Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98462 total results. Showing results 48941 to 48960 «244424452446244724482449245024512452Next ›Last » Government urged to ‘tackle’ Garda views on ethnic groups REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Negative attitudes among gardaí to ethnic minorities and reports of racial profiling in stop and searches must be addressed, according to the State’s human rights body. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 6/9/2021 News Responding to the Public During A Pandemic: Perceptions of ‘Satisfactory’ and ‘Unsatisfactory’ Policing As part of a substantial research project on policing the Covid-19 pandemic, a public survey was conducted in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in England. Four open-ended questions provided participants with the opportunity to produce unlimited free-text responses regarding their perception of policing during the pandemic. Responses were coded and thematically analysed to identify themes concerning public compliance and policing during the lockdown. Subthemes surrounding communication, efficiency, and equity emerged from participant’s perceptions of what they considered to be ‘satisfactory’ and ‘unsatisfactory’ forms of policing during the pandemic. A common sub-theme regarding the public’s confusion over the role of the police was countered by an acknowledgement that the police were ‘doing their best.’ The pandemic has thrown into sharper relief pre-crisis public perceptions of appropriate policing. The free-text responses highlight the ongoing tensions between normative and instrumental approaches to policing and public expectations of police actions. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 6/9/2021 Research article ‘Once I Joined My Motivations Changed’: Exploring the Initial and Continuing Motivations of Police Support Volunteers in An English Constabulary Understanding and responding to motivations—both initial and continuing—are pivotal features of effectively involving volunteers within an organization, influencing satisfaction and ongoing commitment. This article explores the initial and continuing motivations of police support volunteers (PSVs)—citizens who give their time freely to perform tasks that complement the duties of police officers and staff. Drawing on survey and interview data with 160 PSVs in a large urban police service in England, the article considers motivations through three typologies—The Altruistic PSV, The Social PSV, and The Career PSV. It explores defining features of each typology and highlights the shifting nature of motivations as volunteer service progresses—most notably an increase in socially driven volunteers, and a fall in those seeking fulfilment of career goals. Implications for practice are considered, in particular investing in dedicated volunteer resources that recognize and respond to the heterogeneity of volunteer cohorts and fluidity of motivations. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 6/9/2021 Research article Effects of One-A-Day Foot Patrols on Hot Spots of Serious Violence and Crime Harm: A Randomised Crossover Trial Does one foot patrol per day (15–20 min) conducted in serious violence harm spots reduce street-visible crime harm and frequency relative to no foot patrol in the same hot spots, and if so by how much? We identified 20 hot spots of 150m2 each on the basis of community violence defined as serious assaults, robbery, and drug dealing in the Southend-on-Sea area of Essex Police, with boundaries geo-fenced to collect GPS measures of foot patrol presence generated by hand-held electronic trackers issued to officers directed to perform patrols. All street-visible crimes were counted for each of the 90 days of the experiment in each hot spot. Daily random assignment of each hot spot to either control or treatment conditions (N = 90 X 20 = 1800 place-days) prescribed 720 place-days to receive extra patrols by Operational Support Group officers, which were compared to 1080 place-days with no extra patrols, using an intent-to-treat design, with 98% compliance with assigned treatments. Independent measures of other police presence in the area were tracked by the force-wide GPS telematics measures. All crimes were coded with the Cambridge Crime Harm Index for their CHI value. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing 6/9/2021 Research article Organizational Trust and Job Stress: A Preliminary Study Among Police Officers Trust is a vital part of society and is critical for organizations. The main forms of organizational trust are management trust, supervisor trust, and coworker trust, each of which allows organizations to function and operate efficiently. This is particularly true for police agencies. Yet, few studies have examined how organizational trust affects police officers. The job of a police officer can be demanding, often resulting in heightened job stress. It is unclear whether organizational trust can reduce job stress or, conversely, whether low or non-existent organizational trust contributes to job stress. The current study explored the effects of management trust, supervisor trust, and coworker trust on job stress among Indian police officers, while also assessing the effects of job autonomy, views on quality training, role overload, role underload, and perceived dangerousness of the job. A sample of 827 police officers was drawn from two districts in the state of Haryana in India. Supervisor and coworker trust had statistically significant negative effects on job stress, while management trust had nonsignificant negative effects. Asian Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 6/9/2021 Research article Police launch Rape and Serious Sexual Offences awareness campaign. Today (6th September), Cumbria Constabulary launch a dedicated Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) awareness campaign. offenses Cumbria Constabulary 6/9/2021 News Time to tackle dog theft that is devastating families, says North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner It is vital that the police and justice system are given the powers needed to tackle pet abduction, says North Yorkshire's Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. The Scarborough News 6/9/2021 News Eastbourne Police take new approach in anti-social behaviour crackdown Eastbourne Police will target ‘two or three’ vulnerable areas each Friday and Saturday as part of their anti-social behaviour operation. Eastbourne Herald 6/9/2021 News A ‘pet abduction’ offence proposed Last year’s lockdowns prompted highly-publicised cases of anguished pet owners having their animals stolen, as criminals exploited demand for pets during the pandemic restrictions. Professional Security Magazine Online 6/9/2021 News On The Beat: Dozens of bikes recovered and 45 people charged during police operation Police have been cracking down on bike theft this summer as part of a dedicated operation. Evening Express (Aberdeen) 6/9/2021 News UK runs out of sniffer dogs as security steps up before Cop26 Security to protect world leaders and delegates attending a climate summit has been ramped up in Scotland’s biggest city. The Sunday Post 6/9/2021 News Ban urged on rape suspects ‘claiming they are women’ Scottish authorities are being urged to record suspected rapists by their natal gender amid claims that allowing male offenders to identify as women would “significantly distort the records”. The Times - Subscription at source 6/9/2021 News Dr Anna Sergi: ‘I sensed fear and the thrill of knowledge – I needed to study that mafia’ In the first in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised criminals, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Dr Anna Sergi, Associate Professor in Criminology at the University of Essex and an expert on the Mafia, on how her career has developed, her current research and plans for future projects, and the key challenges presented by organised crime moving forwards. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 6/9/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police in Cambridgeshire used Tasers hundreds of times in a year In a report published recently, the Independent Office for Police Conduct raised serious concerns around the unnecessary or unsafe use of the devices by forces across England and Wales, particularly against non-white or vulnerable people and children. Peterborough Telegraph 6/9/2021 News RIC officers to be commemorated at service in St Paul’s Cathedral Descendants of the thousands of men who served in the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) are being sought ahead of a special commemoration in London next year. The Newsletter 6/9/2021 News Police: More than 600 officers and staff faced sexual misconduct allegations in last four years Across all forces, 124 police officers and staff – including those who have since resigned, been dismissed or suspended – were also arrested for sexual offences i News 6/9/2021 News Western Australia Police Force 2021 Annual Report AUSTRALIA: The requirement for the WA Police Force to keep the community safe has never been more evident, strongly aligned with the Western Australian Government priorities that have made this State the envy of so many. [pdf] Western Australia Police Force 6/9/2021 Report Loophole ‘lets people with mental illness keep guns’ Plans to tighten up gun rules after the mass shooting in Plymouth could allow medically unfit people to retain weapons, critics claim. The Times - Subscription at source 6/9/2021 News What do we know about Islamist extremism in prison? Work with Offenders looks at new Ministry of Justice research. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/9/2021 News Nitrous oxide laws reviewed as youth use rises The government has ordered a review to consider further restrictions on nitrous oxide, after a huge increase in it'd use by young people. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/9/2021 News «244424452446244724482449245024512452Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events