Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 46561 to 46580 «232523262327232823292330233123322333Next ›Last » Law enforcement data project ‘wastes’ five years and £1.1billion A Home Office-led police IT project which originally planned to merge the PNC with the PND has delivered nothing live to date during its five-year life span while costs have risen by a staggering 66% to £1.1billion, a report has said. The report from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) also confirms that the original plan to merge the PNC and the PND has been ditched and the PND will now carry on as a stand alone system until 2031 Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2021 News Humberside Police takes delivery of new spiking testing kits The kits are designed to recognise up to 20 different drugs and will be used by the police for testing between four and 24 hours after the spiking is suspected to have occurred. A urine sample will assist officers in quickly identifying what substances may have been used and to offer support to the victim while forensic inquiries are made. Police Professional 8/12/2021 News Home Office under fire for delays in upgrading vital police computer systems MPs have accused the Home Office of wasting “vital time and scarce funding” amid delays in upgrading key police computer systems. Police Professional 8/12/2021 News Campaign to make misogyny a hate crime ruled out by Law Commission Women’s rights campaigners have expressed their “disappointment and frustration” after the Law Commission ruled out making misogyny a specific hate crime. Police Professional 8/12/2021 News Two forces trial mobile app for real-time facial recognition Officers from two Welsh police forces are beginning a three-month pilot that provides access to real-time facial recognition technology through an app on their mobile phones. Police Professional 8/12/2021 News Lincolnshire Police website down for second day running Lincolnshire Police has confirmed its website is "currently offline" following it first appearing to crash yesterday evening (December 7). Users are not currently able to access the website as warnings and error messages are still appearing when attempting to enter the site. Lincolnshire Live 8/12/2021 News Wiltshire Police reveal 50-strong horse force Wiltshire Police is launching a cavalry division of at least 50 horse riders to help fight crime in rural areas. The Wiltshire cavalry will act as horseback scouts for the police proper, going where squad cars cannot go and reporting back on any signs of poachers, rustlers and wildlife crime. Swindon Advertiser 8/12/2021 News Met Police’s top drug cop faces gross misconduct hearing after ‘smoking cannabis’ A police chief who devised his force’s drugs strategy is to face a gross misconduct hearing over claims he smoked pot. Cdr Julian Bennett, of London’s Met, is accused of using controlled drugs off duty between February 2019 and July 2020. The Sun 8/12/2021 News Police chief defends stop and search to fight drugs gangs Police have increased their use of controversial stop and search powers in Norfolk by almost 50pc, as they try to combat 'county lines' drugs gangs. The number of people stopped and searched by officers in the county rose to 7,193 in the year to March 2021, Home Office statistics show. Eastern Daily Press 8/12/2021 News Inside one major police department’s effort to prevent Taser mistakes USA: CNN examines training meant to help officers differentiate Tasers from guns CNN 8/12/2021 Feature Police computer is now FIVE YEARS late: MPs lash out at ‘staggering’ increase in cost of delayed new IT system as it soars to £1.1billion MPs have blasted a ‘staggering’ increase in the cost of a new police IT system to more than £1billion and a delay of at least five years. The Commons public accounts committee, which oversees government spending, said it was ‘not clear’ whether the system will be up and running by 2025 – when it will already be five years late. The National Law Enforcement Data Service (NLEDS) will replace the creaking, 47-year-old Police National Computer (PNC). Mail Online 8/12/2021 News How Australian police will use DNA sequencing to predict what suspects look like AUSTRALIA: Australian federal police have announced they are using next-generation DNA sequencing technology to predict the physical appearance of potential suspects. The Guardian 8/12/2021 News ‘Tap-and-PIN’: Preventing crime and criminal careers from increased contactless payments Contactless card payment limits increased in the UK to £100 in October, seemingly largely in an effort to increase consumer spending and help stimulate economic recovery; but in this latest article from the UCL COVID-19 series, Professor Graham Farrell (University of Leeds) and Professor Nick Tilley (UCL) argue that a Tap-and-PIN approach would help to prevent crime, and potentially deter a large cohort of young offenders from becoming career criminals. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 8/12/2021 Feature, Opinion Senior police officer appointed to terrorism and gangs role A new senior officer has taken over Police Scotland’s efforts to tackle terrorism and organised crime, as an assistant chief constable is investigated over a “criminal allegation”. ACC Tim Mairs is stepping into the role as another officer – understood to be ACC Pat Campbell – is currently suspended. The Independent - Subscription at source 7/12/2021 News Senior police officer appointed to Scottish terrorism and gangs role A new senior officer has taken over Police Scotland’s efforts to tackle terrorism and organised crime, as an assistant chief constable is investigated over a “criminal allegation”. Police Professional 7/12/2021 News Tesla releases findings from Model 3 police patrol car test Tesla has released findings from its test program of a Model 3 that the automaker custom-built as a police patrol car in the UK. Several electric vehicles, especially Tesla vehicles, are becoming increasingly popular with police departments and emergency services. Electrek 7/12/2021 News Scottish Budget: Conservatives call for £62m of ‘desperately needed’ police funding The SNP Government should hand an extra £62 million to Police Scotland to help halt rising levels of violent crime, the Conservatives have said. The Herald (Scotland) 7/12/2021 News Northumbria Police to take on nearly 50 new phone operators after rise in 999 calls Northumbria Police received around 880 calls a day from July to September this year compared to 676 in the same period in 2020 Chronicle Live (North East) 7/12/2021 News Merseyside police pilot online service to report sex offences A NEW online service where incidents of rape and other sex offences can be reported is being piloted by Merseyside Police. The new online Rape and Sexual Assault reporting service is live on the websites of Merseyside Police, British Transport Police, Dyfed Powys Police and Leicestershire Police. It was created by the National Police Chiefs Council's (NPCC) Digital Public Contact Programme (DPC). The pilot will run for six weeks. St Helens Star 7/12/2021 News Government’s ten year drug strategy gives more resources to county lines The government's 10-year drugs strategy in England and Wales will provide funding for the drug treatment system, aim to dismantle county lines and provide more diversion opportunities for users Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/12/2021 News «232523262327232823292330233123322333Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events