Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 47041 to 47060 «234923502351235223532354235523562357Next ›Last » Stronger outcomes for all Ngāi Tahu communities with Police-Ngāi Tahu agreement NEW ZEALAND: Police and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu have formalised our important relationship with the signing of an official partnership agreement. New Zealand Police 19/11/2021 News Drones: The threats and opportunities for law enforcement The increasing use of drones in conflict situations by military and terrorists organisations has also served to highlight the threat posed to public safety more widely, and police are likely to be in the frontline response to that threat; Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth looks at the legislative and regulatory framework put in place to enable officers to tackle the drone danger. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 19/11/2021 Feature Police kick off Festive RIDE campaign to eliminate deaths that are ‘100% preventable’ CANADA: The Festive RIDE season is upon us and police will be out for next month and half doing their best to catch impaired drivers before more lives are lost. [AUDIO] Bradford Today (Canada) 19/11/2021 News Officers redeployed as London police deal with massive increase in demand CANADA: A number of police officers in London, Ont., working in proactive initiatives are being redeployed to the front lines as the police service deals with a workload the city’s top cop has described as “reaching a breaking point.” Global News (Canada) 19/11/2021 News Jasper RCMP provide quarterly update CANADA: At municipal council’s committee of the whole on Nov. 9, Jasper RCMP gave the new and returning members the quarterly update. Blue Line (Canada) 19/11/2021 News Calls for more gardaí in Limerick as residents fear anti-social behaviour on rise REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Calls come after number of dogs killed in suspected arson attack in Kilmallock earlier this month, while in Abbeyfeale, in September, a man in his 20s was hospitalised after an assault in the town square Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 19/11/2021 News Dwyer conviction would survive ECJ ruling on mobile phone data, garda sources suggest REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Senior gardaí remain sceptical that Graham Dwyer will be successful in having his conviction for the murder of childcare worker Elaine O’Hara set aside, even though the way evidence was gathered against him almost certainly contravened EU law. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 19/11/2021 News Garda operations planned for coming months over cyber attack REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The head of the cybercrime bureau of An Garda Síochána has said it is planning a number of operations over the next few months related to its probe into the Health Service Executive ransomware attack. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 19/11/2021 News Policing the Cybercrime Script of Darknet Drug Markets: Methods of Effective Law Enforcement Intervention Darknet drug market participants must complete a distinct cybercrime script if they are to successfully procure illicit substances online. This paper details the four generic stages (i.e. Informational Accumulation; Account Formation; Market Exchange; Delivery/Receipt) of a novel cybercrime script for Darknet drug markets. It also presents vignette examples of known law enforcement interventions that have effectively targeted each stage of the script to reduce usage of these marketplaces. While law enforcement interventions to close specific Darknet markets tend to have only short-lived effects on levels of illicit activity, the lens of the cryptomarket crime script highlights numerous additional steps beyond closure that law enforcement can effectively undertake to reduce use of these platforms. American Journal of Criminal Justice - Subscription at source 19/11/2021 Research article Any use of hand-held mobile phone while driving to become illegal Police will soon be able to more easily prosecute drivers using a hand-held mobile phone at the wheel after the Government strengthens existing laws to further improve road safety. Police Professional 19/11/2021 News FCN to drive forward fingerprint innovations through new national academic consortium FCN has established a new consortium with three universities to undertake the first nationwide pilot study on fingerprint validation. Forensic Capability Network 19/11/2021 News APCC Chair: ‘The public can’t just be safe, they have to feel safe’ Marc Jones, Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, has this morning laid out the need to restore public confidence in policing. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 19/11/2021 News Public inquiry into death of Dawn Sturgess Home Secretary announces a public inquiry to investigate the death of Dawn Sturgess. Home Office 19/11/2021 News Individuals referred to and supported through the Prevent Programme, April 2020 to March 2021 This release contains statistics on the number of individuals referred to and supported through the Prevent Programme in England and Wales from April 2020 to March 2021. Home Office 19/11/2021 Report Exploration of an alternative approach to calculating stop and search rates in the Metropolitan Police Force Area – Experimental Statistics OFFICIAL STATISTICS: Analysis examining stop and search rates in the Metropolitan Police Service, for the year ending March 2021. Home Office 19/11/2021 Report Facebook tells LA police to stop spying on users with fake accounts USA: Facebook has written to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), demanding that it stop setting up fake profiles to conduct surveillance on users. BBC 19/11/2021 News Police leaders back making misogyny a hate crime after Boris Johnson rejects mounting calls Change could ‘prevent things escalating from minor offences up to sexually motivated crime and murder’ The Independent 19/11/2021 News New toolkit to reduce knife crime We've produced a guide providing practical and evidence-informed advice on how to reduce local knife crime. College of Policing 19/11/2021 News Senior policing figures warn serious violence measures in Policing Bill won’t work Senior policing figures and racial justice experts have warned against increased use of stop and search and data sharing in Policing Bill. Amnesty International 19/11/2021 News Federation concerned NPCC trying to turn misconduct hearings into ‘kangaroo courts’ The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has grave concerns over the fairness of future misconduct hearings as chief constables have been told by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) to make submissions to chairs of independent misconduct hearing panels. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 19/11/2021 News «234923502351235223532354235523562357Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events