Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 46601 to 46620 «232723282329233023312332233323342335Next ›Last » Boris Johnson considers stripping passports from Class A drug users Boris Johnson joined police on a dawn raid this morning as he warned middle-class drug users they will have “nowhere to hide” under a government crackdown. The Times - Subscription at source 7/12/2021 News Police could get powers to go through drug dealers’ phones to text users Police may soon be able to use drug dealers’ phones to text and message their clients in a new bid to crack down on middle-class users. Metro 7/12/2021 News Remit letter to the Police Remuneration Review Body: 2022 to 2023 CORRESPONDENCE: The Home Secretary's remit letter to the Police Remuneration Review Body for the 2022 to 2023 pay round. Home Office 7/12/2021 Report Drugs plan aims to help 300,000 problem drug users The government says it is to provide rehabilitation for 300,000 drug users who carry out half of all shop thefts, robberies and burglaries. BBC 7/12/2021 News The UK’s policing bill will make climate activism almost illegal – just when it’s most needed The UK government has proposed some worrying amendments to its already draconian policing bill. The amendments will directly target environmental activists and are a response to direct action protests from groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain, and protests against the HS2 high speed railway. The Conversation 7/12/2021 Feature Two Met police officers jailed over photos of murdered sisters Deniz Jaffer and Jamie Lewis sentenced to two years and nine months for taking and sharing photos of Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry. The Guardian 7/12/2021 News Humberside Police Operation Seabird Wins National Rural Crime Award Operation Seabird, which was launched to protect seabirds and sea mammals on the East Coast of East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire, has won a prestigious national award. This is the coast 7/12/2021 News Patsy Stevenson: ‘We were angry at being told we couldn’t mourn the death of a woman’ Continuing our series on the people behind the 2021 headlines, the 28-year-old detained at the Clapham Common vigil for Sarah Everard discusses violence against women, receiving death threats, and her new passion for activism The Guardian 7/12/2021 Feature, Opinion EU Terrorism Situation & Trend Report (Te-Sat) Europol’s annual EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) provides an overview of the terrorism phenomenon in the EU in a given year. The fight against terrorism is a top priority for the EU and for Europol, and that means that TE-SAT is one of Europol’s most significant pieces of strategic analysis. Europol 7/12/2021 Report Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/12/2021 News GHB and phenmetrazine use by Australian police detainees AUSTRALIA: This study uses data from the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia program to investigate the prevalence of GHB and phenmetrazine use among police detainees. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 7/12/2021 Research article Sentinel event review identifies lessons learned from Madison Police Department response to 2020’s police protests USA: The Madison (Wisconsin) Police Department (MPD) recently released a “Sentinel Event Review” of the department's responses to a series of violent disturbances that occurred from May 30, 2020, through August 25, 2020. (Report available in full below.) If you wish to prepare your agency for unrest it would behoove you to take the time to read the entire report, especially the descriptions of each sentinel event. Police1 6/12/2021 Analysis, Feature ‘Beyond heartbreaking’: 500 Indigenous deaths in custody since 1991 royal commission AUSTRALIA: Five hundred Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have died in custody in Australia in the 30 years since a royal commission handed down a report aimed at preventing Indigenous deaths in the justice system. The Guardian 6/12/2021 Analysis, Feature Global money muling operation stings Australians AUSTRALIA: Eighteen Australians have been charged under a global money-laundering sting led in Australia by the AFP, which has also prevented $2.6 million of dirty cash washing through the country’s financial institutions. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 6/12/2021 Feature Cybercrime an estimated $42 billion cost to Australian economy AUSTRALIA: More resources are needed to address cybercrime, with UNSW Canberra cyber security expert Nigel Phair estimating it costs Australia’s economy about $42 billion a year. UNSW Canberra 6/12/2021 Analysis, Feature New Police base in Tāneatua gets underway NEW ZEALAND: Work is about to start on Tāneatua’s new police base – now the hunt is on to find someone to design an artwork to sit in front of the base. Scoop (New Zealand) 6/12/2021 News Government reveals 25-year plan to tackle family and sexual violence NEW ZEALAND: A 25-year plan to tackle the amount of violence in New Zealand homes is being unveiled by the government this morning. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 6/12/2021 News Christchurch dealing with third teen death in four months NEW ZEALAND: Christchurch is dealing with the death of yet another teenager, the latest involving an 18-year-old who the police say was attacked by a male aged just 16. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 6/12/2021 News Former Metropolitan Police Service officers jailed for taking photographs at crime scene Two former Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officers have been jailed following a hearing at the Old Bailey today (6 December) for taking and sharing photographs from the scene of Nicole Smallman and Bibaa Henry’s murders. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 6/12/2021 News Two MPS officers jailed over ‘shameful’ WhatsApp images Two former officers from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) who took and shared photos on WhatsApp of the bodies of two murdered sisters for a “cheap thrill” have each been jailed for two years and nine months. Police Professional 6/12/2021 News «232723282329233023312332233323342335Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events