Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98505 total results. Showing results 48701 to 48720 «243224332434243524362437243824392440Next ›Last » Farica Prince named new deputy chief of Prince Albert, Sask. police CANADA: Farica Prince has been named the Prince Albert Police Service’s new deputy chief. Global News (Canada) 16/9/2021 News Former Delta Police officer receives international award CANADA: A former Delta Police constable has been recognized for past his work in the department and the community with a prestigious award. Delta Optimist (Canada) 16/9/2021 News ‘Lessons we could learn’ from tragedy: Sudbury’s police chief CANADA: Paul Pedersen says although the SIU cleared his officers, he reviewed the arrest of pregnant Indigenous woman who later lost her baby The Sault Star (Canada) 16/9/2021 News Garda meeting sought to discuss ‘serious concerns’ raised about stress on farming community REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A meeting has been sought with a Garda Superintendent in Cork as a county councillor expressed “serious concerns” about some members of the farming community. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 16/9/2021 News New Chair to be appointed to Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Heather Humphreys TD, today briefed the Cabinet on the process to select the next chairperson of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC). 16/9/2021 News Man charged with credit union robbery during which Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe was shot dead to face trial before Special Criminal Court REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A man charged with the credit union robbery during which detective garda Adrian Donohoe (41) was shot dead will face trial before the Special Criminal Court. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 16/9/2021 News Forces given urgent deadline to improve fraud services to victims Urgent changes need to be implemented to fraud investigations to improve the level of service to victims, according to HMICFRS. Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons looks at the recommendations to make this area of crime a higher priority. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/9/2021 Feature Fundamental review: What’s next for the College of Policing? Earlier this year, the Chair of the College of Policing Lord Nick Herbert launched a fundamental review of the College. At the recent Superintendents Association Conference, he revealed some early findings and the likely ‘direction of travel’ for the College. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/9/2021 Feature, News ‘Outstanding’ transformation of Essex Police recognised with Gold award The “truly outstanding” transformation of Essex Police from a force rated as ‘inadequate’, with high levels of sickness and low levels of public confidence, to an organisation which is ‘exceptional’, with record levels of trust, has been rewarded with a Gold award at this year’s iESE Public Sector Transformation Awards. Police Professional 16/9/2021 News PCC election reform will ensure results reflect voters’ views, says APCC Police and crime commissioners (PCCs) have welcomed the Government’s announcement that future elections for mayors and PCCs will move to a ‘First Past the Post’ system. Police Professional 16/9/2021 News Police update notice for permission to search for relevant information on digital devices A new Digital Processing Notice and supporting information to gain permission for searching digital devices has been launched across police forces in England and Wales. It will improve how they obtain digital evidence during investigations and give greater assurance to victims and all those involved in the process. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 16/9/2021 News Forensic consumables: how to manage the risk of DNA contamination Forensic consumables such as cotton swabs are vital for analysing evidence. But people working in CSI units, DNA recovery labs and SARCs need to be aware of potential DNA contamination, says Kevin Sullivan from NPCC’s Transforming Forensics programme. Forensic Capability Network 16/9/2021 Feature Stop and search guidance changed Beating Crime Plan updates ‘Best use of stop and search scheme’ College of Policing 16/9/2021 Feature Statement from Greater Glasgow Divisional Commander ahead of processions this weekend Chief Superintendent Mark Sutherland, Divisional Commander of Police Scotland's Greater Glasgow Police Division said “Police Scotland is a rights-based organisation that puts our values of integrity, fairness, respect and a commitment to upholding human rights at the heart of everything we do. Police Scotland 16/9/2021 News Thousands of suspected quarantine-breakers not investigated by police Thousands of travellers who might have breached quarantine restrictions were never investigated by Police Scotland due to a lack of accurate data. BBC 16/9/2021 News Soft approach to disruptive protests shows police are out of touch with public opinion While disturbances and damage caused by activists have served to anger most people, officers appear to be dancing to a different tune The Telegraph - Subscription at source 16/9/2021 News Police dog and Flintshire handler named as UK’s top crime fighting duo A dedicated police officer from Flintshire and her four-legged partner have been named as the UK’s top crimefighting duo for their commitment to the job. The Leader 16/9/2021 News First Past the Post to be introduced for all local mayoral and police and crime commissioner elections The government will deliver on its manifesto commitment by scrapping the electoral system of Supplementary Vote. Home Office 16/9/2021 News ‘She should be treated like a terrorist, not a lost gap year student’: Ex Met counter terror chief says Shamima Begum ‘is a threat’ and should never be allowed to return to the UK Shamima Begum is a threat to the UK and must stop being treated 'like a lost gap year student', a former counterterrorism chief has warned. Mail Online 16/9/2021 News Swedish police get budget boost as gang crime tops election worries SWEDEN: STOCKHOLM, Sept 15 (Reuters) - Sweden's minority coalition said on Wednesday its 2022 budget will boost spending on fighting crime as it looks to defuse voter anger over a wave of shootings that has put law and order at the top of the agenda ahead of a general election next year. Reuters 16/9/2021 News «243224332434243524362437243824392440Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events