Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96416 total results. Showing results 47241 to 47260 «235923602361236223632364236523662367Next ›Last » Govt urged to ban police from using contact tracing data NEW ZEALAND: Experts have called for a data protection requirement to sit alongside the Government's forthcoming mandatory scanning and sign-in policy, Marc Daalder reports newsroom (New Zealand) - Subscription at source 23/8/2021 News Multicultural members meet to drive inclusion in the QPS AUSTRALIA: Just like our Queensland community, the Queensland Police Service (QPS) is made up of members from a range of diverse cultural backgrounds. To help ensure all members feel included, valued and culturally safe, the QPS recently established the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Consultative Group. myPolice - Queensland Police News 23/8/2021 News Mick Fuller says protesters who ‘demand freedom’ are the ones responsible for lockdown extensions AUSTRALIA: NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller says there's "an irony" to protest action as potential super spreaders for the virus have done nothing but encourage lockdown extensions. Sky News 23/8/2021 News ‘Rainbow cars’ won’t solve the police’s image problem People want to feel protected, yet it feels as if an image refresh has taken precedence over confronting existing problems The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Government must end police plugging mental health service gaps Urgent action is needed from the Government to put an end to the police service being used to plug the gaps of underfunded mental health services. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 23/8/2021 News National Chair pays tribute to a ‘passionate’ supporter of PFEW The Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has paid tribute to The Viscount Simon for his long-standing support for PFEW members and roads policing. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 23/8/2021 News Child arrests at record low, as police adopt ‘soft justice’ for the young The Howard League for Penal Reform said police were targeting more serious crimes instead of landing children with criminal records The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/8/2021 News UK government and police servers vulnerable to new Microsoft email hack, security researchers say Microsoft has been criticised by a former employee for its "knowingly awful" messaging to customers to update their Exchange email systems since the vulnerabilities were discovered earlier this year. Sky News 23/8/2021 News UK Government plan to give armed nuclear police more powers raises ‘profound concerns’ A UK Government plan to give an armed police force called the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) greater powers has raised “profound concerns” and been described as “deeply worrying”. The Ferret 23/8/2021 Feature, Opinion Mental health online: Police posts of crises may traumatize CANADA: The short clips were posted on official law enforcement social media accounts, part of a longstanding practice by police agencies to showcase their lifesaving efforts online — especially in 2021 as desperation grows for positive press amid accusations of excessive force and racism following George Floyd’s murder, and rising gun violence and killings. But with renewed attention on officer interactions with people who are suffering from mental health issues, experts and advocates are taking another look at these posts with an eye toward whether they exploit the very victims law enforcement just saved. Toronto Star (Canada) 23/8/2021 News Class is back in session – “Virtual” Citizens’ Police College CANADA: Hamilton Police has now opened registration for this fall’s “Virtual” Citizens’ Police College. The popular program will host classes on a variety of policing topics. Hamilton Police was one of the first police services in Ontario to offer this type of program to its community members. Thousands of citizens have participated since Citizens’ Police College opened its doors in 1997. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will once again host Citizens’ Police College online. Hamilton Police Service (Canada) 23/8/2021 News Extremist groups ‘actively recruiting’ military and police, Canadian intelligence report warns CANADA: Far-right extremist groups are “actively recruiting” past and present members of the military and police, according to a declassified Canadian intelligence report obtained by Global News. The report cited 17 examples in Canada, the U.S., U.K., Germany and New Zealand which “illustrate the intersections and relationships between ideologically motivated violent extremism and uniformed personnel.” Global News (Canada) 23/8/2021 News The Contribution of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Work-Related Stressors Among Law Enforcement Officers Objective: explore the role of law enforcement officers (LEOs) experiences of early adversity on work-related stress. Data/methods: LEOs were invited to participate in a data collection effort connected to a marketed LEO prevention toolkit on domestic violence (n = 247). Linear regression models were run to identify variables associated with work-related stress. Variables such as demographics, social behaviours, and other job-related factors were controlled for during analysis. Results: mean Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire (ACE-IQ) score of sample participants = 4.64; 95% of participants reported experiencing at least one ACE. ACEs are an important factor in later officer stress but is not significant when post-traumatic stress (PTS) is introduced to the regression models. ACEs, PST, and alcohol use are main explanatory variables of interest. Conclusions/implications: Out of our main variables of interest, ACEs were associated with LEO work-related stress, but the impact was blunted by PTS. PTS remained the only statistically significant variable associated with LEO work-related stress at the completion of analysis. ACEs have long been associated with development of PTS; thus, future research may explore how ACEs contribute to LEOs development of PTS. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 23/8/2021 Research article ANZSEBP Conference: US policing needs to ditch ‘warrior’ culture to win back public trust and confidence Over the last 40 years American crime rates have fallen significantly – yet so too have levels of trust and confidence in policing; speaking at this year’s Australia and New Zealand Society for Evidence-Based Policing Conference, Professor Tom Tyler, Founding Director of Yale Law School’s Justice Collaboratory, outlined the opportunity for a new approach to US policing, and how evidence could be used to support that shift, as Policing Insight Editor Keith Potter reports Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/8/2021 Feature Civil liberties groups demand ban on facial recognition technology A group of civil society bodies has called on the Government to ban facial recognition cameras, while accusing police and the Home Office of bypassing Parliament over guidance for the use of the technology. Police Professional 23/8/2021 News ‘Rainbow cars’ brought into fleets to ‘give confidence to LGBT community’ Fleets across the UK have converted patrol cars to include the LGBT pride rainbow designs, to encourage reporting of hate crime and give confidence to under represented groups. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/8/2021 News Local schools to work with Police Service of Northern Ireland to help support children affected by domestic abuse Schools across the Downpatrick area are to take part in a pilot programme, Operation Encompass, which will see police share information with schools where there have been instances of domestic abuse involving a child. This will allow officers to pass on relevant information to the school the child attends so that the right support can be put in place. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 23/8/2021 News Robot dogs won’t save policing – but AI just might Some police forces are turning to robots, AI and facial recognition, but high-profile failures harm public trust IT PRO 23/8/2021 Feature, Innovation Specialist teams cut child arrests by two thirds over a decade Fewer children are being pulled into the criminal justice system with arrests, according to new figures. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/8/2021 News Custody is not an appropriate place for people suffering with mental ill health After media reports highlighted the difficulties policing faces in detaining people experiencing mental ill health, due to shortages in beds, the APCC's Mental Health and Custody leads PCCs Lisa Townsend and PCC Emily Spurrell have issued a statement. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 23/8/2021 News «235923602361236223632364236523662367Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events