Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 48201 to 48220 «240724082409241024112412241324142415Next ›Last » Piercing the criminal underbelly: Mark van Leewarden on life as an undercover cop NEW ZEALAND: Mark van Leeward details his fascinating and sometimes unsettling true-life story as a former undercover cop in his memoir, Crimetime: From Undercover Cop to International Investigator. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 7/10/2021 Feature, Interview 18 arrested as police across Europe seize 350 firearms Following a complex investigation supported by Europol, the Dutch National Police (Politie) together with the Czech National Organised Crime Agency (Národní centrála proti organizovanému zločinu) and the Slovak National Crime Agency (Národná kriminálna agentúra) swooped on a gun trafficking gang, arresting 6 of its members this past month in the framework of Operational Taskforce LOS. Europol 7/10/2021 News Keeping cybercriminals out: #JustOneClick can make all the difference Whether it’s in a business or personal setting, INTERPOL wants you to remember that cybercrime is often just a single click, tap or swipe away INTERPOL 7/10/2021 News Lockdowns trigger surge in online disability hate crime Online disability hate crime soared by more than 50 per cent across England and Wales during the past year, according to new police figures released on Wednesday Police Professional 7/10/2021 News Manchester Arena Inquiry: PC felt ignored by paramedics at bomb scene A police officer felt "ignored" by ambulance staff when he asked for assistance in moving a Manchester Arena bombing victim, the inquiry has heard. BBC 7/10/2021 News Police forces are resolving fewer hate crime cases despite number doubling Police forces across England and Wales have been accused of letting down victims, after exclusive figures showed they resolved fewer cases of hate crime in 2020 than five years ago. Reports of hate crime have more than doubled in the same period. ITV News 7/10/2021 News Police Body Armor May Be Redesigned To Make It ‘Less Intimidating’ The public’s views of law-enforcement officers around the world are in a state of turmoil. In response, police in the UK may undergo a redesign in body armor to improve public perception of them. Body Armor News 7/10/2021 News How AI can fight human trafficking There are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally, according to the International Labor Organization. Marinus Analytics, a startup based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hopes to make a dent in that number. The company’s mission is to “serve those working on the frontlines of public safety by developing technology for them to disrupt human trafficking, child abuse, and cyber fraud.” For its achievements, Marinus won $500,000 as part of its third-place ranking in the 2021 IBM Watson AI XPRIZE competition. The startup is the brainchild of three cofounders: Cara Jones, Emily Kennedy, and Artur Dubrawski, who launched it out of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in 2014. Marinus implements its mission primarily through its set of AI-based tools called Traffic Jam, which has a goal “to find missing persons, stop human trafficking and fight organized crime.” Venture Beat 7/10/2021 Feature Federal police reform talks have failed – but local efforts stand a better chance of success Despite more than 12 months of negotiations to agree a bipartisan route for police reform in the US, talks between the Republicans and Democrats formally broke down last month, with no end result in sight; but Professor Thaddeus Johnson and Dr Natasha Johnson of Georgia State University believe that while congressional reform may have been doomed to failure, the federal government could still have a vital role to play in supporting change at a local level. Policing Insight 7/10/2021 Feature, Opinion Police Officers Do Not Need More Training; But Different Training. Policing Domestic Violence and Abuse Involving Children: A Rapid Review Although the police have been identified as a key service provider when responding to domestic violence and abuse (DVA), very few studies have investigated their response in relation to children. This review aims to examine children’s experiences of police response in the context of DVA and to explore how the police understand and respond to children living with DVA. A rapid review of the empirical literature on the police response to DVA involving children was undertaken. PsycINFO, Web of Science and ProQuest were searched. Studies with a qualitative element, concerning children under 18 with experience of police involvement, or police experiences of children, in the context of DVA were included. The final sample comprised of six studies. Using reflexive thematic analysis, four key themes emerged in relation to children: children’s experiences of DVA; fear, uncertainty, and mistrust of police; confronting “childism”: a matter of children’s rights; and going beyond empathy: equality and justice. Regarding the police, three key themes emerged: variability in police response; limited view of police role; lack of professional competence. Journal of Family Violence 7/10/2021 Research article Downtown social issues, crime priority for Edmonton police, McFee says CANADA: Edmonton's newly elected council can expect more advocacy from the city's police service on tackling social issues and crime downtown, says police Chief Dale McFee. CBC News (Canada) 7/10/2021 News Canadians asked to comment on draft guidance for police use of facial recognition CANADA: Canadian police departments and interested groups have nine more days to submit written opinions on the proposed privacy obligations of law enforcement agencies that want to use facial recognition technology. IT World (Canada) 7/10/2021 News Police budget climbs by 5 per cent CANADA: Sault Ste. Marie Police Service’s budget of $31,038,849 for 2022 is nearly 5 per cent higher than what the department spent in 2021. The Sault Star (Canada) 7/10/2021 News Gardaí delighted to welcome Garda Diversity Patrol Car to Tipperary REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: 'For us, it represents the concept that we serve everybody in Ireland and both understand and celebrate that we are all different but equal' Sunday World (Republic of Ireland) 7/10/2021 News Servers of HSE cyberattack gang seized by gardaí in recent weeks REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The head of the Garda National Cyber Crime Bureau has told of how gardai recently seized the servers of the gang which carried out the cyberattack on the HSE last May. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 7/10/2021 News Minister Humphreys and An Garda Síochána launch cybercrime awareness campaign as part of European Cybersecurity Month REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Heather Humphreys TD, and Assistant Garda Commissioner John O’Driscoll have today announced that An Garda Síochána will from this month organise events nationwide to inform the public of the dangers of cybercrime. 7/10/2021 News Former officer convicted of viewing child abuse material A former officer serving with Kent Police has been sentenced after he admitted viewing child abuse material online while still employed by the force. Police Professional 7/10/2021 News Purchasing system for custody healthcare to be launched next year Forces spend 21 million in healthcare in custody services each year Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/10/2021 News Force opens purpose built custody suite with vulnerable detainees wing Other forces looking at new facility which was designed with input from custody Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/10/2021 News The importance of tackling gambling addiction as well as drugs and alcohol to prevent crime The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners has welcomed plans to expand drug testing on arrest, and alcohol tagging on prison release, to prevent reoffending. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 7/10/2021 News «240724082409241024112412241324142415Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events