Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98519 total results. Showing results 48681 to 48700 «243124322433243424352436243724382439Next ›Last » Victoria police board joins union’s call for more mental-health services in wake of fatal shooting CANADA: The mayors of Victoria and Esquimalt, in their roles as co-chairs of their regional police board, are joining calls for better support services in B.C. for people with complex mental health needs. CBC News (Canada) 17/9/2021 News Kingston Police Services Board members get a glimpse of 2022 budget issues CANADA: Members of the Kingston Police Services Board got a high-level briefing Thursday on some of the challenges and opportunities facing the police department as it prepares a budget for the upcoming year. [VIDEO] Global News (Canada) 17/9/2021 News Putting the emphasis back on diversity for the London Police Services Board CANADA: LONDON, ONT. - For a time, the London Police Services Board was a model of diversity; with Black, Muslim and Indigenous representation. But the new interim-chair says that’s not the case now. CTV News (Canada) 17/9/2021 News Little Blue Heroes Sean and Joe graduate at Gorey Garda Station REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gorey Garda Station played hosted to its first graduation ceremony for young recruits Sean Barnes and Joe Masterson. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 17/9/2021 News Laws on secret garda operations to be reviewed REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Department of Justice is reviewing its proposed legislation to regulate covert garda operations following concerns from Drew Harris, the garda commissioner. The Times - Subscription at source 17/9/2021 News Renewed calls to address resourcing concerns at Cork Garda station REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There has been a renewed request for a meeting with the Garda Commissioner to address concerns about resourcing issues at Carrigaline Garda Station. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 17/9/2021 News Hotspot policing is rolled out to 18 more forces with funding An initiative that enables officers to intensively target violence hotspots is becoming a pilot scheme backed with £4m of Home Office funding. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/9/2021 News Social media platforms ‘increasingly prominent in radicalisation’ A comprehensive analysis of the online activity of convicted extremists in England and Wales has found that open social media platforms are playing an increasingly prominent role in radicalisation. Police Professional 17/9/2021 News House of Lords support for greater legal protection for officers The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) believes officers are one step closer to being better protected by law after winning support from within the House of Lords. Police Professional 17/9/2021 News Live Event, New Webinar, Teams Meeting – which to use when! Join our ever popular Wednesday Webinar on 22nd September at midday, when David Bailey will be joined by Nic Saunders from Microsoft to talk through and demonstrate the different ways the different options can enabler more effective meetings. National Enabling Programmes 17/9/2021 Feature Police Chiefs’ Blog: Assistant Commissioner Louisa Rolfe – reflections on the fight against violence against women and girls after latest police inspectorate report Assistant Commissioner Louisa Rolfe, National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Violence and Public Protection blogs on the final report from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) on violence against women and girls. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 17/9/2021 Feature, Opinion Police Covenant Oversight Board minutes TRANSPARENCY DATA: The oversight board will meet quarterly to establish the police covenant and shape the development of the police covenant annual report. Home Office 17/9/2021 Report HMICFRS Policing inspection programme and framework 2021 to 2022 POLICY PAPER: An inspection programme and framework under Schedule 4A to the Police Act 1996. Home Office 17/9/2021 Report Watchdog finds ‘staggering variation’ in police use of Clare’s Law Inconsistent use of domestic violence disclosure scheme putting women at risk, says inspectorate The Guardian 17/9/2021 News Police must prioritise tackling violence on women Tackling violence against women and girls should be as much of a priority as countering terrorism, a police watchdog has said. BBC 17/9/2021 News Met refers itself to IOPC over black man, 70, hospitalised during arrest Independent Office for Police Conduct informed of incident involving 70-year-old driver stopped over broken brake light The Guardian 17/9/2021 News Policing the COVID-19 pandemic: Police officer well-being and commitment to democratic modes of policing Multiple and conflicting factors shaped the ways police officers thought about their work during the height of the COVID-19 crisis. UK researchers concluded that organisational climate was at the heart of these processes and officers may be more likely to maintain appropriate standards of policing and feel less stress if they are well supported by employers. Dr Arabella Kyprianides reports on the research conducted with Professor Ben Bradford, Professor Clifford Stott and Dr Leanne Savigar-Shaw. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/9/2021 Analysis, Feature ‘Hotspot policing’ rolled out to more forces after violent crime fell by 70 per cent in pilot scheme Kit Malthouse, the Policing Minister, writes for The Telegraph below on why the Government is committed to making streets safer The Telegraph - Subscription at source 17/9/2021 News Australia’s two largest states trial facial recognition software to police pandemic rules AUSTRALIA: SYDNEY, Sept 16 (Reuters) - Australia's two most populous states are trialling facial recognition software that lets police check people are home during COVID-19 quarantine, expanding trials that have sparked controversy to the vast majority of the country's population. Reuters 16/9/2021 News Surrey Police forced to rethink move to new base The force has been at its current base, Mount Browne in Guildford, since 1949, but it is deemed to be "inefficient" and "not fit for purpose". Police chiefs had planned to move to a site in Leatherhead due to its central location and good transport links. BBC 16/9/2021 News «243124322433243424352436243724382439Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events