Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98467 total results. Showing results 48881 to 48900 «244124422443244424452446244724482449Next ›Last » RCMP decides against apology to Black community for excessive Halifax street checks CANADA: HALIFAX -- The RCMP says there will be no formal apology to Halifax's Black communities for its heavy use of street checks, despite the Halifax Regional Police having done so almost two years ago. CTV News (Canada) 8/9/2021 News Work ongoing to set up local Garda dog unit REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda dogs could become a familiar site on the streets of Cavan. Work is ongoing on the setting up of a dedicated dog unit in the local Garda district. The Anglo-Celt (Republic of Ireland) 8/9/2021 News Rank and file gardaí have voted to accept a 3% public service pay increase REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Rank and file gardaí have voted to accept a public service pay deal which will see them get a phased pay rise, totalling 3%, over the next 12 months. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 8/9/2021 News Singapore Police to deploy snitch bots that search for ‘undesirable social behaviours’ SINGAPORE: Singapore’s Home Team Science and Technology Agency (HTX) will be deploying two robots named “Xavier” that the agency says use cameras with a 360-degree field of vision and analytics software to detect “undesirable social behaviours” in real time. First reported by Business Insider, the robots are designed to detect activities such as public smoking, violation of pandemic restrictions (i.e., groups of more than five people), and illegally selling goods on the street. Other behaviours the agency said the robots can snitch on include the use of motorised vehicles or motorcycles on pedestrian walkways and “improperly parked bicycles.” Gizmodo 8/9/2021 News Gardaí backed by Army close net on Limerick organised crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaí, including armed officers and backed by the Army, have conducted one of the biggest operations against organised crime in Limerick, with the city’s two largest, and rival, gangs now under investigation as part as the operation. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 8/9/2021 News Reforming Police Oversight in Victoria: Lessons From Northern Ireland This article focuses on the system of civilian oversight of police misconduct and corruption in Victoria and the prospects for reform. It considers the 2018 report and recommendations of a parliamentary ‘Inquiry into the external oversight of police corruption and misconduct in Victoria’ by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) Committee, along with the cases and scandals that fuel calls for reforms to the current system. It compares the extant hybrid model of civilian review and investigation between police and IBAC in Victoria with the civilian control model in Northern Ireland where investigations of police misconduct and corruption are undertaken exclusively by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). It reflects on the current social and political factors in Victoria which might support or undermine reform in the context of lessons from Northern Ireland, where policing and police oversight underwent extensive reform at the turn of the millennium. Current Issues in Criminal Justice - Registration at source 8/9/2021 Research article Statement from the Chief Constable following proceedings at the High Court in Edinburgh today Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said: “Lamara Bell and John Yuill’s deaths were a tragedy and my thoughts today are with their children, families and friends. Police Scotland 8/9/2021 News Preventative welfare support is vital Policing must take a closer look at preventative support for officers rather than waiting till they reach breaking point and stepping into help. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/9/2021 News Revising PACE Codes C and H CONSULTATION OUTCOME: This consultation response concerns the outcome of the consultation on PACE Codes C and H. Home Office 8/9/2021 Report Deadline approaches for antique firearms law change From 22 September, owners of certain firearms previously regarded as antique will require a licence. Home Office 8/9/2021 News Metropolitan Police PC ‘gave suspect clip round the ear’ after turning off camera A Met Police officer allegedly struck a suspect around the head after telling his fellow officers to shut down their bodyworn cameras, a court heard. The Standard 8/9/2021 News Parcel bomber: Advanced detection of threats The pandemic-driven rise in online shopping, and a recent high-profile UK case of a fraudster sending improvised explosive devices in packages to target Amazon and eBay, have highlighted the potential threat of parcel bombs and postal attacks; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth explores the issue, and the latest EC funding available to help law enforcement to tackle the problem. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/9/2021 Feature Three border PSNI stations to be sold after Brexit delay The police stations are in Castlederg and Aughnacloy in Tyrone and Warrenpoint in Down. Belfast Telegraph 8/9/2021 News Two officers under investigation for alleged errors in search for student One London officer is alleged not to have passed on medical information about Richard Okorogheye The Guardian 8/9/2021 News AnyVision to the British Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner: “Facial Recognition Apps Should Be Provided to the Police with an Empty Database” AnyVision's Open Letter outlines the principles for fair and ethical use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement in response to the British government's public comment request on the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice Business Wire 8/9/2021 News Operation closure results in drug and firearm arrests, Gold Coast AUSTRALIA: Detectives from the Drug and Serious Crime Group, Crime and Intelligence Command have charged a man with firearm and drug offences after the closure of an operation investigating the alleged distribution of dangerous drugs linked to a Gold Coast licensed brothel. myPolice - Queensland Police News 7/9/2021 News Police promote motorcycle rider safety with new program AUSTRALIA: Logan Police have today launched a new program, designed to equip motorcycle riders with integral skills and know-how to stay safe on their rides. myPolice - Queensland Police News 7/9/2021 News Mandatory vaccination for all police employees AUSTRALIA: Following the escalation of cases of the delta strain in NSW and the significant risk the virus poses to both employees and the broader community, the NSW Police Force has announced all employees will now be required to be vaccinated for COVID-19. New South Wales Police Force 7/9/2021 News Illegal drugs remains in good supply despite Covid-19 travel restrictions NEW ZEALAND: While Covid-19 travel restrictions appear to be hampering the speedy passage of goods, food and other vital supplies, it appears to have had little impact on illegal drug stocks. TVNZ 1 News (New Zealand) 7/9/2021 News Greens, ACT urge caution over counter-terrorism laws NEW ZEALAND: Rushed counter-terrorism laws could risk stigmatising refugees, which would only reinforce the false justifications of the New Lynn terrorist, the Green and ACT parties say. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 7/9/2021 News «244124422443244424452446244724482449Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events