Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 47361 to 47380 «236523662367236823692370237123722373Next ›Last » Solving organised crime: What is the way forward for international co-operation? A recent report from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime highlighted that while success in countering organised crime relies on international co-operation, countries were increasingly turning to national solutions; Policing Insight's Chris Allen looks at the crime-fighting scenarios suggested by the report, and how likely they are to be adopted by countries around the world. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/11/2021 Analysis, Feature Parents warned children could face exclusion or police over TikTok trends Recent videos have encouraged pupils to damage school bathrooms and even attack teachers on camera Wales Online 9/11/2021 News British Transport Police apologise for ‘systemic racism’ over Oval Four and Stockwell Six convictions The British Transport Police has apologised to the British African community for ‘systemic racism’ over a series of wrongful convictions in the 1970s. As reported on the Justice Gap, the convictions of the Oval Four and Stockwell Six have been overturned by the Court of Appeal following referrals by the miscarriage of justice watchdog the Criminal Cases Review Commission. The Justice Gap 9/11/2021 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/11/2021 News Audit of Canadian Police College Cost Recovery Model CANADA: The Canadian Police College (CPC) has been providing advanced and specialized training and executive development to law enforcement officers from many jurisdictions to help them combat crime and increase the safety of Canadians since 1976. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 9/11/2021 Report Understanding the Reconstruction of Police Professionalism in the UK This article begins by exploring the development of police professionalism in the UK. It considers the drivers that have shaped the direction of police professionalism in England and Wales, including the influence of professional and institutional logics. Next, it outlines the current phase of ‘professionalism’, examining what has influenced the adoption of the current normative framework with specific reference to the PEQF and evidenced-based approaches. It will argue that attempts to re-professionalise the police have tended to be situated between ‘ideal types’ of professionalism, one which favours ‘professional trust and autonomy’ driven by professionals themselves towards a model of organisational professionalism motivated by a desire to standardise and limit occupational autonomy. Latterly, it will argue that these ‘ideal types’ used to conceptualise the changing nature of police professionalism fail to account for broader reconfigurations that shape professional identifies fully. Drawing mainly on the work of Noordegraaf [2016. Reconfiguring professional work: changing forms of professionalism in public services. Administration & Society, 48 (7), 783–810; 2020. Protective or connective professionalism? How connected professionals can (still) act as autonomous and authoritative experts. Journal of professions and organization] it is shown that there is a need to reconceptualise our understanding of professionalism to identify the range of factors influencing and reshaping professional identities. Policing and Society - Registration at source 9/11/2021 Research article Tribunal considers police plea to reject mandatory vaccinations AUSTRALIA: Mandated vaccinations are a bone of contention for Australian employers HRD 8/11/2021 News The day Australian police started carrying guns AUSTRALIA: If you have an encounter with an Australian police officer it's most likely they'll be carrying some kind of firearm. [VIDEO] ABC News (Australia) 8/11/2021 Feature Police say second person may be involved in alleged abduction of Cleo Smith AUSTRALIA: Western Australian police have revealed that a second person may have been involved in the alleged abduction of Cleo Smith. 7 News (Australia) 8/11/2021 News Police vaccine mandate decision ‘imminent’, Government fears 1200 officers might have to be stood down NEW ZEALAND: A vaccination mandate for police could lead to roughly 1200 officers being pulled from the job. [VIDEO] Stuff (New Zealand) 8/11/2021 News Police announce new unit to focus on repeat retail offending NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand Police has announced the establishment of a National Retail Investigation Support Unit to address patterns of high priority repeat retail offending across the country. New Zealand Police 8/11/2021 News Misgivings despite Aotearoa being ranked second in world for drug policies NEW ZEALAND: A new global measure ranks New Zealand second when it comes to drug policies, but the New Zealand Drug Foundation says there is plenty of room for improvement. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/11/2021 News Federation reacts with fury to Winsor idea of ransom phone checks HM Chief Inspector and frontline officers leaders' have squared off over checks on phones to tackle racism and misogyny. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/11/2021 News Officer jailed for engaging in ‘shocking’ controlling and coercive behaviour A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been jailed for more than two years for assaulting his partner in a coercive and controlling relationship. Police Professional 8/11/2021 News Chief constable honours ‘important contribution’ of RUC as PSNI marks 20th anniversary As the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) marks its 20th anniversary, Chief Constable Simon Byrne has paid tribute to the “important contribution” made by the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) GC in laying the foundations for policing in the province. Police Professional 8/11/2021 News Legal action threatened over ‘failure to tackle police abuse’ in wake of Sarah Everard murder Women’s groups have threatened legal action if the Home Secretary fails to “take urgent steps to tackle police-perpetrated abuse”. Police Professional 8/11/2021 News Stephen Port: Met treated victim’s partner differently ‘because he is gay’ The boyfriend of a man murdered by the serial killer Stephen Port has said he was treated differently by the Met Police because he is gay. BBC 8/11/2021 News Partner of youngest victim of serial killer Stephen Port felt ‘pushed out’ by police investigating his death ‘because pair were unmarried gay couple’, inquest hears The partner of the youngest victim of serial killer Stephen Port felt 'pushed out' by police investigating his death ' because the pair were an unmarried gay couple', an inquest has heard. Mail Online 8/11/2021 News ANZSEBP Conference: Improving reintegration support for officers following critical firearms incidents Amid concerns that officers experiencing the mental health impact of critical firearms incidents were not receiving enough ‘return to work’ support, New Zealand Police have a adopted a peer-led approach to post-incident reintegration; Dr Anna Sutton of the University of Waikato explained to delegates at the recent Australia and New Zealand Society of Evidence-Based Policing (ANZSEBP) Conference how ongoing research to evaluate the programme could help to improve reintegration for affected officers. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/11/2021 Feature The Ethics of Policing: New Perspectives on Law Enforcement By no small measure, quite the most thought-provoking book on policing in some time. Uppermost among the thoughts provoked: how many police officers, including those of senior rank, reach retirement age after a lifetime of police service without fully realizing what policing is or means? Those who do not understand how that is a question that can even be asked, probably would benefit significantly from reading this collection of powerful, often discomforting, essays. Their focus is policing in America today but reading about the lived experience of policing/being policed in Ferguson, Missouri, or Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one could just as easily be reading about Newham, London (UK); Redfern, Sydney (Australia); Fort McMurray, Alberta (Canada): the quest for lawful policing versus effective policing; uncertain conceptions of legitimate policing and professional norms; ‘rewards’ for ‘real’ police work that undermine reform and resolution; the intrinsic and systemic injustice of racial bias—topics that transcend national,.. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Subscription at source 8/11/2021 Research article «236523662367236823692370237123722373Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events