Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 47061 to 47080 «235023512352235323542355235623572358Next ›Last » Avon and Somerset Police sexual conduct complaints among highest in UK Avon and Somerset Police has the eighth highest number of sexual conduct complaints across all police forces Somerset Live 19/11/2021 News Tackling criminal justice corruption in Pakistan through improved forensic, investigation and evidential techniques Against a background of major inequality based on geography, gender, ethnicity, disability and faith, Pakistan remains a country with significant ties to the UK, and a diaspora of 1.7 million Pakistani residents across the country look to the UK Government for leadership in developing systems for a future when Pakistan no longer needs British support: Policing Insight contributor Gareth Bryon takes a look at some of the work that has taken place in support of criminal justice by the UK in recent years. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/11/2021 Feature Stop and search: Home Office figures show police ‘abused powers’ in England and Wales last year Civil liberty groups say the figures show the powers are "overused and abused" and "disproportionately" affecting people of colour. Sky News 19/11/2021 News Audit of National Standards CANADA: Organizations create standards to provide employees with agreed upon expectations for how work will be done and to enable people to work together. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 19/11/2021 Report The Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown Restrictions on Missing Person Reports The COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant restrictions imposed by governments pose short- and long-term challenges for the police, especially within resource-intensive areas of policing such as missing persons. However, the novelty of the pandemic means little research focus has been directed at understanding these challenges and how they may be overcome. Using archival reports from six UK police forces, the current study examined the extent to which missing persons cases changed during the first UK COVID-19 lockdown. Using a non-experimental fixed design, differences in the characteristics of reports of both children and adults who went missing between March and May 2020 and the same time period in 2019 were examined. Findings suggest a substantial reduction in missing reports overall, but a shift in the proportions of types of cases reported. For example, there was a greater proportion of adults classified as high risk of harm during this period and a greater proportion of children who were deemed low risk, who were living in residential care, and who were not from a White British background. Although forces must consider the findings within their local context, the study has implications in terms of demand and allocation of police resources, as well as multi-agency working. Future research is discussed. Policing and Society - Registration at source 19/11/2021 Research article Hobart welcomes the new Police Vessel Dauntless AUSTRALIA: The brand new police vessel Dauntless was welcomed into Hobart today, and will be used as part of Tasmania Police’s marine and rescue activities across the state. Tasmanian Government 18/11/2021 News Scotland Yard’s alphabet guide to handcuffing Met cops will ask themselves FORTY-FOUR questions BEFORE restraining suspects and ask if cuffs are 'too tight' under Cressida Dick's new policy Mail Online 18/11/2021 News Police Commissioner confirms blindside following pay inequality revelations AUSTRALIA: The state government is yet to bring the Police Commissioner’s salary into line with her predecessor’s, despite copping media backlash. [AUDIO] 4BC (Australia) 18/11/2021 News Queensland men charged with possessing nearly 540kg of cocaine AUSTRALIA: Two Queensland men are scheduled to face Brisbane Magistrates Court today charged with possessing nearly 540kg of cocaine allegedly secreted inside empty shipping containers. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 18/11/2021 News Dogged determination during COVID NEW ZEALAND: Trained up, qualified and ready to go to work are nine new Police dog teams who will be working across Northland, Tāmaki Makaurau, Central District, Bay of Plenty and Canterbury after graduating from the New Zealand Police Dog Training Centre, Trentham, today. New Zealand Police 18/11/2021 News As police call-outs for mental health issues rise, the commissioner wants a new approach NEW ZEALAND: Police officers are not mental health experts and ideally others would respond to an increasing number of crisis call-outs, commissioner Andrew Coster says. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 18/11/2021 News Bay of Plenty Police seize drugs and firearms NEW ZEALAND: Police have seized firearms, ammunition, methamphetamine and cannabis following search warrants executed across the Eastern Bay of Plenty over the past week. New Zealand Police 18/11/2021 News Covid-19 causes fall in Prevent referrals, despite growing extremist threat to children Covid-19 restrictions and school closures saw the number of referrals to the Government’s counter-radicalisation programme Prevent fall to their lowest level for five years. Police Professional 18/11/2021 News Women have less trust in police since Sarah Everard murder, survey suggests Almost half of women have less trust in the police less since the murder of Sarah Everard, according to a new survey. Police Professional 18/11/2021 News APCC & NPCC Partnership Summit 2021: Speech by NPCC Chair Martin Hewitt Good morning and welcome everyone. This is the first time many of us have been together since our last summit in February 2020, and I want to start by extending a very warm welcome to the new chief constables and police and crime commissioners who are here today. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 18/11/2021 News Stop and search: Home Office figures show police ‘abused powers’ in England and Wales last year Civil liberty groups say the figures show the powers are "overused and abused" and "disproportionately" affecting people of colour. The Guardian 18/11/2021 News More Prevent referrals linked to far-right extremism than Islamist Total referrals to counter-terrorism scheme down 22% in 2020-21, possibly due to school closures The Guardian 18/11/2021 News Use of stop and search rises 24% in England and Wales in a year Equivalent of one in five male minority ethnic teenagers stopped in year ending March 2021 The Guardian 18/11/2021 News SIU clears London police officer in Feb. 2021 death of man in custody CANADA: Ontario’s police watchdog has found no reasonable grounds to believe a police officer committed a criminal offence after a London, Ont., man died in custody in February. Global News (Canada) 18/11/2021 News Staff shortages are hurting morale, impacting investigations, Calgary police survey says CANADA: Calgary police service members have reported a significant decline in morale, an increase in workload and a perceived lack of support from the organization's chief of police, a new annual employee survey says. CBC News (Canada) 18/11/2021 News «235023512352235323542355235623572358Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events