Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 47201 to 47220 «235723582359236023612362236323642365Next ›Last » Derbyshire – National child protection inspection This report is a summary of the findings of our inspection of police child protection services in Derbyshire, which took place in May 2021. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/11/2021 Report Child protection in Derbyshire requires urgent improvement Derbyshire Constabulary is not effectively safeguarding children and urgent changes are needed, a new report has found. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/11/2021 News West Yorkshire officer’s use of chokehold was ‘indefensible’, hearing told PC Graham Kanes denies using disproportionate force when arresting Hassan Ahmed in Halifax The Guardian 16/11/2021 News More people may have self-radicalised online in pandemic, warns minister Damian Hinds says there has been a shift to ‘self-directed’ attacks by individuals or small groups The Guardian 16/11/2021 News Derbyshire Police ‘must improve child protection’, watchdog warns Police in Derbyshire "urgently" need to improve the way they look after vulnerable children, a report has said. BBC 16/11/2021 News Malthouse sees technologies of tomorrow for policing and security Dstl scientists demonstrate innovations to tackle knife crime and to stop violent offenders. Home Office 16/11/2021 News More than a quarter of UK police forces ‘do not meet officer vetting guidelines’ More than 2,500 long-serving officers and other police staff are working despite not having up-to-date level of vetting, data shows The Independent 16/11/2021 News Killing in silence INTERNATIONAL: This report would not have been possible without a team of people involved in research assistance and data collection. [pdf] Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime 16/11/2021 Report Dr Jack Spicer: ‘Don’t be afraid to get academics to talk in a language that makes sense to policing’ In the latest in a series of interviews with leading figures involved in the research and investigation of organised crime, Policing Insight’s Chris Allen spoke to Dr Jack Spicer, a Criminology Lecturer at the University of the West of England, about county lines, cuckooing, and the importance of police and academics having “the difficult conversations at the start of a project”. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/11/2021 Feature, Interview, Opinion Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 16/11/2021 News Police vetting: Thousands of staff members not properly checked More than 2,500 police officers and staff are working without the appropriate level of vetting, a BBC investigation has found. BBC 16/11/2021 News Theorising the Police Support Volunteer Experience in An English Constabulary: A Role Identity Perspective Police Support Volunteers (PSVs) – citizens who give their time freely to perform tasks that complement the duties of police officers and staff – are a relatively new addition to a long and established history of volunteers in policing. However, despite featuring in every police service in England and Wales, little is known about the individuals who volunteer or their experiences while doing so. This article draws on interviews with 20 PSVs and five volunteer managers in a large urban police service in England. Findings point to the importance of volunteers being recognised and valued for their contribution, the ways in which this is communicated by paid members of the workforce, and the meaning that PSVs attach to feeling recognised and valued in terms of their satisfaction and intention to continue to give their time. The article frames the significance of PSV experiences through role identity theory – the aspects of an individual’s self-image that they derive from the social categories to which they perceive themselves belonging – which has been shown to be influential on the development of organisational commitment, volunteer satisfaction, and the subsequent sustained volunteering behaviour that this can bring about. The article concludes by highlighting the importance of embedding volunteer recognition throughout the police organisation, rather than relying on the tenacity of individual officers and staff members. It also acknowledges the opportunities that a role identity perspective brings to a currently under-theorised field, helping to make sense of PSVs’ experiences as a volunteer in policing. Policing and Society - Registration at source 16/11/2021 Research article NSW legislates to protect check in data from police AUSTRALIA: A government bill banning New South Wales police from accessing COVID-19 check in data is expected to become law this week, after passing the Upper House with bipartisan support and being endorsed by the state’s privacy watchdog. Innovation Aus (Australia) 15/11/2021 News More than 100 Queensland police stood down for refusing COVID-19 jab AUSTRALIA: More than 100 Queensland police officers and staff have been stood down for refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Brisbane Times (Australia) 15/11/2021 News Police close in on new person of interest in William Tyrrell disappearance as fresh searches continue AUSTRALIA: NSW Police have identified a new person of interest as they carry out a fresh search for the remains of missing toddler William Tyrrell on the Mid-North Coast. [VIDEO] ABC News (Australia) 15/11/2021 News Consumers urged to report any misuse of identity or theft to police NEW ZEALAND: It is Fraud Awareness week, and consumers are being encouraged to make a report to police as soon as they become aware of a theft or misuse of their identity. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 15/11/2021 News Timaru sergeant Geoff McCrostie retires after almost 47 years in police force NEW ZEALAND: Sergeant Geoff McCrostie, of Timaru, left work for the last time through a guard of honour of almost 50 police officers. Stuff (New Zealand) 15/11/2021 News Firearms, methamphetamine and cannabis seized in Kawerau search warrants NEW ZEALAND: Police targeting the sale and supply of methamphetamine in Kawerau have made four arrests. New Zealand Police 15/11/2021 News Week of action aims to tackle knife crime All 43 forces across the country, together with British Transport Police, are taking part in a week-long initiative to crack down on knife-enabled crime and violence. Police Professional 15/11/2021 News Speeding or using phone at wheel should be as socially unacceptable as drink-driving, says roads police chief We have this culture that considers road death an inevitability – it’s not. You have complacency and selfishness from drivers, they think it won’t happen to them’ i News 15/11/2021 News «235723582359236023612362236323642365Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events