Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98504 total results. Showing results 48821 to 48840 «243824392440244124422443244424452446Next ›Last » Serving Metropolitan Police officer charged with 19 voyeurism offences Detective inspector accused of crimes in Greater London, Manchester and Brighton areas The Independent 12/9/2021 News Cressida Dick: Tech giants make it impossible to stop terrorists The Metropolitan Police commissioner has accused tech giants of making it harder to identify and stop terrorists. BBC 12/9/2021 News Artificial Fairness? Trust in Algorithmic Police Decision-Making Test whether (1) people view a policing decision made by an algorithm as more or less trustworthy than when an officer makes the same decision; (2) people who are presented with a specific instance of algorithmic policing have greater or lesser support for the general use of algorithmic policing in general; and (3) people use trust as a heuristic through which to make sense of an unfamiliar technology like algorithmic policing. An online experiment tested whether different decision-making methods, outcomes and scenario types affect judgements about the appropriateness and fairness of decision-making and the general acceptability of police use of this particular technology. People see a decision as less fair and less appropriate when an algorithm decides, compared to when an officer decides. Yet, perceptions of fairness and appropriateness were strong predictors of support for police use of algorithms, and being exposed to a successful use of an algorithm was linked, via trust in the decision made, to greater support for police use of algorithms. Journal of Experimental Criminology 12/9/2021 Research article Tasmania Police counter-terrorism continually evolving since 9/11 AUSTRALIA: Twenty years on from September 11, Tasmania can consider itself one of the safest places in the world when it comes to terrorism. The Examiner (Australia) 12/9/2021 News Police treatment of Indigenous protesters differs starkly from white protesters, experts say CANADA: The RCMP said it evaluates the threat and risk of each case, and responds in an appropriate manner CBC News (Canada) 12/9/2021 Analysis, Feature The Irish Times view: Drew Harris pushes back REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Strong opposition to proposed Garda reforms, specifically to the force’s oversight agencies, has been voiced by Garda Commissioner Drew Harris. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 12/9/2021 News Gardaà unhappy as HQ moves sex offences and fraud units to suburbs REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The largest garda union in the country is objecting to the relocation of two of its national specialist units to an industrial estate in Blanchardstown. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 12/9/2021 News 2021 Bi-annual report to the community January – June 30, 2021 CANADA: I have the distinct pleasure to represent the citizens of Edmonton during my second year as Chair of the Edmonton Police Commission. [pdf] Edmonton Police Commission (Canada) 12/9/2021 Report Expand use of INTERPOL to address global crime threats – G7 Ministers Data sharing essential in preventing extremist travel to and from Afghanistan INTERPOL 11/9/2021 News More than 6,000 work days lost to assaults on police officers in Scotland The figures for Police Scotland were released following a freedom of information request from the Scottish Conservatives. Daily Record 11/9/2021 News Police monitor northern coast for migrants leaving for Britain as they stand around remains of Nazi concrete gun emplacement In a week when unauthorised seaborne arrivals in Kent from France once again approached 1,000 in one single day, and Home Secretary Priti Patel threatened to cut funding for French Channel policing, the authorities there were finally sparked into action. Mail Online 11/9/2021 News Police figures highlight disturbing spike in domestic abuse calls during England Euros matches One England match day saw more than double the amount of calls to police Hull Live 11/9/2021 News Police chief and entire force quit ‘unexpectedly’ in Missouri town over pay and resources Kimberling mayor calls move ‘unexpectant and disappointing’ The Independent 11/9/2021 News UK announces Cressida Dick to stay on as London police chief London police chief Cressida Dick, who has faced calls to quit over her force’s handing of major investigations and protests, will remain in her role as Britain’s most senior officer, the British government said on Friday. euronews 11/9/2021 News The Impact of Foot Pursuits on Police Use of Force Police use of force has been, and remains, one of the most critical and controversial issues in policing. One way to address this issue, and perhaps make the police a little less controversial, is to identify situations where much force is used, force that may be deemed excessive. Policy and training may then be developed to reduce the frequency of these situations or to otherwise lesson the likelihood of force in these situations. For example, in the 1990s, research established that excessive force was a potential risk of motor vehicle pursuits; officers, fuelled by a combination of fear, adrenaline, and excitement, often used more force than necessary upon termination of motor vehicle… Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 11/9/2021 Research article Garda watchdog targeted by hackers in new cyber attack REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda watchdog has been targeted in a cyber attack by hackers in recent weeks, the Irish Mirror can reveal. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 11/9/2021 News ‘Every message was copied to the police’: the inside story of the most daring surveillance sting in history AUSTRALIA: Billed as the most secure phone on the planet, An0m became a viral sensation in the underworld. There was just one problem for anyone using it for criminal means: it was run by the police The Guardian 11/9/2021 News Concern about speed of garda cars REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai have been asked to be careful of their speed when driving a residential road in Bray. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 11/9/2021 News The National Law Enforcement Data Programme The Home Office (the Department) manages two police information and communication technology (ICT) systems: the Police National Computer (PNC) and the Police National Database (PND), which both need replacing. The PNC has been the main database of criminal records since 1974 and is used by front-line officers from all police forces in the UK, as well as 127 other organisations. The PND is a national intelligence-sharing system introduced in 2011. It makes more than 4 billion pieces of police intelligence available to licensed users in police forces and 18 other organisations. National Audit Office (NAO) 10/9/2021 Report Permanent National Firearms Amnesty AUSTRALIA: The Australian Government has partnered with Crime Stoppers Australia to launch a permanent firearms amnesty for all Australians for the surrender and registration of unregistered firearms starting from July 1, 2021. myPolice - Queensland Police News 10/9/2021 News «243824392440244124422443244424452446Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events