700 money mule transactions, totalling over €5 million have moved through accounts in Ireland in the first half of 2021. Longford Leader (Republic of Ireland) 9/8/2021 News Former Portlaoise garda superintendent gets big promotion REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A former Portlaoise garda superintendent has been promoted to chief superintendent rank. Laoise Nationalist (Republic of Ireland) 9/8/2021 News Rights based policing during COVID-19 COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges for governments the world over. A wide range of government responses have followed. These have included border closures, national lockdowns, curfews, vast economic expenditure by many governments, including economic stimuli, and furlough schemes. The job of ensuring compliance with legislation and other public health rules and regulations has fallen to the police. The approaches to law enforcement have been wide-ranging and varied, including everything from strict, even violent, enforcement through to the use of discretion and strategies aimed at persuasion and community engagement. Fair Trials 9/8/2021 Report County lines drugs gangs could go back to public transport as crowds return Britain’s biggest police force, the Metropolitan Police, has arrested more than 1,000 people linked to county lines gangs since November 2019. The Standard 9/8/2021 News Force uses modern slavery laws to bear down on county lines Convictions allow officers to impose restrictions on offenders after they leave prison. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/8/2021 News New pet abduction offence to carry sentenes of up to five years Purpose made new offence to be created and to tackle explosion in high value thefts. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/8/2021 News North West directory launched to support sexual violence survivors A new digital directory of services has been launched across the North West to help survivors of sexual violence find support. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/8/2021 News PC who lied about vehicle collision given final written warning Officer deliberatley brought vehicle to a sudden stop causing a collision with car behind. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/8/2021 News Violence and abuse toward shop staff: call for evidence CONSULTATION OUTCOME: This document summarises responses received to the call for evidence on violence and abuse towards shop staff. Home Office 9/8/2021 Report UK’s first football hate crime police officer ‘investigating 75 cases’ PC Stuart Ward, 34, took on the role for West Midlands Police in January after incidents of football-related racism shot up by 42 per cent last season Birmingham Mail 9/8/2021 News Police officer under investigation for ‘tweets mocking 9/11 and non-Muslims’ A Metropolitan Police officer praised for facing down anti-lockdown protestors is being investigated after allegedly posting a series of racist tweets. Metro 9/8/2021 News «247624772478247924802481248224832484Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events