Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 47321 to 47340 «236323642365236623672368236923702371Next ›Last » Police Respond To IPCA Report NEW ZEALAND: Police disagrees with a ruling in an IPCA report which says that entry into a property in Palmerston North last year was unlawful, and therefore its subsequent ruling that use of force inside the property was also unlawful. Scoop (New Zealand) 9/11/2021 News Detective on police trying to assume people’s online identities NEW ZEALAND: A police spokesperson says officers have been asking people to sign away their social media and email passwords for police use for almost 10 years. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 9/11/2021 News Police try to assume people’s online identities to gather information NEW ZEALAND: Police are trying to assume the online identities of suspects and defendants by taking over their social media and email accounts to gather information. NZ Herald (New Zealand) 9/11/2021 News New training an opportunity for culture change in policing The current wave of recruitment provides an opportunity to jump-start the rebuilding of the public’s trust Police Professional 9/11/2021 News Tributes after death of serving BTP officer Tributes have been paid following the death of a serving officer at British Transport Police. Police Professional 9/11/2021 News New ‘Tri-Station’ for blue light services will be ‘first of its kind’ to be completely carbon neutral Plans for a new ‘Tri-Station’ that will see all three blue light services under one roof will be the first of its kind in the country to be “completely carbon neutral”. Police Professional 9/11/2021 News MPS officer cleared of rape A Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been cleared of an allegation of rape that saw him suspended from his duties. Police Professional 9/11/2021 News Lancashire Police help 1,000 lockdown domestic abuse victims An initiative which sees police officers responding to domestic abuse reports alongside a trained NHS domestic abuse specialist has now supported over 1,000 victims across Lancashire. ITV News 9/11/2021 News Metropolitan Police officer James Geoghegan cleared of rape Mr Geoghegan, from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, wiped away tears as his barrister told the court he had waited a long time for the case to be resolved. Sky News 9/11/2021 News Learning in the whirlwind: Policing and professional lifelong learning This week will see the launch of a new series of fortnightly articles on continuing professional development (CPD) in policing, written specifically for the Policing Insight audience by the team at the Open University’s Centre for Policing Research and Learning (CPRL); ahead of the first article, Dr Emma Williams, the CPRL’s Director of Research and Strategic Partnerships, explains the aim of the series and introduces the team behind it. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/11/2021 Feature Impact of Stress Caused By the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Work and Conduct of Police Officers in Stressful Emergency Situations This paper elaborates the relationship between stress from the COVID-19 pandemic and the work and conduct of police officers in stressful emergency situations and is directly based on a survey conducted among police officers working in Croatia. Field research was conducted in May and June 2020 during the first pandemic wave on a sample of 988 police officers. The objectives of this study are to determine the extent to which the emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to changes in police officer work and behavior of police officers, to determine the severity of stress exposure and to assess police officers in relation to the following sources of stress in the police environment: newly created working conditions, working expectations, interpersonal relations, control in work, support from superiors or associates or the general public, work roles, familiarity with changes, mistakes made in work and a certain insecurity in terms of job preservation. The obtained results suggest that the crisis caused by the pandemic has affected organizational changes in the police force, changed the structure and scope of police tasks and had a significant impact on the professional health of police officers. Moreover, the risk of infection has increased given that police work continues to be carried out in direct contact with citizens, and consequently increased exposure to stress. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin - Subscription at source 9/11/2021 Research article Officer shares his child sexual abuse experience to improve the support and service for other victims Cheshire Detective Sergeant Mark Naylor has delivered many powerful presentations on the suffering of sexual abuse victims, but it is not until well into the sessions that he reveals the experiences he is discussing are his own; this award-winning officer spoke to Policing Insight Deputy Editor Sarah Gibbons about the emotional and mental impact of abuse, the need for victims to take back control, and how forces can improve the service they deliver. