Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98621 total results. Showing results 47981 to 48000 «239623972398239924002401240224032404Next ›Last » Police warn of new WhatsApp scam The PSNI is warning Whatsapp users of a new scam which has targeted dozens of people across the country since the beginning of September. ITV News 15/10/2021 News Huge rise in domestic abuse cases being dropped in England and Wales Victims of alleged domestic abuse are seeing their cases dropped at a rapidly increasing rate, according to data obtained by the BBC. BBC 15/10/2021 News Police in the UK must change sexist locker room culture from within Record View says rank and file police have to get involved in changing the culture or change their job. Daily Record 15/10/2021 News Police volunteers honoured at 2021 Lord Ferrers Awards The awards celebrate the contribution of volunteers to the policing family. Home Office 15/10/2021 News ‘If it were the UK, police would have opened fire’: the explosive film about Trump’s Capitol Hill rioters It was the day rampaging Trump supporters stormed the Capitol – and almost derailed democracy. Now, using footage from rioters’ cameras, an unsettling film takes you into the thick of the mayhem The Guardian 15/10/2021 News PC, 36, who was shopped to police by his angry ex-girlfriend for trying to dodge a speeding ticket and get her to ‘take the points’ avoids jail A police officer who was shopped by his ex-girlfriend for trying to dodge a speeding ticket has been given an 18-month suspended sentence. Mail Online 15/10/2021 News ‘What You’ve Got Is A Right to Silence’: Paraphrasing the Right to Silence and the Meaning of Rights In the Northern Territory of Australia (NT), it has long been recognised that the right to silence ‘caution’ is difficult to communicate, particularly with some Aboriginal suspects. This article reviews paraphrases used by NT police to explain the right, asking how they could be understood by Aboriginal people and offering initial conclusions about the meaning of paraphrases involving choice, rights and force. Meanwhile, the consequences of staying silent are consistently omitted from police paraphrases, highlighting that suspects must recover important meaning from context. This article argues that a significant source of contextual knowledge about the caution is discourses about rights, which are a complex and culture-specific way of thinking and talking. There is every risk that suspects without required contextual knowledge fail to obtain anything useful from many versions of the caution, a situation which likely entrenches disadvantage in the justice system. To communicate the caution across a large cultural gap requires specifying more meaning, but only policy-makers can decide what information the caution is supposed to communicate and what effect it is supposed to have. Evaluation of potential cautions should ask whether they are comprehensible, informative and credible and ultimately what effect they have for relevant audiences. International Journal of Speech Language and the Law - Registration at source 15/10/2021 Research article A Rapid Review of Early Guidance to Prevent and Control Covid-19 in Custodial Settings With over 11 million people incarcerated globally, prevention and control of COVID-19 in custodial settings is a critical component of the public health response. Given the risk of rapid transmission in these settings, it is important to know what guidance existed for responding to COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic. We sought to identify, collate, and summarise guidance for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in custodial settings in the first six months of 2020. We conducted a systematic search of peer-reviewed and grey literature, and manually searched relevant websites to identify publications up to 30 June 2020 outlining recommendations to prevent and/or control COVID-19 in custodial settings. We inductively developed a coding framework and assessed recommendations using conventional content analysis. Health and Justice 15/10/2021 Research article Correction to: A rapid review of early guidance to prevent and control COVID-19 in custodial settings With over 11 million people incarcerated globally, prevention and control of COVID-19 in custodial settings is a critical component of the public health response. Given the risk of rapid transmission in these settings, it is important to know what guidance existed for responding to COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic. We sought to identify, collate, and summarise guidance for the prevention and control of COVID-19 in custodial settings in the first six months of 2020. We conducted a systematic search of peer-reviewed and grey literature, and manually searched relevant websites to identify publications up to 30 June 2020 outlining recommendations to prevent and/or control COVID-19 in custodial settings. We inductively developed a coding framework and assessed recommendations using conventional content analysis. Health and Justice 15/10/2021 Research article Court hears testimony from retired Winnipeg police officer in Sean Cassidy trial CANADA: WINNIPEG - A retired Winnipeg police officer testified in the trial of a former fellow officer accused of allegedly altering information in a police database to avoid a speeding ticket. CTV News (Canada) 15/10/2021 News York police recover 28 stolen vehicles worth more than $1.5M CANADA: York Regional Police say they have recovered 28 stolen vehicles and laid charges against six people as part of an ongoing theft investigation. Global News (Canada) 15/10/2021 News No charges for violent arrest involving Kelowna police dog CANADA: The Independent Investigations Office will not be recommending charges in relation to the incident Summerland Review (Canada) 15/10/2021 News Crises – what crises? A review of the risks and issues for policing in the pandemic Ahead of next week’s London Policing College workshop on UK Policing Legitimacy – the fourth in a series of workshops organised by the College, leading up to the 3rd International Police Education Conference in November – former Met Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Rod Jarman, Director of the College, looks at the risks and challenges emerging for policing in a ‘post-pandemic’ world, and assesses what steps need to be taken to maintain police effectiveness and legitimacy.  Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/10/2021 Analysis, Feature Review of abuse cases involving gardaà welcomed REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A review ordered by the Garda Commissioner into the standard of investigations into allegations of domestic abuse and sexual violence by gardaà has been widely welcomed by groups working with victims and their families. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 15/10/2021 News Gardaà continuing to cancel and misclassify 999 calls – Policing Authority REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardaà are continuing to cancel and misclassify 999 calls without going through the proper procedure, despite of the ongoing public controversy surrounding the issue, the Policing Authority has said. [VIDEO] RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 15/10/2021 News Some 999 calls still being cancelled prematurely – Garda watchdog REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The problematic cancellation of 999 calls by members of the Garda is more complex and serious than initially believed and has also persisted to a greater extent than initially thought, the Policing Authority has said. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 15/10/2021 News AI could be used to detect rogue officers, says academic Artificial intelligence could be used to 'track down rogue officers' but the technology is going unused due to a 'lack of political will,' an academic has said. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/10/2021 News Officers praised for saving two lives during one shift Two officers from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) have been praised for their work after delivering life-saving first aid to two men they encountered in separate incidents on the same shift. Police Professional 15/10/2021 News Calls for greater police presence on social media to tackle misinformation Police should be more active on social media to help prevent the spread of misinformation, the chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) has said. Police Professional 15/10/2021 News Specialist ‘protest removal’ squads to target eco-mobs at Cop26 Police step up tactics amid fears demonstrators will join rail and binman strikes to wreak havoc during the climate summit in Glasgow The Telegraph - Subscription at source 15/10/2021 News «239623972398239924002401240224032404Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events