Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98407 total results. Showing results 49261 to 49280 «246024612462246324642465246624672468Next ›Last » Police consider shutting down transport system for future protests AUSTRALIA: Victoria Police will consider the unprecedented step of shutting down public transport to counter future anti-lockdown protests, and said they would once again use new paramilitary anti-riot teams if needed to confront increasingly violent demonstrations. The Age (Australia) 22/8/2021 News Cleveland Police ‘making progress’ with crime prevention, but more to be done Cleveland Police has revamped its neighbourhood policing and boosted beat officer numbers, but inspectors found they were still often diverted elsewhere to deal with emergency incidents Teesside Live 22/8/2021 News Police say Melbourne anti-lockdown protest ‘most violent in nearly 20 years’ AUSTRALIA: Saturday’s rally was the first time police used non-lethal weapons during a lockdown protest, with at least nine officers ending up in hospital The Guardian 22/8/2021 News Conservative police commissioner claims Stonewall’s work poses ‘a threat to women’ Stonewall has said it is “proud” of its diversity champions programme after a police commissioner said the charity poses “a threat to women”. Pink News 22/8/2021 News PSNI plans ‘digital police station’ for reporting of crimes via social media The PSNI plans to open a ‘digital police station’ that will allow people to use social media channels such as Facebook or Twitter to report crime. Single Online Home (SOH) is already operational in most parts of the UK and allows people to report criminal offences, keeps a personal log of incidents they have reported and also provides a means of contacting police anonymously. Assistant Chief Constable Alan Todd says the PSNI is now working with NI Direct to have SOH operational in the near future. Belfast Telegraph - Subscription at source 22/8/2021 News Facial recognition tech ‘being rolled out by police without Parliament’s oversight’ In a letter, 31 bodies say the new guidance allowing cameras across England and Wales ignores court rulings against 'invasive' filming The Telegraph - Subscription at source 22/8/2021 News Police pin hopes on ‘rainbow cars’ to drive out hate crime Forces across the UK add a splash of colour to their fleet to encourage people to report racist, homophobic and transphobic incidents The Telegraph - Subscription at source 22/8/2021 News Police are to blame for re-arming Plymouth killer Jake Davison It is 25 years since a lone gunman shot 16 children and a teacher dead in Dunblane, and injured 15 others, before turning the gun on himself. After that, ministers said never again would this be allowed to happen. Yet it has, and it was entirely preventable. On Thursday the inquest was opened into the Plymouth murders of Maxine Davison, Stephen Washington, Kate Shepherd, Lee Martyn and his three-year-old daughter, Sophie. Their stories were heartbreaking. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 22/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Australian police fire ‘pepper balls’ at crowds as patience snaps over endless lockdowns Australia has endured one of its bleakest days of the pandemic after violent anti-lockdown protests and a record surge in infections. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 22/8/2021 News Snoop job unites gardai and PSNI to crack down on gangs The gardai and Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) are taking part in a project to develop surveillance technology that identifies people involved in organised crime and terrorism through analysis of private telephone calls, texts, speech patterns and video. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 22/8/2021 News Victims, survivors of family violence urged to seek help, despite lockdown NEW ZEALAND: Chief Victims Advisor Kim McGregor said the police and other support agencies were essential services, so they continued to operate. Many people and families would be more experiencing more stress at home, McGregor said. "Even though we are currently in self-isolation, we still want to hear from you if you, or someone in your bubble is being hurt," she said. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 21/8/2021 News Police shootings are not letting up. Congress must act. USA: It has been six years since The Post began tracking fatal shootings by on-duty police and the story has — depressingly — remained unchanged. Police departments nationwide have shot and killed almost the same number of people annually, nearly 1,000 or almost three each day. The troubling numbers point up yet again the problems with how police departments across the country train their officers, and the need for Congress to pass police reforms. The Washington Post 21/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Police alarmed by rash of Calgary pharmacy robberies CANADA: Calgary police say they’re increasingly concerned about the safety of store staff amid a rash of pharmacy robberies in the city. Since June, there have been 23 pharmacy heists reported in Calgary, with culprits brandishing weapons in most of them and demanding cash and pharmaceutical drugs. Calgary Herald (Canada) 21/8/2021 News A Descriptive Analysis of the Temporal and Geographical Proximities Seen Within UK Series of Sex Offenses Previous studies of the geographical and temporal features of serial sex offenses are limited by small samples and/or geographical areas, and are dated. We address a significant gap in the literature by investigating the temporal and geographical proximity of the crimes of 402 serial stranger sex offenders in the UK. Periods of incarceration were extracted from calculations of temporal proximity giving a more accurate picture of series duration and time elapsed between offenses from the same series. A notable minority of serial stranger sex offenders commit their offenses within very close geographic proximity and the same was found for temporal proximity. There were also occurrences of series spanning large distances and many years. The implications of these findings for the use of geography and time in the behavioral linking of crimes, and what they mean for policy decisions regarding financial investment in law enforcement technology, are discussed. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology 21/8/2021 Research article One garda’s story of working in Dublin: ‘I’m hitting burnout, there are not enough gardaí on streets’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Hard-working gardaí are sometimes being assaulted, with bottles and other items thrown at them, the officer claimed Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 21/8/2021 News Bar warns of reliance on informal police sanctions New government data reveals growing use of out of court measures to deal with criminal offences, prompting concerns that they are being deployed to relieve pressure on the justice system. The Law Society Gazette 21/8/2021 News Australia anti-lockdown rallies: protesters violently clash with police in Melbourne AUSTRALIA: Anti-lockdown protesters clashed violently with police as thousands of unmasked people marched through the streets of Melbourne on Saturday. Victoria police said they had made 218 arrests and that six officers were hospitalised during a series of altercations. Police said in a statement the majority of the estimated 4,000 demonstrators “came with violence in mind”. The Guardian 21/8/2021 News CAPTURE21: Innovating back to normal Capture21 is this year's edition of Europol's photo competition. Unfortunately, 2020 was a devastating year. Millions of people were out of work and left struggling to pay their bills. Meanwhile, more than a billion children missed out on crucial schooling. To make matters worse, criminals adapted their techniques to exploit our fears around the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim of profiting by any means necessary. Despite the challenging circumstances, the 2021 competition comes at a time of great hope, together with unpredicted levels of resilience from our communities and the law enforcement officers protecting them. As we enter this new environment, it’s time to frame the new normal. Europol 21/8/2021 News Profile: putting the force first His predecessor feared a party hack would replace him. But Norfolk's new police and crime commissioner Giles Orpen Smellie, reveals to Police Oracle why he is no fan of centrally driven policing targets. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/8/2021 Feature Crimestoppers turns focus on rural crime as costs pass £43m Crimestoppers are launching their biggest-ever rural crime campaign to protect agri-business, wildlife and historic sites. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/8/2021 News «246024612462246324642465246624672468Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events