Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 46541 to 46560 «232423252326232723282329233023312332Next ›Last » NSW Police investigate reports of needle spiking on King Street, Newcastle AUSTRALIA: NSW Police is investigating several reports of needle spiking at licensed venues in the Newcastle area. 7 News (Australia) 8/12/2021 News The thinning blue line AUSTRALIA: Nevena Spirovska reflects on the findings of the recently released Victorian Pride Lobby’s Police Attitudes Survey and the need for systemic reform. Pro Bono Australia 8/12/2021 Feature, Opinion Operation Ironside Phase 2 to land second blow to organised crime AUSTRALIA: The second phase of the Australian Federal Police-led Operation Ironside will be launched today under a nationally-coordinated strike against organised crime. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 8/12/2021 News Charges against former Lake Alice staff member ‘better than nothing’ says survivor NEW ZEALAND: It finally feels as though Lake Alice survivors are being listened to after a former staff member was charged, says one former patient. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/12/2021 News Drug smuggling bust: Six Air New Zealand workers, three King Cobra members charged NEW ZEALAND: Police say Auckland Airport has been targeted by a syndicate smuggling drugs from the United States into New Zealand. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 8/12/2021 News Use of Police dog in arrest of youths in Gisborne justified NEW ZEALAND: The Independent Police Conduct Authority has found that Police were justified in using a Police dog to arrest two youths in Gisborne on 10 February 2021. Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) (New Zealand) 8/12/2021 Report Most people who report rape to the police drop out within a month London’s independent victims’ commissioner says victims are being ‘set up to fail’ by police. Grazia 8/12/2021 News Brussels wants more cooperation between EU police forces to combat organised crime EUROPE: Plans are underway for the European police to work together more efficiently in order to fight criminal networks that are increasingly operating on a transnational level. The European Commission stated that the pandemic has exposed the loopholes in cross-border police cooperation, with criminal networks often better organised than the police and the systems they have in place. And this has pushed Brussels to present a proposal to reinforce cooperation among national police departments. euronews 8/12/2021 News Highlands and Islands remains among safest places in UK, says Police Scotland Police Scotland is reporting a slight rise in sexual assaults in the Highlands this year compared to last. John O'Groat Journal 8/12/2021 News Met Police will NOT investigate Downing Street Christmas party due to ‘lack of evidence’ The police force claims this is due to an “absence of evidence” and its policy not to investigate retrospective breaches of coronavirus regulations Mirror 8/12/2021 News Priti Patel’s Policing Bill is just the start – as a war reporter I saw how human rights can be whittled away If protest is criminalised, protesters will be stigmatised, and vulnerable people will have even less of a voice i News 8/12/2021 Feature, Opinion Teaching police officers on the PEQF: understanding the controvesy The police degree programme has attracted criticism very early in its lifespan. One study suggests a disjointed link between policing and academia but is this typical? Police Oracle 8/12/2021 Analysis, Feature Vancouver police will not be implementing COVID-19 vaccine mandate CANADA: Those who do not get vaccinated or disclose their status will have to pay for COVID-19 testing CBC News (Canada) 8/12/2021 News Calgary, Saskatoon police break up Western Canada drug ring after 18-month investigation CANADA: An 18-month long police investigation has uncovered a violent drug trafficking network operating in Calgary and throughout Western Canada. Calgary Herald (Canada) 8/12/2021 News Project OPTIMUS: CFSEU investigation leads to the arrest of seven individuals and 50 charges laid CANADA: On November 2, investigators from the Greater Toronto Area Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (GTA CFSEU) arrested and charged six males and one female with 50 offences in relation to criminal activity involving drug trafficking as well as firearm-related crime. Blue Line (Canada) 8/12/2021 News Seven gardaí convicted of crimes during the pandemic, one for sexual assault REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Seven gardaí have been convicted of a crime during the pandemic, including two who are no longer serving members. Irish Independent (Republic of Ireland) 8/12/2021 News Cabinet approves nomination for Chairperson of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, has today received the approval of the government for the nomination of Judge Rory MacCabe as a member of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) and as its next Chairperson. 8/12/2021 News Policing Authority concerned over bill extending garda powers REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The Policing Authority has expressed serious concerns about the possible impact on human rights of a law extending garda powers. RTÉ (Republic of Ireland) 8/12/2021 News Pilot scheme between force and bank uses proceeds of crime to fight fraud A pilot scheme launched by Lloyds bank and City of London Police is using the proceeds of crime to fight fraud and support victims Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2021 News Forces say they’ve improved response to CSA after death of twins Cambridgeshire and Hampshire Police says they have improved their response to child sexual abuse after twins who disclosed they were victims took their own life Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/12/2021 News «232423252326232723282329233023312332Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events