Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 46401 to 46420 «231723182319232023212322232323242325Next ›Last » Tactical Options 2020 Annual Report NEW ZEALAND: Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our people and our communities across New Zealand. [pdf] New Zealand Police 14/12/2021 Report Identity crime and misuse in Australia: Results of the 2021 online survey AUSTRALIA: This bulletin presents the findings of the latest survey of identity crime and misuse undertaken by the Australian Institute of Criminology as part of the Australian Government’s National Identity Security Strategy. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 14/12/2021 Report Evaluating the effectiveness of the fatigue and shift working risk management strategy for UK home office police forces: a pilot study To evaluate the effectiveness of a fatigue-management training and sleep health promotion intervention in a sample of officers from UK Home Office Police Forces. International Journal of Emergency Services - Subscription at source 14/12/2021 Research article The ultra-violent cult that became a global mafia AFRICA: A two-year BBC investigation into Black Axe - a Nigerian student fraternity which evolved into a dreaded mafia-group - has unearthed new evidence of infiltration of politics, and a scamming and killing operation spanning the globe. BBC 13/12/2021 Feature Police custody centres in north east inspected A culture of minimising the detention of individuals within the three main police custody facilities serving the North East of Scotland is well established and used appropriately, says a report published today (Tuesday, 14 December 2021). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 13/12/2021 News New technology lets police link DNA to appearance and ancestry – and it’s coming to Australia AUSTRALIA: The Australian Federal Police recently announced plans to use DNA samples collected at crime scenes to make predictions about potential suspects. The Conversation 13/12/2021 Analysis, Feature Queensland police harness the power of hydrogen AUSTRALIA: Queensland has today commissioned Australia’s first hydrogen-powered police vehicle. Queensland Government (Australia) 13/12/2021 News Can you hack it? AUSTRALIA: The AFP is seeking highly-skilled cyber security experts, programmers, ethical hackers and malware analysers to help outsmart cybercriminals around the world. Australian Federal Police (AFP) 13/12/2021 News ‘A campaign of denial’ – NZ Police and emergency housing NEW ZEALAND: The police have been actively gathering and analysing detailed information on rising rates of crime and violence at emergency housing, despite insisting for months they do not "specifically" collect such data. RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 13/12/2021 News A new direction on domestic violence in NZ NEW ZEALAND: The Greens’ co-leader Marama Davidson once described the issues of family and sexual violence in Aotearoa as our ‘national shame’. [AUDIO] RNZ (Radio New Zealand) 13/12/2021 Feature, Interview Statement regarding Operation Wheaton sentencing NEW ZEALAND: Police acknowledge the sentencing today for Eli Epiha, who is responsible for the murder of Constable Matt Hunt, attempted murder of Constable Dave Goldfinch and the injuring of a member of the public. New Zealand Police 13/12/2021 News German Police Recruits’ Perception of Skill Transfer From Training to the Field In order optimally to prepare police officers for the demands in the field, police training has to be designed representatively. However, for the German context, there is a scarcity of research investigating to what extent training meets the demands of the field. To fill this gap, the current study examined if police training in Germany meets the field demands of police officers based on the perspective of police recruits. Thirteen recruits from a German police force were interviewed in a semi-structured way to identify possible matches and discrepancies between training and the field. The qualitative were was analysed using content analysis. The results revealed that recruits valued police training very positively because they were able to apply learned skills and tactics in the field. However, results also indicated that: (a) key informational variables present in the field were missing in training, namely chaotic, highly dynamic situations; and (b) police officers need to be adaptable and flexible in the field to cope with the demands. Finally, the results suggested that police training focuses narrowly on dealing with extreme threats, which differs from the experiences recruits had in the field and may have drawbacks because continuously perceiving social situations as threatening and dangerous is a risk factor for aggressive behaviour. Taken together, the current study provides further insights into the wants and needs of recruits in police training. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 13/12/2021 Research article How the Interplay Between Organisational ‘culture’ and ‘climate’ Shapes Police Officers’ Perceptions of Community Policing This article draws on interview data and the concepts of organisational ‘culture’ and ‘climate’ to critically assess police officers’ perceptions of community policing in one English constabulary. In so doing, it considers the cultural, organisational and wider contextual determinants of officers’ alignment to this style of police work. With an emphasis on developing community partnerships and engaging in problem-solving, rather than enforcement of the criminal law, community policing has been seen a primary way of rendering officers more ‘responsive’ to the needs of citizens, improving police–community relations and driving down crime rates. An important reform movement in police organisations around the world, the success of community policing nonetheless depends on officers’ willingness and ability to deliver it. Accordingly, the generation of evidence about the ‘drivers’ of officers’ attitudes to inform strategies to promote the delivery of the approach is essential. Findings suggest that officers value community policing as an organisational strategy but that the approach maintains a low status and is undervalued compared with other specialisms within the organisation. This is born of an organisational culture that foregrounds law enforcement as the primary function of police work and an organisational climate that reinforces it. This has implications for community officers in terms of their perceptions of and attitudes towards the approach, self-esteem and sense of value and worth, perceptions of organisational justice, discretionary effort and role commitment. Recommendations for police managers are set out. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 13/12/2021 Research article A Robbery Is A Robbery Is A Robbery? Exploring Crime Specificity in Official Police Incident Data Police crime data guide police operations, direct funding, underpin theory testing and policy evaluation, aide private sector decisions, and inform the public. Those applications would benefit from greater crime specificity. The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) should improve police crime data specificity. Using robbery incident data (n = 1,341) with NIBRS variables and narrative reports from the Cincinnati Police Department and qualitative analysis, this study identified thirteen robbery subtypes in the data. Tables and data visualizations demonstrate the same thirteen robbery subtypes cannot be identified using just NIBRS variables. Rather the qualitative narrative reports are most informative. While an improvement, NIBRS data are unlikely to increase the crime specificity police crime data users need. Police crime data users are urged to think carefully about what official crime data measures are used when testing theory, conducting crime analysis, evaluating policy, and so on. Recommendations for improving police data recording practices are also offered. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 13/12/2021 Research article Facing an opioid epidemic, Manchester NH takes a new approach to drug crisis With many US cities and states facing continuing increases in opioid addiction and overdoses, Manchester Police Department in New Hampshire has launched a programme based on outreach and support rather than punishment; journalist Shawne Wickham of the New Hampshire Union Leader reports on the progress of the Community Response Unit’s efforts to prevent deaths and encourage addiction treatment. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/12/2021 Feature Body recovery from water study Research into body movement patterns in water to aid recovery College of Policing 13/12/2021 Feature The Internet of Things – five things you need to know What the Internet of Things is and why it's important for modern policing College of Policing 13/12/2021 News Fresh appeal to identify killer of DC thirty years after he was murdered SIO says social media and advances in forensic science could identify killer of officer working off duty. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/12/2021 News More than 1,600 arrests since the start of BTP’s County Lines Taskforce This month marks two years on from the beginning of the British Transport Police (BTP) County Lines Taskforce, having been setup with Home Office funding in December 2019. British Transport Police 13/12/2021 News Auditor general says Ontario Provincial Police is short 1,000 frontline officers CANADA: When you call the Ontario Provincial Police Association, one of the first options on the automated message is to report a staffing shortage. CBC News (Canada) 13/12/2021 News «231723182319232023212322232323242325Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events