Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 47921 to 47940 «239323942395239623972398239924002401Next ›Last » Annual Report 2020–21 AUSTRALIA: I am pleased to present the 2020–21 annual report of the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC), outlining the Institute’s achievements and outcomes for the year. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 19/10/2021 Report MI5 ‘should have more control over Prevent’ MI5 and counterterrorism police should be given a greater say on whether people at risk of radicalisation are placed on anti-extremism programmes, an overhaul of government strategy will recommend. The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2021 News Garda suffering PTSD after shotgun aimed at him awarded €150,000 by court A former garda who was discharged after suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) since an incident when a shotgun was pointed at him has been awarded €150,000 by the High Court. The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2021 News Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission Annual Report 2020–21 AUSTRALIA: This report summarises the performance of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) for the financial year ending 30 June 2021, as required by the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) 19/10/2021 Report Police Now launches new Frontline Leadership Programme Last month, Police Now launched The Frontline Leadership Programme (FLP) for the very first cohort of participants. The new programme is a one-year development programme which prepares and supports high-performing police constables seeking promotion to sergeant. Police Now 18/10/2021 News $296 million UK cocaine bust aided by Australian police AUSTRALIA: Five men have denied drug trafficking offences after more than two tonnes of cocaine were seized aboard a luxury yacht off the UK coast, with Australian Federal Police helping in the investigation. The New Daily (Australia) 18/10/2021 News Police seize $50,000 worth of cocaine, arrest 17 people during operation in Sydney’s east AUSTRALIA: Police seized $50,000 worth of cocaine and $35,000 in cash after a series of arrests around party spots in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. Perth Now (Australia) 18/10/2021 News Victoria Covid update: more than 40 police stood down for refusing coronavirus vaccine AUSTRALIA: More than 40 Victoria police staff have been stood down and face losing their jobs after refusing to have the Covid vaccine. The Guardian 18/10/2021 News Whangarei Steps Up To Support Our Ethnic Communities NEW ZEALAND: The Multi Ethnic Collective (MEC) celebrate their success in creating a strong platform for the voices of our local ethnic communities to be heard. One year on, this community voluntary advisory group is proving its value to the wider district through collaboration with agencies and the community. Scoop (New Zealand) 18/10/2021 News Arrests over alleged child sexual exploitation material NEW ZEALAND: A 20-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly exporting and distributing child sexual exploitation material. Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) 18/10/2021 News Head Hunters gang members charged after police callout NEW ZEALAND: Five members of the Head Hunters gang are facing firearms charges after an incident in Auckland yesterday. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 18/10/2021 News A National Comparison of Police Academies Operated By Academic Institutions and By Law Enforcement Agencies: Different Strokes For Different Folks? Well known is the fact new hires of police agencies must complete a program of basic law enforcement training (BLET) before they can become sworn officers and this training usually occurs at police academies. Less well known is these academies can be grouped into two types: law enforcement agency academies (LEAAs) and academic institution academies (AIAs). Using national-level police academy data (N = 591), this study compared the two groups on (1) characteristics of the academies (e.g., size and scope) (2) characteristics of BLET instructors, and (3) features of BLET (e.g., influences on curriculum development). Our results showed significant proportional or mean differences existed between the groups in ∼62% of comparisons made. Implications of these results for understanding and reforming BLET around guardian-type principles are discussed and suggestions made for further research. Journal of Criminal Justice Education - Registration at source 18/10/2021 Research article Using Technology to Improve Assessment Facilitation on A Policing Apprenticeship Programme: From Covid-19 Contingency to Best Practice This article evaluates the introduction of an online assessment protocol to student officers on a Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA) programme in the aftermath of the implementation of the COVID-19 global pandemic lockdown. This evaluation comes from conducting two cycles of action research to examine and improve the provision of an online multiple choice/short question exam which came about as a result of the lockdown, and the necessary withdrawal of university staff from face-to-face contact. The study shows that the introduction of the online exam was successful and contributed to a positive student experience, while providing vital feedback to the programme team to make continual improvements and can be progressed after lockdown and into the ‘new normal’ Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 18/10/2021 Research article Former officer sentenced over inappropriate relationship PC sent woman he met after attending incident at her home, pictures of himself undressed. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/10/2021 News Norfolk restarts search for Chief Norfolk is targeting the strategic command course after re-starting its search for a new chief constable. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/10/2021 News Managing menopause in the workplace – new guidance published Guidance addressing the potential impact of menopause symptoms on women at work College of Policing 18/10/2021 News Addressing issues which disproportionately impact black communities is the best way to build trust and confidence West Yorkshire Deputy Mayor Alison Lowe, the APCC's Lead on Equality, Diversity and Human Rights, writes: Growing up in Leeds in the 1960s I knew that I was different. Not only was I a Black child living in a 4000-strong majority-White council estate in Seacroft, but my parents had also entered an interracial marriage; playing their part in paving the way for others to love whom they choose, today. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 18/10/2021 News Officers experiencing menopausal symptoms entitled to reasonable adjustments Forces have a duty to make reasonable adjustments for officers who are struggling with menopausal symptoms. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 18/10/2021 News Police failed to flag up ‘significant’ incident involving serial killer Stephen Port mentioned an incident that should have alerted the Met’s homicide command when he was interviewed after the death of his first victim. Express & Star 18/10/2021 News The barriers to policing financial crime: Insights into an often misunderstood, under investigated and undetected crime Fraud has been one of the biggest crime growth areas in the UK and internationally over the past five year, yet successive reports have highlighted an ineffective police response and a lack of support for victims; Portsmouth University Lecturer Paul Gilmour, a former police detective, examines why financial crimes are often the ‘poor relation’ when it comes to police investigation, and what can be done to address the challenges. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 18/10/2021 Analysis, Feature «239323942395239623972398239924002401Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events