Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 47761 to 47780 «238523862387238823892390239123922393Next ›Last » Man accused of Waikanae gun rampage gets name suppression NEW ZEALAND: The man alleged to have gone on a rampage while brandishing and firing a shotgun on the Kāpiti Coast on Sunday has kept his name secret. Stuff (New Zealand) 25/10/2021 News ‘They created monsters’: How New Zealand’s brutal welfare system produced criminals NEW ZEALAND: Rangi Wickliffe was one of many Māori children repeatedly abused in welfare institutions including the notorious Lake Alice psychiatric hospital The Guardian 25/10/2021 Feature, Opinion Role modelling policing as a career to Black young people Chief Constable Garry Forsyth recognises the challenge of recruiting and retaining people from diverse backgrounds College of Policing 25/10/2021 News Metropolitan police officer accused of rape goes on trial in Essex Court hears that James Geoghegan told woman he thought she was ‘playing hard to get’ when she told him to stop The Guardian 25/10/2021 News Recording reveals police efforts to recruit BLM activist as informant Swansea activist Lowri Davies recorded call from officer in ‘frightening and distressing’ attempted recruitment The Guardian 25/10/2021 News Rape victims can refuse to hand over phones under new laws Proposals will put an end to ‘digital strip searches’ which have been blamed for plummeting conviction rates The Telegraph - Subscription at source 25/10/2021 News Dogs which chase farm animals could be seized by police Surge in livestock worrying prompts proposed new powers to detain out of control dogs The Telegraph - Subscription at source 25/10/2021 News 5 Shocking Stats About Sexual Misconduct & Domestic Abuse In The Police Force Following the sentencing of serving police officer Wayne Couzens for the murder of Sarah Everard, conversations about the safety of women and sexual misconduct within the police have hit the headlines. While the Home Office will conduct a public inquiry into Everard’s death alongside an independent inquiry led by Baroness Louise Carey into the Metropolitan Police as a whole, reports into the scale of the problem suggest much more needs to be done both within the police and in the society it reflects. Bustle 25/10/2021 News Further Evidence on the Extent and Time Course of Repeat Missing Incidents Involving Children: A Research Note This study examines the extent and time course of repeat missing incidents involving children. Using data from one UK police force (n = 2,251), we find (1) that the majority (65%) of missing incidents are repeats, (2) that a small group of repeatedly missing children (n = 43; 6%) account for a sizable proportion of all missing incidents (n=739, 33%) and (3) that the likelihood of a child going missing repeatedly is elevated in the weeks immediately following a previous missing incident. The implications of our findings for future research and for the prevention of missing incidents are discussed. Police Journal - Registration at source 25/10/2021 Research article New Challenges For Police During the Pandemic and Specific Actions to Counteract Them in Romania Measures designed to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV2 included a series of actions that contributed to the amplification of social tensions (traffic restrictions, limitation of income sources, adjacent economic shortages, return to the country of a large number of Romanian citizens, and the amount of fines for violating the restrictions provided by the military ordinances), some of which affected the activity of the police. Therefore, police had to face new threats and to ensure the respect of a wide range of limitations in regard to people’s conduct and public order. This article will analyse the specific challenges faced by the police in the period following the spread of Covid-19, mainly during the lockdown installed in Romania, challenges directly related to the measures adopted, the changes in the daily routine and the necessary actions to limit and eliminate the pandemic’s negative effects. More specific, the article analyses the group conflicts that have risen during lockdown and aggressive conduct towards Police determined by the enforcement of rules meant to limit the pandemic in different areas of the country. The paper pays a large amount of attention to the ways in which the Romanian Police approached these cases, their implication and elaborates a set of necessary measures Police needs to implement in order to properly manage them. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin 25/10/2021 Research article Tackling wildlife trafficking: Black market in cheetahs and elephant ivory bounces back from COVID-19 disruption The illegal trafficking of wild animals feeds a major global market, and involves a huge range of species; now a new series of briefings on this illicit trade – starting with a focus on live cheetahs and African Elephant ivory – is highlighting the challenges of tackling animal trafficking as well as how routes and markets have responded to COVID-19, as Policing Insight’s Chris Allen reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/10/2021 Feature Operational Stress of Police Officers: A Cross-Sectional Study in Three Countries With Centralized, Hierarchical Organization Law enforcement is a stressful occupation with both work-related and social-related stressors. Too much stress can negatively affect behaviours, mental states, and job performance. Centralized police organizations limit officers’ individual autonomy, likely increasing stress. This study examined differences in occupational stress in two different European countries and one Middle East country. Participants were 351 male police officers from Serbia (n = 130, age 36 ± 8 years), Russia (n = 121, age 22 ± 4 years), and Lebanon (n = 100, age 36 ± 6 years) who completed the 20-item Operational Police Stress Questionnaire in their own language. Items were averaged and interpreted as low (≤2.0), stress (2.1–3.4), and high stress (≥3.5). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) analyses using age as the covariate with Bonferroni post hoc analyses were used. A principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine stress structure per country. Significant differences were found with lower occupational stress in Russian (P < 0.001) and Lebanon (P = 0.003) than Serbian officers. PCA factor patterns differed by country, with six found for Russian and Lebanese and three for Serbian officers. More work-related stressors were rated higher for the younger Russian officers, while more social-related stressors were rated higher for the older Serbian officers. Results suggest that it is vital to consider officers’ stress sources and overall stress levels. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 25/10/2021 Research article Police arrest two, seize cocaine and cash following drug trafficking investigation CANADA: Police have charged two Fort McMurray residents following a drug trafficking investigation in downtown Fort McMurray. Toronto Star (Canada) 25/10/2021 News North Bay police partnership aims to help youth in mental health crisis CANADA: Pilot project is a partnership between Nipissing University, police, and mental health agency CBC News (Canada) 25/10/2021 News How Montreal’s police force spends its $679M budget CANADA: The salaries of SPVM officers make up bulk of SPVM's spending, but civilians also get sizable chunk CBC News (Canada) 25/10/2021 News HSE ‘keeping close eye’ as police forces probe ‘injection spiking’ reports REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The HSE is “keeping a close eye” on the reopened night-time economy on the back of reports in Britain and the North of possible spiking of women with drugs by people using needles. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 25/10/2021 News First coercive control charges before Clare court REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A man has appeared in court charged with sexually assaulting and falsely imprisoning a woman on multiple occasions over a two-year period in Clare. The Clare Champion (Republic of Ireland) 25/10/2021 News Drug use in Galway at ‘frightening levels’ says top Garda REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Use of illegal drugs has reached ‘fairly frightening’ levels across the city and county, according to Galway’s top Garda. Connacht Tribune (Republic of Ireland) 25/10/2021 News Forces across UK receive hundreds of spiking reports over past two months Hundreds of drink and injection spiking incidents have been reported to police forces across the UK over the past two months. Police Professional 25/10/2021 News Policing bill could undermine trust and ‘exacerbate violence’, ex-chiefs warn Former police chiefs have warned parts of a controversial Bill could further undermine trust in forces and “exacerbate” serious violence. Express & Star 25/10/2021 News «238523862387238823892390239123922393Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events