Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98688 total results. Showing results 46421 to 46440 «231823192320232123222323232423252326Next ›Last » Auditor general says Ontario Provincial Police is short 1,000 frontline officers CANADA: When you call the Ontario Provincial Police Association, one of the first options on the automated message is to report a staffing shortage. CBC News (Canada) 13/12/2021 News Firearms officers given final written warnings after joint misconduct hearing Two serving police officers who falsified firearms training records have received final written warnings after a joint misconduct hearing. Police Professional 13/12/2021 News Delta police constable working with European police on international cybercrime case CANADA: A Metro Vancouver police officer is headed to Europe to join authorities there in investigating an international cybercrime group believed to have stolen millions of dollars in cryptocurrencies. CTV News (Canada) 13/12/2021 News Police union holds non-confidence vote, challenging chief’s leadership CANADA: Rank-and-file members of the London police force are challenging the leadership of Chief Steve Williams, The Free Press has learned. The London Free Press (Canada) 13/12/2021 News Further charges against man accused of murder of Sgt Matt Ratana More charges have been brought against a man accused of murdering a Metropolitan Police Service sergeant at a South London custody centre. Police Professional 13/12/2021 News Met Police still won’t investigate No 10 after Boris pictured hosting quiz The Metropolitan Police has again confirmed that it will not investigate alleged breaches of coronavirus restrictions in Number 10 last winter. Metro 13/12/2021 News The Impact of the “Not Now, Not Ever” Recommendations on Police-Reported Domestic Violence in Queensland, Australia In 2014, a taskforce was assembled to address increasing rates of domestic violence in Queensland, Australia. The Not Now, Not Ever report outlines a strategy to address domestic violence through 121 recommendations. This plan for reform resulted in a series of changes, particularly for agencies such as the Queensland Police Service (QPS). This study examines the impact of the recommendations on police-recorded domestic violence incidents in the state. Findings indicate that the changes resulted in an initial significant increase, followed by a significant decreasing trend in police-recorded incidents. However, this impact is not experienced equally across regions and districts. Violence Against Women - Registration at source 13/12/2021 Research article Garda targeted by Bank of Ireland scam gives key advice to public on evading fraudsters before Christmas REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: Gardai are reminding the Irish public to be vigilant when it comes to scams with less than two weeks until Christmas. Irish Mirror (Republic of Ireland) 13/12/2021 News Policing Authority chief denies Garda ‘hands would be tied’ over recording stop and search data REPUBLIC OF IRELAND: The authority has made a recommendation to the Oireachtas Justice Committee that officers should be required to record the ethnicity, age and gender of people who are stopped and searched. [AUDIO] newstalk (Republic of Ireland) 13/12/2021 News ICVA committed to ensuring ICV schemes are focused on equality and diversity The APCC's Deputy Mental Health and Custody lead PCC Emily Spurrell has welcomed Just Visiting? - a report published today by the Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA) and the Criminal Justice Alliance on tackling race and gender inequalities in police custody. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 13/12/2021 News People smugglers use ever more dangerous boats to attempt Channel crossings as NCA issue international alert Organised crime groups are turning to ever more dangerous and un-seaworthy boats in efforts to smuggle people across the Channel to the UK from France, the National Crime Agency has warned. Home Office 13/12/2021 News Police Scotland is supporting our policing response for communities following a highly demanding summer period Police Scotland is supporting our policing response for communities following a highly demanding summer period. Police Scotland 13/12/2021 News Daniel Morgan: Axe-murder victim’s family set to sue the Met The family of a private investigator, whose 1987 murder remains unsolved, are preparing to take legal action against the Metropolitan Police. BBC 13/12/2021 News MPs demand inquiry into ‘institutional homophobia’ at MPS after Port probe A group of London MPs are calling for a public inquiry into claims of institutional homophobia in the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) after an inquest concluded that failures by officers investigating the victims of serial killer Stephen Port probably cost lives. Police Professional 13/12/2021 News Shining a light into the hidden world of assassinations The world of organised crime assassinations is – by its very nature – a clandestine one, shrouded in secrecy and extreme violence, but a new report on the issue could help to improve understanding of the scale of the problem, as well as identifying steps for law enforcement to tackle those killers for hire, as Policing Insight’s Chris Allen reports. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/12/2021 Feature ‘We need people to stop killing and raping us’: The Crown’s Claire Foy condemns Met Police’s handling of Sarah Everard murder Actress Claire Foy has slammed Metropolitan Police's handling of Sarah Everard's murder and said deploying more officers on the streets would not tackle the issue of women's safety as they 'don't trust' them. Mail Online 13/12/2021 News Ministers must add scam advert crackdown to online harms law, says police chief James Thomson urges No 10 to add tough rules in new legislation to stop officers fighting fraud with ‘one arm tied behind their back’ The Telegraph - Subscription at source 13/12/2021 News The economic and social cost of contact child sexual abuse RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS: This report provides an estimate of the financial and non-financial (monetised) costs relating to all children who began to experience contact sexual abuse, or who continued to experience contact sexual abuse, in England and Wales in the year ending 31st March 2019. This is estimated to be at least £10.1 billion (in 2018/19 prices). Home Office 13/12/2021 Report Women need to be able to trust the police – how does Britain get to that point? New legislation making it a legal duty to tackle domestic abuse is a start, but there are still spectacular failures in policing The Guardian 13/12/2021 Feature, Opinion DWP launches £510m fund to crackdown on benefits fraudsters A £510 million funding boost targeted at fraudsters lying to the DWP about their benefit claims has been announced today. 13/12/2021 News «231823192320232123222323232423252326Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events