Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98523 total results. Showing results 48601 to 48620 «242724282429243024312432243324342435Next ›Last » Police response to violence against women and girls – Final inspection report In March 2021, the Home Secretary commissioned Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) to inspect the effectiveness of police engagement with women and girls. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/9/2021 Report New cross-system approach needed to end epidemic of violence against women and girls Fundamental cross-system change is urgently needed to tackle an epidemic of violence against women and girls (VAWG), a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 21/9/2021 News Tackling violence against women and girls strategy The document is the new strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls. Home Office 21/9/2021 Report Mafia works remotely, too, it seems: 100+ people suspected of phishing, SIM swapping, email fraud cuffed Police arrested 106 people suspected of carrying out online fraud for an organized crime gang linked to the Italian Mafia, Europol said on Monday. The Register 21/9/2021 News British Transport Police plans mobile app for incident reporting British Transport Police (BTP) is planning to develop a mobile app and platform to help people – especially women and girls – report any incidents on the rail network. 21/9/2021 News New campaign aims to reduce non-urgent calls to Triple Zero (000) AUSTRALIA: Assistant Commissioner Ben Marcus and Acting Superintendent Scott MacQueen today launched a new campaign aimed at reducing non-urgent calls to Triple Zero (000). From September 2020 to August 2021, only 13.67 per cent of calls made to Triple Zero (000) were classified as urgent or very urgent with the majority able to be dealt with through the Queensland Police Service’s (QPS) non-urgent reporting service, Policelink. myPolice - Queensland Police News 20/9/2021 News ‘Significant improvements’ to complaints system in past year, says IOPC The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) says it has has made “significant improvements” in the timeliness of investigations, with more than 90 per cent completed within 12 months. Police Professional 20/9/2021 News Bromley incident prompts fresh calls for swift release of BWV The Metropolitan Police Federation has renewed calls for the swift release of footage from body-worn video (BWV) footage of encounters between officers and members of the public to prevent them being subjected to trial by social media. Police Professional 20/9/2021 News Met Police knife crime reduction trial yields just two court orders in first 10 weeks The Met say "police and other agencies involved in KCPOs are navigating through new processes and building up knowledge following the initial launch". Sky News 20/9/2021 News Police fun at early learning centre AUSTRALIA: Last week, Police Liaison Officer (PLO) Edy Gradowska visited Bears and Books Early Learning and Childcare Centre to speak with the children about how police keep people and the community safe. myPolice - Queensland Police News 20/9/2021 News Greater Manchester Police officer repeatedly Tasered handcuffed man A police officer who repeatedly used a Taser on a man who was handcuffed has admitted common assault. BBC 20/9/2021 News QLD police launch new campaign to lessen ‘ridiculous’ and unnecessary calls to triple-0 AUSTRALIA: A man saying, “I need a Flake”, and a woman complaining about train passengers playing loud music are among the calls unnecessarily tying up Queensland triple zero responders. 7 News (Australia) 20/9/2021 News Victorian coroner finds unjustified police pursuit resulted in death of Aboriginal man AUSTRALIA: A Victorian coroner has found that a high-speed police pursuit which resulted in the death of an Aboriginal man was not justified and called for the rules to change back to the more restrictive settings that were in place before the Bourke Street tragedy. The Guardian 20/9/2021 News ‘Absolutely oblivious’: Police urge drivers not to use mobile phone when operating vehicle Drivers are being warned not to use their mobile phones when at the wheel of their car to avoid a fine and penalty points. Express 20/9/2021 News Recruit training through a lockdown NEW ZEALAND: From the moment the Prime Minister uttered the words “lockdown” and “Alert Level 4” on 17 August, a team at the Royal New Zealand Police College (RNZPC) swung into action to work out how to keep training recruits through a lockdown. New Zealand Police 20/9/2021 Analysis, Feature Terror bill back in Parliament after Lynnmall fast-tracking NEW ZEALAND: Legislation creating a new offence for planning a terrorist attack comes back to Parliament on Tuesday, after being fast tracked because of the Lynmall attack. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 20/9/2021 News Anti-terror law back before Parliament today, but faces opposition NEW ZEALAND: Legislation introducing a new offence for planning a terrorist attack comes back to Parliament today, after being expedited as a result of the LynnMall attack. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 20/9/2021 News Post-9/11 surveillance in New York: Big Brother or public protection? In the wake of the 9/11 attacks on New York, the city invested hugely in technology to keep communities safe; but as Policing Insight contributor Gareth Bryon reports, the use of such surveillance and identification tools to target minor crimes and activists is prompting public concern, and could become a key debate in the city’s approaching mayoral election. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/9/2021 Feature Effectiveness of Cctv Systems As A Crime Preventive Tool: Evidence From Eight Polish Cities Based on data from eight Polish cities, we tested if closed-circuit television (CCTV) monitoring systems are effective in crime reduction and if the CCTV monitoring effects are durable. In a quasi-experimental method, we applied police data about four types of crime incidents in 2005–2014 as well as camera location. A preventive effect appeared in 10 of 17 of analysed paired treatment/comparison areas. The overall mean effect appears modest. In two of four cases, the preventive effects were durable. The analysis proves that CCTV cameras in the Polish cities had a crime reduction effect and the effect is sensitive for the category of crime. The influence of CCTV on the fall in crime in Poland is unlikely. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice - Registration at source 20/9/2021 Research article Attitudes Towards Police and Weapon Carriage Among Adolescents While much is known about attitudes towards police and weapon carriage independently, it is unclear whether the two are associated. In the current study, we explored this potential association and whether it was moderated by race in a sample of adolescents. After adjusting for age, gender, perceived risk of victimization, and violence victimization, logistic regression models indicated that more positive attitudes toward police were associated with lower weapon carriage. In particular, among Black youth, the association between attitudes toward police and weapon carriage was larger than non-Black youth. Our results suggest that race plays an important role in this association. Efforts to build positive community-police relationships may be an effective strategy for reducing weapon carriage and ultimately, injury and fatality. American Journal of Criminal Justice - Registration at source 20/9/2021 Research article «242724282429243024312432243324342435Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events