Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 47561 to 47580 «237523762377237823792380238123822383Next ›Last » Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 2/11/2021 News Home Office finds forces’ firearms licensing return reviews ‘are robust’ But new statutory guidance requiring licensing officers to conduct 'open source' social media checks come into force today. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 1/11/2021 News NCA takes helm of international online child sexual abuse taskforce The National Crime Agency (NCA) has again taken over as chair of the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT), the international alliance dedicated to the protection of children from online sexual abuse and other transnational child sex offences. Police Professional 1/11/2021 News IOPC appeals for calm following incident in custody suite The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has called for calm following an incident in which it was alleged a Sikh man had a religious head covering forcibly removed and stamped on by a West Midlands Police officer. Police Professional 1/11/2021 News Federation chair calls for ‘recalibration’ of police culture Police need to recalibrate elements of canteen culture where “sexist nicknames and derogatory remarks are made”, the national chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has said. Police Professional 1/11/2021 News Members urged to share their views on pay and morale The only national survey which captures members views on pay, conditions and morale launches today, Monday 1 November 2021. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 1/11/2021 News High Court to examine defences available to NT police officer Zachary Rolfe ahead of murder trial AUSTRALIA: Lawyers for Northern Territory police officer Zachary Rolfe will go head-to-head with prosecutors in the High Court in Canberra today in a battle over what he can argue in his defence, when he faces trial over the alleged murder of teenager Kumanjayi Walker in 2019. ABC News (Australia) 1/11/2021 News ‘Absolutely grotesque’: Motorway Cops slam drivers for using their phones leading to fines Motorists have been slammed by the Motorway Cops for using their phones while driving to film an accident. Express 1/11/2021 News Police train for ‘extreme stress’ of search and rescue operation in Alice Springs AUSTRALIA: Northern Territory police have been put to the test during search and rescue training in Alice Springs. ABC News (Australia) 1/11/2021 News Fears of a bikie turf war as leading criminologist calls for police ‘re-think’ AUSTRALIA: A leading criminologist says the apparent tension between rival bikie gangs on the Gold Coast should be taken seriously after a weekend of violence. [AUDIO] 4BC (Australia) 1/11/2021 News Use of force on a youth in Auckland justified NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that a Police officer was justified in his use of force to detain a young woman who had absconded from hospital. Scoop (New Zealand) 1/11/2021 News ‘Where is your emergency?’ NEW ZEALAND: Our Police Emergency Communications Centres are marking a milestone, celebrating 25 years of delivering critical emergency services for both public safety and the safety of frontline police officers. New Zealand Police 1/11/2021 News Mentally ill and shot in the back: The police killing of Jerrim Toms NEW ZEALAND: Jerrim Toms' mum asked police to help her mentally ill son. They ended up shooting him as he ran away. Guyon Espiner reveals what happened that night and details the unanswered questions that remain four years on. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 1/11/2021 Analysis, Feature Dr James Windle: ‘Fentanyl will replace heroin – and that’s quite a scary proposition’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Dr James Windle, a Criminology Lecturer at University College Cork, about situational crime prevention, suppressing opium cultivation, and how he sees organised crime and the illegal drugs market evolving over the next decade. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/11/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion The hiring practice that could dramatically improve policing USA: “We’re not the ones out there shooting,” says Janeé Harteau, former chief of police of the Minneapolis Police Department. “This is really about gender at its very core.” A growing number of police reform advocates say the way to fix the policing problem in America might be to hire more female police officers. In fact, they say gender parity was a key item missing from the conversation when, in the wake of a series of high-profile police shootings of Black Americans in 2020, a federal police reform bill made its way this year to the halls of Congress. That bill tanked in September. Slate 1/11/2021 News Surrey Police Service prepares for initial deployment CANADA: Surrey’s new municipal police service is readying itself for its first deployment into policing operations later this month. Peace Arch News (Canada) 1/11/2021 News Waterloo regional police holding month-long weapons amnesty CANADA: Police say people are able to turn over unlicensed and illegal weapons without fear of prosecution CBC News (Canada) 1/11/2021 News Limiting sleep disorders among police officers CANADA: Sleep problems affect the vast majority of police officers. In fact, nearly 60 per cent of police officers experience clinically significant insomnia (Angehrn), which is five times higher than the general population (Roth; Ford, Kamerow). Blue Line (Canada) 1/11/2021 Analysis, Feature An Garda Siochana to spend up to €300,000 on behavioural leadership programme REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The five module programme is set to commence in the first quarter of next year at the Garda Training College at Templemore and will involve 100 participants Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 1/11/2021 News Anti-social behaviour in Galway: ‘It has never been as bad’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The unmistakable sound of a firework tears across the sky above Eyre Square, Galway, leaving a blue and red streak in its wake, before detonating. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 1/11/2021 News «237523762377237823792380238123822383Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events