Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 46621 to 46640 «232823292330233123322333233423352336Next ›Last » Party drug users are fuelling serious crime, says Sajid Javid Health secretary says cocaine trade causes ‘suffering, violence and exploitation at every stage’ The Guardian 6/12/2021 News Two Met police officers jailed over photos of murdered sisters Deniz Jaffer and Jamie Lewis sentenced to two years and nine months for taking and sharing photos of Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry The Guardian 6/12/2021 News PCCS welcome national plan to cut drugs supply and demand, and invest in rehabilitation The APCC’s Addictions and Substance Misuse portfolio has welcomed the Government’s new three-pronged strategy to tackling drugs in communities across England and Wales. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 6/12/2021 News Arthur Labinjo-Hughes: Review of boy’s death to begin next week A national investigation into the death of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes will begin next week, the education secretary has said. BBC 6/12/2021 News Criminal intent: How the ‘Internet of Things’ can also be a threat The Internet of Things, that network of products and objects using digital communications to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems, is becoming increasingly common in our everyday world; but Dr Lennon Chang of Monash University believes it also represents a significant opportunity for cyber criminals to carry out a much wider range of both cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled crimes. Policing Insight 6/12/2021 Feature, Opinion EPS implements new virtual tool to help during non-emergency calls CANADA: The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) says it is deploying new virtual software to help respond to non-emergency calls more efficiently. CTV News (Canada) 6/12/2021 News Lethbridge Police Service hosts series of women’s-only boot camps CANADA: The Lethbridge Police Service is trying out a new recruitment initiative aimed at increasing diversity within the service. [VIDEO] Global News (Canada) 6/12/2021 News Why a modest change to the police force’s budget isn’t that risky CANADA: The day after the Ottawa Police Services Board approved a budget plan that gave the city's police force a two per cent increase instead of a 2.9 per cent one, the mayor didn't sound impressed. CBC News (Canada) 6/12/2021 Analysis, Feature Plans under way for multi-agency child sexual abuse services for Dublin and Cork REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Government says plans are under way to deliver national child sexual abuse support services in Dublin and Cork, thanks to a €400,000 special fund. Irish Examiner (Republic of Ireland) 6/12/2021 News Major changes ahead for West Cork policing as garda divisions to merge REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: There are fears that Bantry will be left without a garda superintendent as part of a re-organisation of garda divisions nationwide which is causing concern among top ranking members, reports Kieran O’Mahony The Southern Star 6/12/2021 News Garda gives start to 26 interns across country REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Some 26 individuals last week started intern work placements with An Garda Siochána, including two in the southern region. Echo Live (Republic of Ireland) 6/12/2021 News Move-On Powers and Practices of Social Exclusion: An Examination of Governance This paper extends Valverde’s call to examine spatiotemporal governance and jurisdiction in the exercise of formal and informal control through an analysis of the everyday policing of public spaces in Victoria, Australia. Move-on powers were introduced via legislation in 2009, following calls for greater police powers to combat antisocial behaviour and violence, predominantly in the Melbourne CBD. While initially presented as a response to issues surrounding Melbourne’s nightlife, the use of these powers has expanded to include moving on rough sleepers and others. As we establish in this paper, such powers are also being exercised, with or without legal authority, by a broad range of actors, resulting in a flattening of the legal hierarchy of move-on powers. Our analysis also highlights the everydayness of being moved on for individuals and populations who are consistently targeted, bringing to the fore the often-hidden nature of practices of exclusion. We argue that the examination of policing practices in relation to move-on powers must also include the expansive and increasingly informal nature of policing public space, which we refer to, collectively, as move-on practices. Policing and Society - Registration at source 6/12/2021 Research article Europol Spotlight – The use of violence by organised crime groups The use of violence by organised crime groups is a growing concern in the European Union (EU). Recent cases suggest there has been a rise in the number of violent incidents associated with serious and organised crime over the last few years, as well as an increase in the impact and visibility they have had. Recent cases in Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Spain, as well as gang wars in Sweden (among others) have also pointed to an increasing willingness by organised crime groups to employ deadly violence in pursuit of their criminal objectives. Europol 6/12/2021 Report Europol Spotlight – The Cyber Blue Line As technology evolves, so does our society and with it the role of law enforcement. A significant and increasing aspect of law enforcement work is now dedicated to providing safety and security online. This not only means protecting the rule of law and victims online, but also serving the online community. In doing so, law enforcement is confronted with a number of challenges that, at their core, link to the question on where to draw the line. Europol 6/12/2021 Report New Fed chairs demand more tasers and BAME recruitment overhaul New Fed leaders have pledged to be more pro active on campaigning work including diversity and taser roll out. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/12/2021 News Sussex PCC asks men to ‘do the right thing’ The police and crime commissioner for Sussex, Katy Bourne, has launched a new campaign to encourage men how to recognise sexual harassment and misogynistic behaviour and give them the confidence and skills to safely call it out when they witness it. Police Professional 6/12/2021 News Forces to crack down on drink and drug driving this Christmas Police chiefs warn anyone getting behind the wheel after a festive drink or two that they face the prospect of ending up behind bars this Christmas. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 6/12/2021 News Female-led police force asks men to ‘do the right thing’ to end harassment against women The "Do The Right Thing" campaign has been initiated by Sussex Police, a force currently led by women. Sky News 6/12/2021 News Government action following murder of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes The Government has launched a national review and local inspection following the murder of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes Home Office 6/12/2021 News Six police officers face sack if found guilty of misconduct over death of dad who was beaten then left naked and handcuffed, face down in van Andre Moura died after he was arrested outside his home Manchester Evening News 6/12/2021 News «232823292330233123322333233423352336Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events