Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 46941 to 46960 «234423452346234723482349235023512352Next ›Last » SSI to ‘re-energise’ work to address global crime The new director at the University of Huddersfield’s Secure Societies Institute (SSI) aims to “re-energise” its work to help address global security challenges such as terrorism, modern slavery, child sexual abuse and cybercrime. Police Professional 23/11/2021 News New police station at Rangiora NEW ZEALAND: Rangiora’s new police station is up and running. The station at the corner of Southern Cross Road and Kingston Smith Drive has a welcoming, modern environment for the community, with plenty of free parking. Scoop (New Zealand) 23/11/2021 News Police must do more to listen to survivors of Rotherham child abuse, says IOPC The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has said that police must listen to the survivors of the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal if they are to learn from the past. Police Professional 23/11/2021 News Police report large increase in MIQ violence and disorder NEW ZEALAND: Police figures indicate more than a four-fold increase in violence and disorder in MIQ hotels this year, compared to last year. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/11/2021 News Don’t dismiss witchcraft claims as mental health problems, police told Metropolitan Police officers are being taught how to detect child abuse amid complex cultural practices and fears cases are ‘misdiagnosed’ The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 News ‘New lines of inquiry’ on cold case murder of 6yo NEW ZEALAND: Police are to reveal new details on the rape and killing of 6-year-old Alicia O'Reilly in Avondale more than 40 years ago. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 23/11/2021 News Police must do more to help child sexual abuse survivors, says Rotherham report IOPC says some systemic problems identified in 91 separate investigations still exist. The Guardian 23/11/2021 News West has a week to stop the rot at Interpol The international police network is being used by despots to track down critics not criminals The Times - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 Feature, Opinion Grooming gang victims must not have futures ruined by convictions resulting from abuse, watchdog says Many Rotherham victims ‘now have criminal records as a result of exploitation’ that are affecting their lives decades later, report finds The Independent 23/11/2021 News Improving Efficiency and Understanding of Criminal Investigations: Toward an Evidence-Based Approach This first three articles of this special issue pertain to the understanding and prioritizing investigations (Rossmo; Jurek et al.; Henning et al.). Recalling the lack of scholarly literature on investigation noted earlier, Rossmo first proposes to outline the anatomy of a criminal investigation: the underlying structure of an investigation, its main purposes and objectives, and, by the same token, why it can fail (e.g., failure to solve the crime; miscarriage of justice). Using the example of the Canadian investigation into the murder of Gail Miller that led to the wrongful conviction of David Milgaard, Rossmo highlights the systemic problems in the investigation that lead to these failures, and emphasizes the unconditional importance of the relevance, reliability, and robustness of the evidence. In doing so, Rossmo’s article highlights areas for improvement in order to maximize the likelihood of success of an investigation, while minimizing its risks of failure. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 Research article Linking Serial Sex Offences Using Standard, Iterative, and Multiple Classification Trees Studies have shown that it is possible to link serial crimes in an accurate fashion based on the statistical analysis of crime scene information. Logistic regression (LR) is one of the most common statistical methods in use and yields relatively accurate linking decisions. However, some research suggests there may be added value in using classification tree (CT) analysis to discriminate between offences committed by the same vs. different offenders. This study explored how three variations of CT analysis can be applied to the crime linkage task. Drawing on a sample of serial sexual assaults from Quebec, Canada, we examine the predictive accuracy of standard, iterative, and multiple CTs, and we contrast the results with LR analysis. Our results revealed that all statistical approaches achieved relatively high (and similar) levels of predictive accuracy, but CTs produce idiographic linking strategies that may be more appealing to practitioners. Future research will need to examine if and how these CTs can be useful as decision aides in operational settings. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 Research article Saanich police seek an extra $1.45 million for 2022 budget CANADA: The Saanich police 2022 operating budget was presented to council on Nov. 15 with the request for an increase in funding of 3.88 per cent, or nearly $1.45 million. Saanich News (Canada) 23/11/2021 News Police chief Steve Williams on the current state of 911 response times in London, Ont. CANADA: Police response times for non-emergency calls have jumped from hours to days in some cases, having an impact on officer workload and their own mental health. CBC News (Canada) 23/11/2021 Feature, Interview Festive RIDE initiative launched CANADA: Another holiday season approaches, and police are reminding residents they have their eyes peeled for intoxicated drivers. Blue Line (Canada) 23/11/2021 News President of GRA hits out at Garda Commissioner Drew Harris for snubbing conference REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The president of the country's largest policing union has hit out at the Garda Commissioner for snubbing their annual delegate conference. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 23/11/2021 News GRA strongly criticises procedures for suspending gardaí REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Garda Representative Association has strongly criticised the procedures for suspending members of An Garda Síochána. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 23/11/2021 News Garda representative conference begins amid acrimony REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: When members of the Garda Representative Association (GRA) meet in Kerry for its annual conference on Tuesday it will be against a backdrop of deep mistrust within the organisation. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 23/11/2021 News Domestic violence prevention: Helping victims to see the blow coming As the number of women losing their lives to domestic violence continues to grow, could training in recognising and acting upon indicators of violence and aggression help to reduce levels of femicide? Ahead of next week’s London Policing College Domestic Abuse conference, analyst-profiler Christine Gagnon looks at efforts to provide such training, as well as plans to develop a specific psycho-legal compilation of verbal and non-verbal indicators that would be admissible in court. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 Feature, Opinion Misconduct reforms could turn hearings into “kangaroo courts” A row has broken out over plans by Chiefs to speed up misconduct hearings. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/11/2021 News New APP on officer assaults will ‘trigger support’ for victims A “game-changing” Authorised Professional Practice (APP) is being launched to collect detailed data on the assaults suffered by police officers – and to make sure victims get the support they need. Police Professional 23/11/2021 News «234423452346234723482349235023512352Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events