Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98390 total results. Showing results 49461 to 49480 «247024712472247324742475247624772478Next ›Last » The Times view on the Plymouth shooting: Victims of Violence Stringent controls on firearms and hateful incitement may need tightening further The Times - Subscription at source 14/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Visit every burglary victim, ministers tell police forces Ministers want an officer sent to the scene of every burglary to boost public confidence in the police. The Times - Subscription at source 14/8/2021 News Thames Valley police spent £14.4m on software it abandoned A police force spent £14.4 million to develop software for HR and financial staff and then decided not to use it. The Times - Subscription at source 14/8/2021 News Plymouth shooting: Inquiry into how Jake Davison kept his gun licence The police watchdog will review how Jake Davison was granted a gun licence despite apparently having extensive mental health problems. The Times - Subscription at source 14/8/2021 News Plymouth shooting: Police investigated over gunman’s licence The police watchdog is investigating why the man who shot dead five people in Plymouth on Thursday had been given back his confiscated gun and permit. The Times - Subscription at source 14/8/2021 News The threat of appearing racist: Stereotype threat and support for coercion among Australian police officers AUSTRALIA: Recent research in the United States (U.S.) has argued that the threat of confirming the ‘racist cop’ stereotype may paradoxically increase the propensity for coercive policing by depressing officers’ self-legitimacy. Criminal Justice and Behaviour 13/8/2021 Analysis, Feature COVID test payments and bigger fines as NSW toughens lockdown laws AUSTRALIA: People caught breaching the public health orders will face fines of $5000 and a $320 stay-at-home payment will be introduced for residents in Sydney’s hotspot areas who need to isolate while waiting for COVID-19 test results. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 13/8/2021 News GMP team who brought down sex offender given chief commendations The work of five GMP officers and one staff member in stoppping a serial sex offender has been recognised by Chief Constable commendations. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/8/2021 News Chief’s messaging on victims insulting, says Derbyshire Fed Takethem down and don't use them again - Federation tells Derbyshire Chief after photos of murder victims were put on force compters desktop backgrounds. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/8/2021 News Police deliver support to families in lockdown AUSTRALIA: Police and our Defence Force are working hand in hand to protect the community and assist families in lockdown across Sydney. [VIDEO] 9 News (Australia) 13/8/2021 News Police acknowledge sentencing in child sexual offending case NEW ZEALAND: Police today acknowledge the sentencing of Laken Rose and Andrew Williams, who were convicted of numerous serious child sexual offences at Hamilton High Court in December 2020. New Zealand Police 13/8/2021 News Violence increases in Auckland: NZ police NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Aug 13 (IANS) The city of Auckland has witnessed a surge in violent actitives in the past one and a half years, recording at least 232 assaults in May 2021, according to figures released by New Zealand Police on Friday. 13/8/2021 News West Mercia officer and child found dead in unexplained circumstances A serving officer from West Mercia Police and a three-year-old child have been found dead at an address in Kidderminster in circumstances the force say are “unexplained”. Police Professional 13/8/2021 News Stop and search disproportionately affects black communities – yet police powers are being extended The UK Government’s Beating Crime Plan unveiled last month gives police forces the option to permanently relax the rules around Section 60 stop and search; but Anglia Ruskin University Researcher Winifred Agnew-Pauley, and University of Kent PhD candidate Bisola Akintoye, argue that Section 60 is ineffective in reducing crime, and that the Government’s own assessment of the changes recognises they are likely to disproportionately affect black and minority ethnic people. Policing Insight 13/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Kevin Clarke: Police watchdog to re-examine restraint death The police watchdog is reopening an investigation into the death of a mentally ill man in custody. BBC 13/8/2021 News A Comparative Study of Police Organizational Changes During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Responding to Public Health Crisis Or Something Else? Police organizations—like many other social institutions—were forced to make changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This exploratory study uses data from 28 countries to examine how the strength of the pandemic (e.g. infection rates and death rates) and governmental restrictions are related to these changes. The analyses of the data suggest the way in which police organizations responded to the pandemic was complicated. Infection rates are generally not as strongly related to changes as are death rates. Governmental restrictiveness is strongly related to some changes. Additional research is needed to tease out additional factors that potentially explain these changes as well as multivariate effects of these factors. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 13/8/2021 Research article If we really value our freedom, repealing Covid police powers won’t be enough From voter ID rules to restrictions on protest, repressive measures are on the UK government’s post-pandemic agenda The Guardian 13/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Challenging the Ordinality of Police Use-of-Force Policy Most use-of-force policies utilized by U.S. police agencies make fundamental ordinal assumptions about officers’ force responses to subject resistance. These policies consist of varying levels of force and resistance along an ordinally ranked continuum of severity. We empirically tested the ordinal assumptions that are ubiquitous to police use-of-force continua within the United States using 1 year’s use-of-force data from a municipal police department. Applying a quantitative technique known as categorical regression with optimal scaling, we found the assumptions of ordinality within the studied department’s use-of-force continuum (which is similar to many police use-of-force continua within the United States) are not met. Specifying physical force as a “lower” force option than less-lethal tools is associated with increased officer injury and decreased subject injury. Our findings call into question use-of-force continua featuring ordinal rankings for varying categories of less-lethal force. Criminal Justice Policy Review - Registration at source 13/8/2021 Research article Submission to the Houses of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice General Scheme of the Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Síochána Inspectorate (the Inspectorate) is pleased to make a submission to the Houses of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice (the Committee) on the General Scheme of the Policing, Security and Community Safety Bill 2021. [pdf] Garda Síochána Inspectorate (GSI) (Republic of Ireland) 13/8/2021 Report Crime pays for local Police Departments thanks to seized goods, cash CANADA: Manitoba Justice Minister Cameron Friesen made stops in Altona, Winkler and Morden on Thursday to highlight over $95,000 in Criminal Property Forfeiture Grants for the three rural police departments. Pembina Valley (Canada) 13/8/2021 News «247024712472247324742475247624772478Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events