Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 49121 to 49140 «245324542455245624572458245924602461Next ›Last » Police HR official ‘misled’ solicitor in sexism tribunal A senior official at Police Scotland has been accused of being deliberately misleading at an employment tribunal examining claims of sexism and discrimination at a firearms unit. The Times - Subscription at source 27/8/2021 News Study where you want, when you want with the University of Portsmouth With a new name and a refreshed course programme, The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice are excited to promote their suite of criminal justice undergraduate degrees for new and experienced policing professionals that you can undertake part time, learning whilst you work. Policing Insight 27/8/2021 Advertisement, Feature Exposure to Organizational Stressors and Health Outcomes in A Sample of Italian Local Police Officers Exposure to organizational stressors is known to negatively affect police officers’ well-being in terms of mental and physical health and performance. In this study, we adopted the Health and Safety Executive’s Management Standards to identify specific associations between organizational stressors and health outcomes in a sample of local police officers employed in an Italian municipality (N = 111). Compared with benchmark data, participants were exposed to high risks in six out of seven organizational dimensions, and five of those (namely, Demands, Control, Managers’ Support, Relationships, and Role) displayed significant associations with psychological and physical problems, such as perceived stress, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, dermatitis, and musculoskeletal pain. While most stress-reduction interventions for police forces are designed at the individual level, the results of the present study also indicate the need for designing and implementing interventions aimed at addressing and preventing organizational stressors. Therefore, periodic in-depth stress assessments to identify key issues that should be the primary targets of such interventions are recommended. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 27/8/2021 Research article Rank, Experience, and Attitudes Towards Domestic Violence Intervention: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Chinese Police Officers By analyzing survey data collected from over 400 police officers in Jiangsu Province, China, this study assessed the direct and indirect effects of officer rank and experience on police support for law enforcement domestic violence (DV) intervention. The results from the path analysis revealed that officer experience of handling DV reduced support for DV intervention, and this reductive effect was stronger among frontline officers as compared with their supervisors. Supervisory support was directly linked to officer support for handling DV, mediating the influences of demographic and experiential factors. These findings suggest that when it comes to DV intervention, the experience of handling DV, moderated by officer rank, plays a strong role in shaping DV enforcement in China along with supervisory support. Implications for policymaking and future research were also discussed. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 27/8/2021 Research article Tackling abuse and coercive control: The path to inherently safer technology The technology revolution has brought about many benefits for society, but it has also provided tools for domestic abuse perpetrators to harass, stalk and terrify their victims, often through coercive control; IBM Security specialist Lesley Nuttall explains how technology is being used to abuse victims, and the steps that tech designers can take to ensure that their latest developments are resistant to being manipulated for harm. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/8/2021 Feature, Innovation PCC’s appoint deputies for young offender work Assistant Police and Crime Commissioners are taking on specialist work to tackle community issues in the Midlands. A former special constable will be among them. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/8/2021 News Gloucestershire working to improve ‘culture and fairness’ for female staff Gloucestershire Constabulary is working to create a culture of intolerance to offensive language and jokes, so women officers and staff can thrive within the organisation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/8/2021 News Digital detectives When 15-year-old Kayleigh Haywood went missing in Leicestershire in 2015, the work of the force’s Digital Media Investigator Team proved critical in bringing her killer to justice in a timely fashion. Police Professional 27/8/2021 Feature Future thinking The future of policing will be showcased at The Emergency Services Show this September. Police Professional 27/8/2021 Feature NZ Privacy Commissioner named as preferred candidate for next Information Commissioner New Zealand’s Privacy Commissioner John Edwards has been confirmed as the Government’s preferred candidate for the next Information Commissioner, to replace Elizabeth Denham. Police Professional 27/8/2021 News Senior MPS officer committed misconduct during Robyn Williams investigation A senior officer from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) committed misconduct by failing to disclose his contact with a fellow officer before submitting evidence against her at her trial for possession of a child abuse video. Police Professional 27/8/2021 News Making workplace adjustments New discovery report outlines recommendations for improving diversity and inclusion College of Policing 27/8/2021 Feature Planning intervention implementation is key to success of EBP To maximise the chances of success for evidence-based policing strategies, the implementation phase should be active and planned rather than left to chance. Continuing our coverage of the 2021 Australia and New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing Conference, Policing Insight's deputy editor Sarah Gibbons reports on where the focus should lie to offer new interventions the best chance of being embedded as 'business as usual'. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 27/8/2021 Feature If prisoners are to help with the UK’s labour shortages, they must not be exploited Let firms set up shop inside prisons, as I have done, but inmates get the same wages and employment rights as anyone else The Guardian 27/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Police watchdog study finds police in the UK are more likely to taser black citizens A study by a police watchdog found cops in the United Kingdom deploy tasers too often and Black people are more likely to be tased for longer than five seconds. Black Enterprise 27/8/2021 Feature New forensic retention guidance published for forces and private providers NPCC has published important new guidance to help police forces and private providers with retention and storage of forensic evidence. Forensic Capability Network 27/8/2021 News Local groups detail pilot to minimize police-led responses to mental health, addiction calls CANADA: Local health-care groups and the city’s police force have taken the wraps off of a health-care-led, police-supported outreach and support service pilot project aimed at minimizing officer interaction and use of force during mental health service calls. Global News (Canada) 27/8/2021 News Domestic violence: ‘You don’t know what you are facing when that call comes in’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Families in peril need safe, independent living units, Monaghan-based service Tearmann says The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 27/8/2021 News ‘Unacceptable’ not all police officers vaccinated – National Party NEW ZEALAND: The police minister has been challenged by the National Party over why police have not been given priority Covid-19 vaccinations. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 27/8/2021 News Bearded cops removed from frontline during Covid-19 outbreak NEW ZEALAND: Police officers with beards have been told they can’t work on frontline duties during this latest Covid-19 outbreak. Stuff understands an internal instruction was issued from police chiefs last week that any officers with beards were not to go on frontline jobs, given that officers have to wear masks. The move is being backed by a top scientist. Stuff (New Zealand) 27/8/2021 News «245324542455245624572458245924602461Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events