Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98504 total results. Showing results 48841 to 48860 «243924402441244224432444244524462447Next ›Last » ‘No body no parole’ law tested in Qld AUSTRALIA: The effect of drug use on a killer's mind was so strong that a period of prison sobriety left him more capable of helping police find his victim's body, the Queensland Parole Board has been told. The West Australian (Australia) 10/9/2021 News Australian Labor Party helps push through “extraordinary” surveillance laws AUSTRALIA: Late last month, the opposition Labor Party again assisted the Liberal-National Coalition government to rush through parliament far-reaching bills that expand the already vast spying powers of the police and intelligence agencies. World Socialist Web Site 10/9/2021 News A Herculean effort: Planeload of police arrives in Hamilton to bolster Covid boundary checkpoints NEW ZEALAND: There will soon be a thicker blue line at the Waikato/Auckland boundary. Stuff (New Zealand) 10/9/2021 News On the beat with Smiley NEW ZEALAND: SPECIAL REPORT: Escape lockdown for a few minutes and meet New Zealand’s most northerly-based police officer. Before the current restrictions, Northland's Internal Communications Advisor Kristin Edge spent a day on the beat with Senior Constable Leon Shepherd. New Zealand Police 10/9/2021 Feature Dame Cressida Dick to continue to lead the Metropolitan Police Dame Cressida will continue to lead the Metropolitan Police Service until 2024, the Home Secretary has confirmed. Home Office 10/9/2021 News MPS commissioner ‘still the best candidate for the role’, says Federation The Metropolitan Police Federation says it “fully supports” the contract extension offered to Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick despite calls for her to be replaced. Police Professional 10/9/2021 News Detective jailed for forging murder probe witness statement A detective with 18 years’ experience has been jailed for eight months for forging signatures on a witness statement during a murder investigation into the brutal killing of a mother-of-five. Police Professional 10/9/2021 News Spotlight on domestic homicides as independent reviewer appointed A leading criminal defence barrister has been appointed to conduct an independent review of the law around domestic homicides. Police Professional 10/9/2021 News MPS Commissioner to remain in role until 2024 Dame Cressida Dick is to continue to serve as the Commissioner of the Metrpolitan Police Service (MPS) until at least April 2024, the Home Secretary has confirmed. Police Professional 10/9/2021 News How Beds, Herts and Cambs use Microsoft 365 to track and use data The force is able to better record and use the data and have even been able to more effectively use the data to manage resources and even be able to claim back costs from other agencies. National Enabling Programmes 10/9/2021 Feature Interoperability in police technology – the power of systems that talk to each other The challenges of interoperability and improving communication and information sharing between police systems have long been recognised by police officers and managers alike, and the subject was a key topic for discussion at this year’s Emergency Services Show; Graham Newman of police software specialists Clue reports on the interoperability debate, and how tech and policing are working closer together to deliver improvements. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/9/2021 Feature Distracted driving enforcement getting full police attention on B.C. highways CANADA: RCMP partners with ICBC, Road Safety BC on September distracted driving, seat belt campaign Summerland Review (Canada) 10/9/2021 News School is back in session… for the police CANADA: New backpacks and haircuts. Friends walking together in the hallways and chatting about their summer memories while they pass their lockers. Enter Constable Gabrielle Spencer and Constable Greg Neufeld, who are two of Airdrie's school resource officers. Discover Airdrie (Canada) 10/9/2021 News Police chief’s retirement approved CANADA: Chief John Gauthier is set to begin his “farewell tour,” after Timmins Police Service Board voted to accept his letter of retirement during Thursday’s virtual meeting. The Sault Star (Canada) 10/9/2021 News Longford Gardaí help to raise €16,000 for Little Blue Heroes with El Camino Del Garda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There was a great buzz at Clondra Harbour on August 25 as a team of gardaí finished up El Camino Del Garda in aid of Little Blue Heroes Foundation. Longford Leader (Republic of Ireland) 10/9/2021 News Garda dog sniffed out €50,000 heroin stash from bag under shed in Cork, court hears REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A €50,000 stash of heroin in a Lidl bag under a garden shed in Grenagh was sniffed out by a garda dog and now the man responsible for the drugs has been jailed for three years. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 10/9/2021 News Commissioner Drew Harris raised concerns over Garda reform plans for almost two years REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Garda Commissioner Drew Harris and his senior management team have for almost two years privately raised their concerns with the Government over plans for reform of An Garda Síochána but felt “ignored”, according to sources. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 10/9/2021 News In-Car Cameras and Police Accountability in Use of Force Incidents New policing technologies have generated solutions to many policing issues. In particular, portable camera systems (in-car or body-worn) have been offered as a tool to address the issue of police excessive use of force. It has been argued that police camera systems increase transparency in law enforcement and deter both police officers and citizens from engaging in undesirable behaviors during encounters. However, the question of how effective these technologies are in increasing the accountability of police departments still remains unanswered. Some argue that the use of camera systems to record police behavior does not create a significant reduction in excessive use-of-force complaints or does not serve as an effective accountability tool as expected. From this perspective, this study explores the impact of in-car camera usage on police use-of-force investigations. This research examines the impact of in-car cameras on the total, dismissed, and sustained excessive use-of-force complaints against 891 police departments in the USA with more than 100 sworn officers. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 10/9/2021 Research article Minister of State Nadine Dorries personally addresses PFEW members on World Suicide Prevention Day Minister of State Nadine Dorries personally suffered the loss of a close relative through suicide. On World Suicide Prevention Day, the Minister for Patient Safety, Suicide Prevention and Mental Health has taken the opportunity to personally address PFEW members. The Minister, who previously trained as a nurse at Warrington General Hospital, also outlines what the government is doing to encourage more individuals to seek help. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 10/9/2021 News Averted School Violence (ASV) Database: 2021 Analysis Update In 2019, the COPS Office and the NPF published a pair of reports examining data from the Averted School Violence database: one a comparison of averted attacks on schools with a similar number of attacks that were carried out, and the other an analysis only of averted attacks. Since the publication of those reports, the ASV database has continued to grow and now contains more than three times as many cases of averted incidents of school violence as it did in 2019. This report compares the 120 new cases to the 51 cases in the original sample in an ongoing effort to provide as much information as possible to schools, law enforcement, and communities to enhance school security and protect our children. National Police Foundation (USA) 10/9/2021 Report «243924402441244224432444244524462447Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events