Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98679 total results. Showing results 46661 to 46680 «233023312332233323342335233623372338Next ›Last » West Midlands Police named best force in UK for inclusivity West Midlands Police has been rated as the best police force in the country for being inclusive. Birmingham Mail 4/12/2021 News Romance fraudster conned women in UK out of thousands, say police A romance fraudster conned a victim out of thousands of pounds and targeted hundreds of others, including a terminally ill woman, according to the National Crime Agency (NCA). The Guardian 4/12/2021 News Rape culture in Côte d’Ivoire can shift if survivors get support to speak without blame and shame The high-profile case of a TV presenter fined for ‘rape apology’ and ‘offences against decency’ in Côte d’Ivoire has put fears over rape culture in the country back under the spotlight; but University of Bristol Senior Lecturer Dr Peace A. Medie believes that while there are still challenges around support for victims, women’s rights and the policing response, there are also reasons for hope moving forwards. Policing Insight 4/12/2021 Feature, Opinion Public supports tougher police action on misuse of fireworks Almost three-quarters of people who responded to a public consultation in Scotland supported extending police stop and search powers to tackle the misuse of fireworks and pyrotechnics. Police Professional 3/12/2021 News Support for mothers returning to work Written by Police Constable Josephine Brindley-McEvoy, National Firearms Instructor and Diversity and Inclusion Parental Support Lead, Specialist Firearms Command, Metropolitan Police Service College of Policing 3/12/2021 News New deputy chief constable appointed at Dorset Police Dorset Police has appointed Sam de Reya as deputy chief constable following a highly competitive selection process. Police Professional 3/12/2021 News In control: Dangerous relationships and how they end in murder – book review Sergeant Rob Lewis reviews Jane Monckton-Smith's 'gripping and informative read' College of Policing 3/12/2021 News Top Scots terror cop suspended over ‘sexual misconduct’ claims A Top Scots terror cop has been axed over claims of sexual misconduct. The Scottish Sun 3/12/2021 News Warning ‘cage-like’ conditions for young people in NT detention is ‘history repeating’ AUSTRALIA: “Cage-like” conditions in the Northern Territory’s juvenile detention system are again a concern, four years on from the shocking revelations of mistreatment that forced the government to establish a royal commission, the NT children’s commissioner and Aboriginal justice agencies have warned. The Guardian 3/12/2021 News Sydney man sentenced after investigation led to the rescue of three children in the Philippines AUSTRALIA: A Sydney man, 64, who travelled to the Philippines to sexually abuse children has been sentenced to eight years and 10 months’ imprisonment for producing child abuse material and charges associated with child sex tourism. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 3/12/2021 News National Anti-Gangs Squad seizes more firearms, cash and drugs from OMCGs AUSTRALIA: The Australian Federal Police-led National Anti-Gangs Squad (NAGS) seized more illicit drugs, more cash and almost twice as many firearms from outlaw motorcycle gangs in 2020-2021 than in the previous financial year. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 3/12/2021 News Hillsborough businesses wait nearly an hour for police after call for help NEW ZEALAND: Some small businesses are concerned about how long it takes for police to arrive to their call-outs after an incident in which they say they waited for nearly an hour. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 3/12/2021 News Iwi and DHBs to benefit from old Police Mobile Road Safety Bases NEW ZEALAND: Tasman region is the first to benefit from Police decommissioning its old fleet of mobile road safety bases. [VIDEO] New Zealand Police 3/12/2021 News Ready to make a world of difference NEW ZEALAND: At a time when we can’t easily travel the world, the world has come to Police with the graduation of Wing 348. New Zealand Police 3/12/2021 News Circumstances and toxicology of violence-related deaths among young people who have had contact with the youth justice system: a data linkage study AUSTRALIA: Young people who have had contact with the youth justice system have an increased risk of dying from violence. Examining the context of violence-related deaths is essential in informing prevention strategies. We examined the circumstances and toxicology of violence-related deaths among young people who have had contact with the youth justice system in Queensland, Australia. BMC Public Health 3/12/2021 Research article Police technologies: Gender dimension bias and the impact upon criminal justice Artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to revolutionise identification processes for law enforcement; but if they are to be reliable and trusted, those commissioning their use must ensure concerns around gender dimension bias have been addressed from the outset, says Policing Insight’s Andrew Staniforth. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/12/2021 Feature, Innovation, Opinion COVID-19: Unvaccinated Calgary police, city workers leveraging provincial rapid-testing program CANADA: Calgary Police Service members who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 will soon get help to receive rapid antigen tests so they can stay in line with the police department’s vaccination policy. [VIDEO] Global News (Canada) 3/12/2021 News Gizhaadigeziwang Oko Wiiji’idiwinan CANADA: Indigenous policing for the people, by the people Blue Line (Canada) 3/12/2021 Feature WPS creates MMIWG advocate position that is ‘a step in the right direction’ CANADA: The Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) say they have now created and filled a new and permanent position within the force, with the goal of working with and working to assist families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. Blue Line (Canada) 3/12/2021 News Cheaper crack cocaine supplies in cities ‘sees people travel from rural areas to buy the drug’ REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Crack cocaine users are travelling from rural county Kerry to Limerick to buy the drug because it is cheaper in the city, a drug addiction worker has said. The Journal (Republic of Ireland) 3/12/2021 News «233023312332233323342335233623372338Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events