Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98468 total results. Showing results 48861 to 48880 «244024412442244324442445244624472448Next ›Last » Are police officers getting younger or are we getting older? Recent media headlines suggesting young recruits may not be ready for the challenges of modern UK policing have also prompted questions over the average age of those joining the service; now new research by University of Sunderland Lecturer Adrian Smiles and Police Federation of England and Wales Professional Development Lead David Bamber has confirmed that new recruits have generally got younger over the past three years – and forces need to be aware of the issues that may raise. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/9/2021 Analysis, Feature Victims ‘losing faith in criminal justice system’, warns commissioner ‘All too often victims are still treated as an afterthought,’ says Dame Vera Baird The Independent 9/9/2021 News Annual Report 2020–21 AUSTRALIA: I am pleased to submit the Australian Federal Police annual report for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. [pdf] Australian Federal Police (AFP) 9/9/2021 Report Organised crime and criminal careers: Findings from an Australian sample AUSTRALIA: A growing number of international studies have shown members of organised crime groups have different criminal career trajectories to volume crime offenders. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 9/9/2021 Research article Cressida Dick ‘to get two more years’ as Met Police chief The head of the Metropolitan Police is expected to be given a two-year contract extension within days despite a string of controversies. The Times - Subscription at source 9/9/2021 News Selfie surveillance a tipping point for police powers AUSTRALIA: I wish the revelation that South Australia is rolling out facial recognition and geotagging technology to replace quarantine check-ins came as a surprise, but by age 21, I’ve been waiting for this sort of thing for a while now. Brisbane Times (Australia) 8/9/2021 Feature, Opinion Criminal charges over minor offences prod police to change tack on youth cautions AUSTRALIA: The theft of chocolate barely worth $1, taken on a whim by a high school student, seems like a case where police could exercise their discretion and not lay a criminal charge. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 8/9/2021 News Police and MSD team up to support communities NEW ZEALAND: Police has been working with the Ministry for Social Development and community partners to help our communities access the support they need under COVID alert level restrictions. New Zealand Police 8/9/2021 News Police add more officers to assist on Auckland border checkpoints NEW ZEALAND: More than 60 additional police officers from around the country will be deployed to assist at checkpoints on the Auckland region's boundary. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/9/2021 News Federation to meet with Lords on law change for quicker end to disciplinary probes The Federation will be lobbying House of Lords members next week for a change in the law which would rein in lengthy and damaging police disciplinary investigations. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/9/2021 News National Chair responds to Government decision to raise National Insurance by 1.5% The Government decision to increase National Insurance payments by 1.5% is another setback for police officer pay. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/9/2021 News Preventative welfare support is vital Policing must take a closer look at preventative support for officers rather than waiting till they reach breaking point and stepping into help. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/9/2021 News Manchester Arena Inquiry: Fire service reluctant to take risks, expert says A fire service was reluctant to take risks when responding to the Manchester Arena bombing, an independent expert has told the inquiry into the atrocity. BBC 8/9/2021 News ‘Unduly lenient’ jail term for killing during sex considered for appeal Harriet Harman has written to attorney general to say Sam Pybus ‘sentence fails to reflect gravity of crime’ The Guardian 8/9/2021 News Recruiting Police Lecturers to support the UK’s largest police service with the training of its new officer recruits Police Lecturer vacancies at Babcock International for their new flagship contract partnering with several Higher Education Institutes across London to deliver the new Metropolitan Police Service Policing Education Qualifications Framework (PEQF) framework. Policing Insight 8/9/2021 Advertisement, Feature, Jobs Cressida Dick offered two-year extension as Met police chief Extension said to have been granted because those most likely to replace her are not yet seen as suitable The Guardian 8/9/2021 News The world must evacuate women police in Afghanistan While many governments are continuing their efforts to evacuate people from Afghanistan, the return of the Taliban has left the country’s 4,000 female police officers at particular risk; Dr Melissa Jardine, an international police consultant and former Victoria police officer, believes the international community must do more to protect those who put their lives on the line to secure the safety of their communities. Policing Insight 8/9/2021 Feature, Opinion Drug tracking device leads to arrests in string of Edmonton pharmacy robberies: police CANADA: Edmonton police have arrested and charged three individuals after a string of pharmacy robberies. Edmonton Journal (Canada) 8/9/2021 News Surrey Police Service hires 100th officer CANADA: All told, 25 new officers came on board on Sept. 7, including a constable that made for the 100th Peace Arch News (Canada) 8/9/2021 News (Post-)Crisis Policing, Public Health and Private Security: the Covid-19 Pandemic and the Private Security Sector While the role of the public police in the law enforcement-public health (LEPH) nexus has received increased attention in recent years, much less is known about the involvement of private security actors in this field. However, understanding the new and shifting roles of private security companies in LEPH is vitally important. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the security industry witnessed increased demands for health-care related services worldwide. This article explores the effects of the crisis on the provision of private security, by investigating the intersections between private policing and public health throughout the pandemic. With specific attention to the emergence of private security in the field of LEPH, the impact on the operations (e.g. disruptions in resources, temporary unemployment), and services (e.g. use of technological innovations such as fever screening, policing COVID-19, monitoring public health) are considered in greater detail. The findings contribute to the understanding of private security provision where public health, safety and security intersect. Important new insights are offered on the impact of the public health crisis on (the concept of) private security, and consideration is made relating to the longer-term role of the industry in the context of the crisis’ transforming potential of the policing landscape. Policing and Society - Registration at source 8/9/2021 Research article «244024412442244324442445244624472448Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events