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/11/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Police Stress and Deleterious Outcomes: Efforts Towards Improving Police Mental Health Police officers are subjected, daily, to critical incidents and work-related stressors that negatively impact nearly every aspect of their personal and professional lives. They have resisted openly acknowledging this for fear of being labeled. This research examined the deleterious outcomes on the mental health of police officers, specifically on the correlation between years of service and change in worldviews, perception of others, and the correlation between repeated exposure to critical events and experiencing Post-Traumatic Symptoms. The Cumulative Career Traumatic Stress Questionnaire- Revised (Marshall in J Police Crim Psychol 21(1):62−71, 2006) was administered to 408 current and prior law enforcement officers across the United States. Significant correlations were found between years of service and traumatic events; traumatic events and post-traumatic stress symptoms; and traumatic events and worldview/perception of others. The findings from this study support the literature that perpetual long-term exposure to critical incidents and traumatic events, within the scope of the duties of a law enforcement officer, have negative implications that can impact both their physical and mental wellbeing. These symptoms become exacerbated when the officer perceives that receiving any type of service to address these issues would not be supported by law enforcement hierarchy and could, in fact, lead to the officer being declared unfit for duty. Finally, this research discusses early findings associated with the 2017 Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act and other proactive measures being implemented within law enforcement agencies who are actively working to remove the stigma associated with mental health in law enforcement. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 9/11/2021 Research article Calgary police request $6-million increase in 2022 budget CANADA: The Calgary Police Service is asking for a $6.08-million funding boost in 2022 as part of proposed city budget changes that call for a slight property tax increase. Calgary Herald (Canada) 9/11/2021 News TPS joins police services across Ontario to celebrate Crime Prevention Week CANADA: Crime Prevention week is underway across Ontario and to support this year’s theme, “Safer Communities, Stronger Ontario,” TPS is offering a number of tips to help keep the community safe. Blue Line (Canada) 9/11/2021 News TPS hosting Coffee with a Cop, Veteran and Soldier to honour the month of Remembrance CANADA: Members of the Toronto Police Service Military Veterans Wellness Program and 52 Division are inviting the public to have a coffee with a cop, veteran and soldier on Tuesday November 9, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Yonge/Dundas Square. Blue Line (Canada) 9/11/2021 News Effect of Awareness and Notification of Body-Worn Cameras on Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy, Cooperation, and Compliance: Findings From A Randomized Controlled Trial The study examined the effects of awareness and notification of body-worn cameras (BWCs) on encounter-based citizen perceptions including procedural justice, police lawfulness, compliance with police, and global-level perceptions including police legitimacy, cooperation, and compliance with law. A vignette-based cluster randomized controlled trial was conducted. As a cluster, participants were randomly selected and then randomly assigned to one of the four conditions (non-BWC, unawareness of BWC, awareness of BWC, and notification of BWC). Participants in the experimental conditions (i.e., unawareness of BWC, awareness of BWC, and notification of BWC) viewed a video of a real traffic stop in which the officer used a BWC. The data were obtained from a survey about participants’ perceptions. A one-way ANOVA test for bivariate analysis and a hierarchical generalized linear model for multivariate analysis were conducted. Compared with the control condition, the three experimental conditions significantly improved encounter-based citizen perceptions. Compared with unawareness of BWC, notification of BWC significantly improved the perceptions of procedural justice and police lawfulness, while awareness of BWC significantly improved the perceptions of police lawfulness. BWC awareness improves citizen encounter-based perceptions. Police should notify citizens of the use of BWCs to increase the effectiveness of BWCs. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 9/11/2021 Research article Garda checkpoints stepped up to target drink and drug drivers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: New Ross and south Kilkenny gardaí have stepped up their checkpoints as they focus on drink and drug driving in the area. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 9/11/2021 News The Minister for Justice has sought to quell opposition to proposed powers for garda watchdog REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice has sought to quell opposition to a new Bill which proposes sweeping powers for a garda watchdog to search stations without the need of a court issued warrant. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 9/11/2021 News Not all elements of Garda reform will please everyone, says McEntee REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Planned Garda reforms that have provoked strong opposition from within the force were the biggest changes ever to Irish policing and not all elements would please everyone, Minister for Justice Helen McEntee TD has said. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 9/11/2021 News «236323642365236623672368236923702371Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events