Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 96416 total results. Showing results 47041 to 47060 «234923502351235223532354235523562357Next ›Last » Police Scotland puts human rights at the heart of COP26 protest plans Police Scotland will do everything in its power to ensure people who want to protest peacefully at the COP26 climate change conference can do so safely. Police Scotland 31/8/2021 News No permission needed: Police gain new powers over paedophiles AUSTRALIA: Federal police have been give the authority to take control of paedophiles’ social media accounts without asking for permission, under the new Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill. [AUDIO] 2GB (Australia) 31/8/2021 News PSNI Chief Constable open to ‘deeper dive’ into police relations with loyalists A recent poll found that nearly 95% of loyalists in Northern Ireland believe that republicans receive preferential treatment Belfast Live 31/8/2021 News Geraldton Police first region in mental health co response trial AUSTRALIA: Geraldton police officers can spend up to three hours in hospital dealing with mental health-related call outs, but the city’s top cop believes a new trial starting next week will help free up resources and cut overall response times to other jobs by a third. The West Australian (Australia) 31/8/2021 News Police arrest more than 150 anti-lockdown COVID-19 protesters, issue almost 600 fines across NSW AUSTRALIA: More than 150 people have been arrested and almost 600 fines issued during anti-lockdown protests across parts of Sydney and regional New South Wales. ABC News (Australia) 31/8/2021 News Police assisting other agencies in response to flooding NEW ZEALAND: Overnight Police have responded to a large number of weather-related incidents across some west Auckland areas. Scoop (New Zealand) 31/8/2021 News Covid-19: Police back enforcing Auckland border NEW ZEALAND: Border checkpoints are back in Auckland. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 31/8/2021 News Covid-19 lockdown day 14: As it happened NEW ZEALAND: As the country south of Auckland moves into level 3 at midnight tonight while Auckland and Northland stay in level 4 lockdown, police say they "are "not going to be lenient," at border checkpoints. See how the day's Covid-19 news developed with RNZ's liveblog. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 31/8/2021 News ‘it’s on My Head’: Risk and Accountability in Public Order Policing Heavy policing remains ‘a chronic feature of public order operations’ (Waddington PAJ (1994) Liberty and Order: Public Order Policing in a Capital City. London: UCL Press), both in the form of officer numbers and in the proportionality of tactics employed. This paper argues that at the heart of this lies the assessment of threat and risk and how police commanders perceive, predict and manage the potential for disorder. It reports on the findings of a mixed-methods study, combining data from observations of three separate public order events, with in-depth interviews of seven high-level, police public order commanders from five different UK police forces. Analysis suggests that commanders construe ‘risk’ in very broad terms, seeking to mitigate not only physical harm but also abstract consequences such as reputational damage and loss of public confidence. Structured models central to the task of threat and risk assessment give the appearance of a quantitative and objective process. Police Journal - Registration at source 31/8/2021 Research article Differentiating Terrorist Groups: A Novel Approach to Leverage Their Online Communication Any intervention in the violent acts of terrorist groups requires accurate differentiation among the groups themselves, which has largely been overlooked in their study beyond qualitative work. To explore the notion of terrorist group differentiation, the online communication of six violent groups were collected: Al-Nusrah Front, al-Qa’ida Central, al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula, Hamas, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and Taliban. All six groups embedded their ideology in digitised documents that were shared through multiple online social networks and media platforms in attempts to influence individuals to identify with their beliefs. The way these groups constructed social roles for their supporters in their ideology was proposed as a novel way to differentiate them and key term extraction was used to find important terms referenced in their communication. Experimental classification was devised to find the highest-ranking roles capable of prediction. Role terms produced high accuracy scores across experiments differentiating the groups (95%CI: 95–98%), with varying inter-group and intra-ideological differences emerging from authority-, religion-, closeness-, and conflict-based social roles. Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, Journal of Policing Intelligence and Counter Terrorism - Registration at source 31/8/2021 Research article Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Can Duty to Intervene Policies Save Lives and Reduce the Need For Special Prosecutors in Officer-Involved Homicide Cases? Duty to intervene (DTI) policies impose an obligation on peer officers to prevent or terminate unreasonable force occurring in their presence. But policing suffers from an organizational culture that may thwart this stated duty. By examining the facts related to the deaths of Eric Garner in New York, Freddie Gray in Baltimore, and George Floyd in Minneapolis against existing DTI policies and the reasonableness requirement articulated in Graham v. Connor, we conclude that their deaths should have been prevented by officer intervention. In an empirical analysis of the standard operating procedures of the police departments for the 30 largest U.S. cities, we found that less than half had DTI policies and that the content of the existing policies varied significantly. This variation may have contributed to our finding that departments with DTI policies did not report fewer officer-involved deaths (OIDs) than departments without such policies. However, nearly half of the departments with DTI policies did report fewer multi-officer OIDs than single-officer OIDs. Criminal Justice Studies - Registration at source 31/8/2021 Research article Police chief answers questions about Lethbridge crime in town hall meeting CANADA: On the eve of his first anniversary with the force, Lethbridge Police Service Chief Shahin Mehdizadeh spent about two hours answering the questions of residents and business owners on Monday night. [VIDEO] Global News (Canada) 31/8/2021 News Striking purple chalk campaign aims to put B.C.’s toxic drug supply deaths back in spotlight CANADA: Purple chalk markings resembling forensic body outlines will be drawn on the pavement outside politicians’ offices in North and West Vancouver this weekend. Blue Line (Canada) 31/8/2021 News RCMP investigating hack of spy watchdog network involving theft of files, agency says CANADA: The national spy watchdog says the RCMP is investigating a cybersecurity breach that resulted in the theft of files and the compromise of personal information. Blue Line (Canada) 31/8/2021 News May the force be with you Garda Cathail Holohan (4) REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Little Cathail Holohan from Laois has become an honorary member of An Garda SÃochána. Laoise Nationalist (Republic of Ireland) 31/8/2021 News Deputy Doherty welcomes new Garda Insurance Fraud Coordination Office REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Donegal Deputy Pearse Doherty has welcomed the announcement that a new Garda Insurance Fraud Coordination Office is to be set up. [AUDIO] Highland Radio (Republic of Ireland) 31/8/2021 News Whose views count? Losing sight of sex in the Police Scotland ‘Your Police’ survey Several Conservative PCCs have spoken out in recent weeks about the importance of ensuring police forces record sex-based data, not just self-identified gender. However, Police Scotland refused in a recent survey, insisting "we do not need to know". Kath Murray, Lucy Hunter Blackburn and Lisa Mackenzie of the MurrayBlackburnMackenzie Policy Analysis Collective argue this approach marginalises and endangers women, and risks the force being unable to meet its own legal obligations. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 31/8/2021 Analysis, Feature Agreement needed to allow more collaboration between Garda and PSNI, review finds REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: A cross-Border agreement should be reached to allow police services in the North and the Republic to pursue suspects across the Border, according to a report by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 31/8/2021 News MPS consults on introduction of gender-neutral uniforms The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has launched a consultation on whether to issue officers with gender-neutral uniforms in an effort to better comply with equality laws. Police Professional 31/8/2021 News Police holidays suspended as chiefs promise ‘business as usual’ service Every Police Scotland officer in the country will either be on duty or available for duty during the November summit, with promises it will not affect day-to-day policing in the city. Glasgow Live 31/8/2021 News «234923502351235223532354235523562357Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events