Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 48081 to 48100 «240124022403240424052406240724082409Next ›Last » Top Garda unit smash illegal cigarettes operation in Drogheda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: DROGHEDA’S newest garda taskforce - Drogheda Community Action Team (D-CAT) - is playing its part in tackling issues all over the town, sometimes with incredible results for communities. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 12/10/2021 News Electrician doing work in garda station leaked photos of garda intelligence board, court hears REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: An electrician leaked pictures of garda intelligence containing the personal information of 108 people, a court has heard. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 12/10/2021 News Garda Commissioner tells local meeting of changing nature of crime REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai are seeing Increases in domestic violence, online scams, serious sexual assault and the abuse of children online due to the changing nature of Irish society. Westmeath Independent (Republic of Ireland) 12/10/2021 News The Use of Twitter By Police Officers in Urban and Rural Contexts in Sweden The aim of this article is to investigate the nature of information sharing via Twitter by police officers. We examine the content of Tweets in urban and rural contexts using a sample of 20 police-related Twitter accounts, comparing official and personal accounts active in Southern Sweden. Exploratory data analysis and in-depth content analysis of a sample of Tweets compose the underlying methodology. We find a distinct pattern of consistency in the content of the information shared via the official police accounts compared to the personal accounts, regardless of if they are from urban or rural areas. However, some urban–rural differences were observed between official and personal accounts regarding public engagement, operationalized as likes and Retweets. The study calls for a discussion of new models of police engagement using social media by a society that is increasingly shaped by the internet. International Criminal Justice Review - Registration at source 12/10/2021 Research article Focus on ‘family friendly’ working has improved the Met’s flexibility and encouraged cultural change While the Met Police’s performance in relation to violence against women, misogyny and sexual abuse have come under close scrutiny and prompted a high-profile inquiry, a project to improve working conditions for women and parents and deliver a cultural change within the force in relation to family friendly employment practices is already reaping rewards, as Policing Insight’s Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/10/2021 Feature Fraudulent passport gang targeted in early morning NCA raids A criminal gang that supplied fraudulent passports to some of the UK’s most notorious organised criminals has been targeted in a series of early morning raids by the National Crime Agency (NCA). Police Professional 12/10/2021 News MPS knife crime strategy labelled ‘unusual and unjustified’ by think-tank A focus on stop and search at the expense of neighbourhood policing has been blamed for the rise of knife crime in London, a new report claims. Police Professional 12/10/2021 News Renewed calls for PCC to stand down An MP has renewed calls for the police and crime commissioner of North Yorkshire to step down from his post in the light of widely condemned comments he made about the Sarah Everard case. Police Professional 12/10/2021 News Police restraint training remains ‘insufficient’ Police restraint training is still dangerously inadequate eight years after a father-of-two’s death exposed the issue, a coroner has said. Police Professional 12/10/2021 News Creating a more inclusive promotion process At the end of 2017, ahead of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) toolkit recommendations, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) removed the necessity for line manager approval for promotion. Donna Hope and Charles Crichlow from the force’s Workforce Development Unit describe how they achieved this, and the significant impact that it’s had on creating a more inclusive promotion process. College of Policing 12/10/2021 News NI agencies meet in preparation for launch of new Domestic Abuse legislation Justice Minister Naomi Long opened the PPANI (Public Protections Arrangements NI) agencies’ annual Special Interest Seminar. She welcomed nearly 100 attendees who joined virtually to discuss the impact of the Domestic Abuse and Civil Proceedings Act legislation enactment planned for early 2022. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 12/10/2021 News Police abusing their position for sexual gain: What can be done? The recent rape and murder of Sarah Everard by a serving officer has prompted a greater focus on police who use their position to commit sexual offences, an area that has been the subject of research by a team at Bournemouth University for a number of years; in this article Lecturer Fay Sweeting, Dr Terri Cole and Professor Peter Hills highlight some key measures that can be taken to address the abuse of position. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/10/2021 Analysis, Feature Police Scotland to provide improved identification for officers and staff Police officers and staff in Scotland are being provided with improved and updated identification. Police Scotland 12/10/2021 News Tories call for Scotland’s worst criminals to be left in prison for the rest of their lives Scotland’s most dangerous criminals should spend the rest of their natural life in prison, the Scottish Conservatives have said. Holyrood Magazine 12/10/2021 News Police recorded crime and outcomes open data tables OFFICIAL STATISTICS: Police recorded crime and outcomes detailed figures and supplementary material including a user guide. Home Office 12/10/2021 Report Tackling violence against women and girls strategy: British Sign Language version POLICY PAPER: Videos in British Sign Language, which explain the new strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls. Home Office 12/10/2021 Report Tackling violence against women and girls strategy POLICY PAPER: The document is the new strategy covering the government’s plan to tackle violence against women and girls. Home Office 12/10/2021 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 12/10/2021 News Live streaming of child sexual abuse: An analysis of offender chat logs AUSTRALIA: Live streaming of child sexual abuse presents challenges for law enforcement and policy development. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 12/10/2021 Research article Ransomware victimisation among Australian computer users AUSTRALIA: This study presents the results from a survey of 14,994 Australian adult computer users conducted in June 2021. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 12/10/2021 Research article «240124022403240424052406240724082409Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events