Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 46961 to 46980 «234523462347234823492350235123522353Next ›Last » The Competition and Markets Authority and the NHS Counter Fraud Authority are running further competitions using the DF Services National DPS. The Competition and Markets Authority are running a further competition for Lot 3 - Digital Forensic Investigation and Evaluation. Forensic Capability Network 23/11/2021 News FCN provides forensic support in policing’s fight against drink spiking and needle injection The Forensic Capability Network (FCN) will provide national forensics support to aid policing’s fight against drink spiking and needle injection crimes. Forensic Capability Network 23/11/2021 News It’s time we stopped putting children in prison In September, 17 children under the age of 18 were being held in prison in Scotland. Fourteen of them were waiting to appear in front of a jury, which they are considered too young to serve on, all the while being held in a prison they would need adult supervision to visit. Holyrood Magazine 23/11/2021 Feature, Opinion Drug seizures and Offender Characteristics, 2018-2019 and 2019-20 OFFICIAL STATISTICS: An overview of the number of drugs possession and supply crimes and the quantities seized during 2018-19 and 2019-20. There are also details of the types of offenders, location, and how the crime was discovered for possession based crimes. Scottish Government 23/11/2021 Report Domestic Abuse Bill 2020: factsheets POLICY PAPER: These factsheets provide more information about each of the provisions in the act. Home Office 23/11/2021 Report Update to Surveillance Camera Code GUIDANCE: An updated Code was laid before Parliament on 16 November 2021. Home Office 23/11/2021 Report ‘There’s no end to this because the police don’t care and we don’t care’: Inside London’s gang hotspot Sky News spent six months following police, community leaders and former and current gang members in Tottenham, north London. Sky News 23/11/2021 Feature, Opinion Police warning on ‘dangerous and illegal’ e-scooters More and more people appear to be using e-scooters to zoom about in public. The Sun 23/11/2021 News Developing evidence-based hearing standards for the police service With police officers making crucial decisions every day – in some cases on life or death issues – it’s essential that hearing is good enough for them to receive the information they need, yet no nationally consistent test of job-specific hearing ability exists within the police service; Postgraduate Researcher Kerry Barker of the University of Southampton explains the work currently being done to develop an evidence-based test, and how officers can help. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 Feature Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 News Welcome to CPD in focus 2021 CPD in focus is back for 2021 and the theme is how we learn and develop outside of the classroom College of Policing 22/11/2021 Feature Blackmail on social media: Victorian women warned of sextortion scams AUSTRALIA: Dozens of women have had their social media accounts hacked and their intimate photos used against them, as part of a long-running scam Victoria Police are cracking down on. The Age (Australia) 22/11/2021 News New police offensive to hit global crime gangs in NSW AUSTRALIA: A new multi-agency taskforce in Sydney will face off against some of the world's most feared criminal underworld organisations whose tentacles have sprawled into New South Wales and beyond. 9 News (Australia) 22/11/2021 News Man charged after 1000 litres of pseudoephedrine seized – Operation PHOBETOR AUSTRALIA: A joint-agency police investigation has resulted in the seizure of more than 1100 litres of pseudoephedrine, following an investigation into the importation of prohibited drugs into New South Wales. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 22/11/2021 News Auckland’s CBD becoming unsafe NEW ZEALAND: Increasing assaults, drunkenness and gang violence is becoming the norm in Auckland’s CBD, seeing the inner city fast becoming a no-go zone, says National’s Police spokesperson Simeon Brown. Scoop (New Zealand) 22/11/2021 News Summer road safety focus begins for Southern Police NEW ZEALAND: As the warmer weather settles in and the holiday season approaches, Southern District Police are ramping up road safety activities to keep everyone on our roads safe. Scoop (New Zealand) 22/11/2021 News Learning outside the classroom – CPD in focus day one Personal and professional development are continuous but the majority of learning that happens during a career takes place outside of the classroom College of Policing 22/11/2021 News The pressures of small-town policing and on sole-charge officers NEW ZEALAND: An independent Police Conduct Authority has found major issues with the resourcing of small community police stations. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 22/11/2021 News Vulnerability-related risks How to recognise and respond to risks when working with vulnerable people College of Policing 22/11/2021 Report Identifying vulnerability – new guidelines to support police The guidelines provide a framework to ensure vulnerable people receive appropriate help during interactions with the police College of Policing 22/11/2021 News «234523462347234823492350235123522353Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events