Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 46921 to 46940 «234323442345234623472348234923502351Next ›Last » Suspension of gardaí strongly criticised by Limerick garda representatives REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Members of the Garda Representative Association (GRA) have strongly criticised an ongoing investigation into allegations of alleged corruption in Munster. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 24/11/2021 News Government to introduce ‘Harper’s Law’ PRESS RELEASE: Emergency workers will receive greater protection from violent criminals after the Government confirmed ‘Harper’s Law’ would be added to the statute book. Home Office 24/11/2021 News “It’s A Constant Juggling Act”: Toward Coherent Priorities For U.S. Policing Democratic police reforms have reduced the isolation of officers from the public, putting recent public demands for changes to U.S. policing into stark relief with existing practices of police agencies. This qualitative study examines role conflict related to negotiating external expectations for policing among 48 U.S. police officers. Findings suggest that role conflict related to incoherent policing priorities is a robust feature of officers’ experiences and results from operational processes that are poorly aligned with agency or officer priorities, and public expectations that are incompatible with officers’ work realities. Given the legitimacy crisis facing U.S. policing, policymakers and practitioners should develop strategies that directly address this incoherence by (1) assessing and reflecting public priorities in the generation of public safety, and (2) developing organizational resources and processes that strategically support valued activities. Doing so may strengthen the foundation for improving police-community relations as public priorities are incorporated into police practice. Justice Quarterly - Registration at source 24/11/2021 Research article Police Contact and Future Orientation From Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Findings From the Pathways to Desistance Study In response to the changing nature of policing in the United States, and current climate of police–citizen relations, research has begun to explore the consequences of adolescent police contact for life outcomes. The current study investigates if and under what conditions police contact has repercussions for future orientation during adolescence and the transition into young adulthood. Using data from the Pathways to Desistance study, a multisite longitudinal study of serious offenders followed from adolescence to young adulthood, results from a series of fixed-effects models demonstrated three main findings. First, personal and vicarious police contact, compared with no additional police contact, are negatively associated with within-person changes in future orientation. Second, any exposure to police contact, regardless of how just or unjust the contact is perceived, is negatively associated with future orientation. Third, the negative association between police contact and future orientation is larger for White individuals compared with that for Black or Hispanic individuals. Considering the importance of future orientation for prosocial behavior, the findings suggest that adolescent police contact may serve as an important life-course event with repercussions for later life outcomes. Criminology - Registration at source 24/11/2021 Research article Can touch this: training to correct police officer beliefs about overdose from incidental contact with fentanyl Misinformation about overdose risk from accidentally inhaling or touching fentanyl is widespread among police in the United States. This may aggravate already elevated burdens of officer stress and burnout, while chilling lifesaving overdose response. Police education has shown promise in reducing false beliefs about fentanyl. To better understand the potential of training interventions in correcting officer knowledge, we administered a 10-min online training with corrective messaging about occupational overdose risk from fentanyl contact to 204 police officers in Indiana. Overall, 129 officers (63%) completed baseline survey and 69 (34%) completed follow-up instrument. Using a 6-point Likert scale, we documented assent with the statement: “First responders who encounter fentanyl are at great risk of overdose by touching it or inhaling it.” At baseline, 79.8% expressed agreement, while 20.2% disagreed. At follow-up, 39.1% agreed, while 60.9% disagreed (p Health and Justice 24/11/2021 Research article Widow of PC Andrew Harper wins bid to change law The widow of Police Constable Andrew Harper has succeeded in her two-year campaign to go give mandatory life sentences to the killers of emergency service workers. Police Professional 24/11/2021 News The two-minute test which might save your life In partnership with Force Chiefs and her local Fed branch, Queen’s Nurse Maria Hughes, Head of Medical Services and Wellbeing at North Wales police, has been running a pioneering prostate cancer testing service for two years. In Men’s Health Awareness month, she urges male police officers and staff to log on to the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust (GFCT) site and book a test in their area. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 24/11/2021 News Proscribed terrorist groups or organisations POLICY PAPER: List of terrorist groups or organisations banned under UK law, and details of proscription criteria. Home Office 24/11/2021 Report PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of Northamptonshire Police In 2021/22, we inspected how well Northamptonshire Police performed in 12 areas of policing. Most of these areas were then graded as outstanding, good, adequate, requires improvement or inadequate [pdf]. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/11/2021 Report Northamptonshire Police commended for improvements, but further changes are needed Northamptonshire Police has improved the service it provides to the public, but it needs to make further changes, the police inspectorate has said. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/11/2021 News PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of West Yorkshire Police PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy [pdf]. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/11/2021 Report West Yorkshire Police congratulated for excellent performance Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) graded West Yorkshire Police’s performance across 10 areas of policing and found the force was ‘outstanding’ in four areas, ‘good’ in four areas and ‘adequate’ in two areas. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/11/2021 News PEEL 2021/22 – An inspection of West Midlands Police PEEL is HMICFRS’s assessment of police forces in England and Wales. PEEL stands for police effectiveness, efficiency, and legitimacy. This report sets out the findings for West Midlands Police [pdf]. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/11/2021 Report The concrete effects of body cameras on police accountability The introduction of body-worn cameras among US police forces and the subsequent improvement in evidential quality has helped to reduce the racial disparity in the response to complaints about police misconduct, according to new research by Professors Suat Cubukcu, Erdal Tekin, Nusret Sahin and Volkan Topalli. Policing Insight 24/11/2021 Analysis, Feature West Midlands Police has made progress, but more work is needed West Midlands Police has made progress in several areas of policing, but more work is needed to improve its overall performance, the police inspectorate has said. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/11/2021 News Watchdog tells West Midlands Police to improve management of sex offenders The police inspectorate found the force "requires improvement" in three areas overall Planet Radio 24/11/2021 News Violence against women and girls newsletter: spring 2019 CORRESPONDENCE: This is the spring 2019 edition of the violence against women and girls newsletter. Home Office 23/11/2021 Report Brisbane boy’s dreams come true after receiving surprise gift from QLD Police AUSTRALIA: In a heartwarming gesture, Queensland Police have gifted a support puppy to a young boy who is facing the tragic reality of life without his parents. 7 News (Australia) 23/11/2021 News Police warn of ‘sextortion’ scam targeting women, urge victims to come forward AUSTRALIA: Police have identified at least 34 female victims of an online sextortion scam in Victoria and believe there might be more women subject to blackmail attempts. SBS News (Australia) 23/11/2021 News Global hackers tried to break into Tasmania Police accounts ‘more than 800 times’ AUSTRALIA: Hackers across the globe have tried more than 800 times to break into Tasmania Police accounts, and one compromised login was found for sale on the Dark Web for less than $US20 ($27.70). ABC News (Australia) 23/11/2021 News «234323442345234623472348234923502351Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events